Monthly Archives: February, 2015

What have we been doing this week?

Welcome back!!!

Welcome back year six!!! This term we have an exciting literacy topic. We hope you had a fun half term!!!


This week, year six have been learning about the melting icecaps in the Arctic. We have produced two pieces of work: A letter from a polar bear in those conditions and a free write which ranged from a diary entry to a persuasive letter.


This week we have worked on interpreting data and mean, median, mode and range. Here is a song we have learnt to help us:

Hey diddle diddle the median’s the middle,

You add then divide for the mean,

The mode’s the one you see the most,

And the range is the difference between.


By Heather Layton

Our week in Yr 6!

SAT’s Practise

This week, year 6 have all sat another round of past SAT’s papers. We have been so impressed with the progress the children have made across Reading, Maths and SPaG.

It is great to see all of the hard work the year group have put in has paid off. Well done year 6!

We have sent home the Maths papers for the children to go through at home, checking for any mistakes they have made to assist them in tackling these math problems in future tests.

5C Assembly

The children have all been showing how we can use our learning behaviours within all of our lessons and have been rewarded in a 5C assembly for their hard work.

We would like to wish all of the children a very enjoyable half term break and we very much look forward to starting our new literacy and context topics when we return. We believe it will engage the children just as much as the last topic did!

See you all soon!

Mr Peplow and Mrs Pfeiffer!

Stories around the campfire!




Scary stories around the campfire!

Scary stories around the campfire!

A blog by the African Penguins

Maths week 2015!!!
During the course of this week, we have had many exciting experiences like parental guidance in an interactive maths lesson, maths-related dress-up and an exciting theatre performance by hobgoblin theatres.

This week we have been writing gothic horror stories. We had a campfire and marshmallows and presented our horror stories. Tension is rising as we have not been told by superman (onesie clad Mr.Peplow) who has not told us who has won first, second and third place. But we are soon to find out…