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Thank you

We just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work you are putting in Year Three. We have loved seeing everything you have been up to through email and hearing what you have been up to over the phone! It’s really important Year Three to keep up with the work and keep your mind busy. We expect you to have a lot more breaks then you do at school and that is fine! It’s a lot harder working from home (we’re struggling too!) so do what works best for you. We want you to learn new things too- from our phone calls children have learnt how to do different jobs around the house such as the dishwasher and cleaning the car. Be creative and make things, learn how to cook! Watch your family make dinner and write a recipe that you can keep for when you’re an adult! Lots of lovely things you can do as well as the work we set.

Jasmine has really been keeping herself busy with a variety of activities.

Ellen has also been completing lots of fantastic work- she even performed a concert to her grandparents over Skype with her family all playing an instrument in a band!

We have had lots of lovely photos through and thank you for those! Modern technology won’t always allow me to upload these to the blog so I am sorry if they’re not on here- we promise we have seen them!

Below is a wonderful poem created by Hope-

Don’t Worry By Hope P

Don’t panic

Our world will be a better place if we listen to what we are told

Nothing will defeat us if we help each other

Taking the responsibility into your own hands

Worrying makes it worse

Opportunity to show we care

Rallying together to help those who need it

Rely on others to help you as well

You can be one of the people who change how some act.

Thank you Hope for that inspiring message.
Look out on the blog tomorrow for next weeks homelearning!

We miss you Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions, stay safe.

Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike and Mrs Atkins

Home Learning Showcase

If you need a little inspiration for completing either the Stations of the Cross or Sikhism presentations, take a look at these brilliant examples completed by three of our lovely year groups…

Catholicism – Stations of the Cross

Sikhism – Gurdwara

Well done and thank you for sharing them 🙂


Easter home learning

Happy Easter ‘holidays’ Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions. I know this may not be the usual Easter holidays you’re used to but I’m sure you will make the most of it!
We have loved all of your photos that have been emailed in and we have enjoyed speaking to you and finding out what you have been doing over the phone too.
Over the next two weeks we will continue to upload activities on to my maths, sumdog and times tables rock stars.
With lovely weather like this, take a book outside, build a reading den and have fun reading too!

As it is the Easter holidays we have RE themed homelearning for you to complete over the next two weeks.

Friday 3rd April

As part of your RE learning and preparation for Easter, we would like you to focus upon Holy Week – this is when Christians reflect on the final week of Jesus’s life. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?

•Create a PowerPoint that includes information about each station of the cross.
•Write prayer booklet, to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and offer prayers of strength and support to those who are suffering.
•Record the thoughts and feelings of Mary in a journal – how would she have felt at this time? Why?
•Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
•Host a worship session with members of your household. Can you choose a special image or bible passage to use as part of your reflection on the events of Holy Week?
•Write the words ‘Holy Week’ in large bubble writing and include any relevant religious symbols, signs and Holy
colours to decorate it with.
•Look up the stations of the cross online and read the Bible story. Can you use drama or role play to re-enact each scene and remember what happened?

Friday 10th April

This week, as part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon Sikhism. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this faith further?

•A painting of all of the religious symbols found within this faith? Label what each one is called/used for.
•An information poster including 10 key facts about the religion.
•Write a diary entry for a follower of this faith – what would their day look like and how would they pray?
•Build a place of worship for your chosen faith ​(e.g. temple, Gurdwara, Mosque)
•​Create a piece of music that could be used for prayer by the followers of this religion.

•If you could make a set of rules or commandments for this faith, what would they be?
•Create a set of top trump, ‘snap’ or ‘pairs’ cards about this faith, to play with your family members.

Here is also some art inspiration from Mrs Pearson-

Leonardo Da Vinci did a famous painting of The Last Supper.

Can you draw, colour or paint you own Last Supper picture?
Fancy something different:
Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
Create your own Easter Garden, include a simple cross, cave/tomb, add flowers and/or seeds that will grow over Easter.
Email your art work to me:

Have a lovely two weeks Hippos and Lions, stay home and stay safe, we miss you.

Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike and Mrs Atkins

Easter home learning

Happy Easter ‘holidays’ Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions. I know this may not be the usual Easter holidays you’re used to but I’m sure you will make the most of it!
We have loved all of your photos that have been emailed in and we have enjoyed speaking to you and finding out what you have been doing over the phone too.
Over the next two weeks we will continue to upload activities on to my maths, sumdog and times tables rock stars.
With lovely weather like this, take a book outside, build a reading den and have fun reading too!

As it is the Easter holidays we have RE themed homelearning for you to complete over the next two weeks.

Friday 3rd April

As part of your RE learning and preparation for Easter, we would like you to focus upon Holy Week – this is when Christians reflect on the final week of Jesus’s life. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?

•Create a PowerPoint that includes information about each station of the cross.
•Write prayer booklet, to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and offer prayers of strength and support to those who are suffering.
•Record the thoughts and feelings of Mary in a journal – how would she have felt at this time? Why?
•Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
•Host a worship session with members of your household. Can you choose a special image or bible passage to use as part of your reflection on the events of Holy Week?
•Write the words ‘Holy Week’ in large bubble writing and include any relevant religious symbols, signs and Holy
colours to decorate it with.
•Look up the stations of the cross online and read the Bible story. Can you use drama or role play to re-enact each scene and remember what happened?

Friday 10th April

This week, as part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon Sikhism. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this faith further?

•A painting of all of the religious symbols found within this faith? Label what each one is called/used for.
•An information poster including 10 key facts about the religion.
•Write a diary entry for a follower of this faith – what would their day look like and how would they pray?
•Build a place of worship for your chosen faith ​(e.g. temple, Gurdwara, Mosque)
•​Create a piece of music that could be used for prayer by the followers of this religion.

•If you could make a set of rules or commandments for this faith, what would they be?
•Create a set of top trump, ‘snap’ or ‘pairs’ cards about this faith, to play with your family members.

Here is also some art inspiration from Mrs Pearson-

Leonardo Da Vinci did a famous painting of The Last Supper.

Can you draw, colour or paint you own Last Supper picture?
Fancy something different:
Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
Create your own Easter Garden, include a simple cross, cave/tomb, add flowers and/or seeds that will grow over Easter.
Email your art work to me:

Have a lovely two weeks Hippos and Lions, stay home and stay safe, we miss you.

Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike and Mrs Atkins

Art Home Learning – Friday 27th March 2020

This week I would like you to create something with a paper plate.  Please don’t worry if you do not have one at home you can just draw around a plate and then cut it out.

I would like you to link it to China, the country that your Year Group is studying, so here are some ideas.

However, any creation would be wonderful.

Please email a photo of your artwork to me and I will share it on the Art Blog.

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

Home Learning – Friday 27th March 2020

Hello everyone 🙂 We hope you’re all keeping well.

We have received, via the school office, a couple of lovely updates this week. These updates, though not compulsory, have inspired us to share with you a little bit of what we have been up to as we miss you all so much!

Mrs Atkins has made the most of the beautiful weather and has been out in the garden planting seeds with her children. The only problem is that cheeky, little Aubrey took out some of the labels which showed what seeds were planted where! Amazingly, two of the three plants have sprouted already after just two days. Can you predict which is which out of lettuce, radish and chilli?

Mrs Pike and her family have also been enjoying the good weather and have been on a ‘Nature Listening Walk’ where they used their senses and did some sketching.

Ollie enjoyed the feel of the grass and the daisies.

Miss Shaw has turned her dining table into a home office so that she can continue to plan very exciting, creative learning opportunities for you! She’s also taken up running and is really enjoying getting out each day for some fresh air.


The home-learning which we would like for you to have a go at this week is…

Reading comprehension

Please read the newspaper report, ‘Roman Coin Surprise for Mrs Ship’. The related activities are:

  1. Write 5 questions that you could ask someone to find out if they have read this book carefully.
  2. Write a postcard from one of the characters to another person, telling them what has been happening (use your knowledge of the story).
  3. Copy out a passage from your book. Make sure you include all the punctuation. Colour all the full stops red, commas green, question marks blue, and exclamation marks yellow. Colour any speech marks orange.


Writing activity

Below is a link to the Fishbourne Roman palace website. Your writing activity this week could be –

A script for a tour guide leading people around the museum.

A brochure/ leaflet advertising the museum

A diary entry from your trip to the museum.

An adventure story based on a school trip to the museum ‘gone wrong’

You can complete more than one if you want to!



This week you are practicing specific spellings from the year 3 / 4 spelling list. What part of these spellings below makes these words tricky? Explain why.








Now write these words in a spelling pyramid.

Challenge- can you write silly sentences including these words?



Below is a link to multiple fraction tasks. Once you have answered the questions you can check your answers against the answer sheet.

Below is a link to a fraction card game you can play online. Could you create your own paper fraction cards to play with your family?



This week we would like you to complete a science experiment! We would like you to plant two separate plants in different places- expecting one to grow and one not to grow- looking back on last weeks learning to help you. Complete the sheet in the link and explain what is going to happen.

What does my plant need to grow well?



Research Roman villas on the links below.

Design and draw your own Roman villa and label your layout using terms such as peristilum for indoor garden, galleria for kitchen, slave quarters, dining rooms etc.

Then create an estate agent poster to try and sell a Roman villa. What would its selling points be? (views, safety, amenities such as baths, amphitheater nearby etc.)


We hope you enjoy these tasks and that the children are continuing to love learning about the Romans, amongst all the other lovely things you’re no-doubt getting up to as a family!

Take care,

Mrs Atkins,  Mrs Pike and Miss Shaw.

Free audio books!

It has come to our attention that Amazon today cancelled the subscription of books and audio stories for children and students of all ages as long as schools are closed, children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet using the following link

Home Learning for next week

Below is all of the learning we would like to be completed next week. As well as all of this, be creative, go outside in the garden and be active, but most importantly stay safe and enjoy spending quality time with your family. 

We miss you already Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions. 

Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike and Mrs Atkins. 


Reading comprehension
Please see below the non- fiction report on the Romans. Answer the questions at the bottom of the sheet. Challenge- can you think of your own questions to ask about the text?
In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.

The Romans Middle Ability QAs

Writing activity
Below is a link to a picture of the mad hatter. As we have been creating character descriptions about Boudicca this week please can you apply those skills to write a character description about the Mad Hatter. Remember to include- fronted adverbials, similes and descriptive language.

This week your spelling is to spell the phoneme ‘k’ spelt with a ‘ch’. For example-
anchor, ache, choir, echo, school. Can you think of any others? Pick strategies from your strategy sheet.
Extra -To consolidate our learning on homophones, have a play on the following website…
The Homophone Machine gets kids excited about homophones.
See how many homophones you can include in a sentence or paragraph.

Below is a link to a fun addition game. Think systematically to be effective. If you are finding this tricky- change the numbers to 1-6 and try and reach 50. If you would like a challenge add two extra boxes and try and reach 1000!
Now can you create your own addition game.
Remember that sumdog and times tables rockstars have also been updated with activities.

Our next science topic is growing. See below for a link to start a discussion about what plants need to grow. If you are able to, this would be a great opportunity to get some seeds and start growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables.

Following on from our school trip last week, please see the following link for some art and history fun linked to The Romans.

Online Reading Books


We have subscribed to an online resource of school reading books. We would encourage you to log on and read daily. The resource also has questions about the books for you to answer.

Below is a link to a PDF which you can click on to open. It explains in detail how to log on and access over 250 online books for free.


Friday 13th March 2020

What a week!

In Maths this week we have been continuing with learning and using the grid method.

In English this week we have finished writing, editing and best of all, publishing our Roman Slave Diaries. They look authentically Roman, written on their ‘ancient’ scrolls!

In Topic this week we have learnt about Boudicca and how we don’t really know exactly what she looked like as there are no surviving portraits of her from her lifetime. The images we see today are based on old written reports of her and these vary based on the writers opinion of her. The children produced some lovely pictures of their own based on what we know and think of her personally.

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents’ Evening on Tuesday and Wednesday and to have the opportunity to share with you how your children are doing and how they can be supported at home to maintain their progress. We appreciate all of your support, thank you.

This was followed on Thursday by a trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace. Thank you to all the adult helpers – we couldn’t run valuable trips like this without you and you did a wonderful job. It was a brilliant (and mostly dry!) day, jam-packed with wonder and awe. We hope that your child was able to come home and tell you an array of interesting facts or stories from throughout the day.

This week ended on a high with our school Poetry Competition Finals, featuring three of our lovely Year 3s. They were spectacular and we are incredibly proud of them. Well done, William, Lucy and Lola – the effort you have put in to practicing clearly paid off!

This weekend, please try and log in to SumDog, in addition to spelling and vocabulary homework. A couple of competitions have been set up for the children to practice their tables and recently learnt skills. We will be monitoring the use of SumDog as there is the possibility that, with high enough numbers, we could enter a County Contest. Please remember that even without live contests, competitions and assessments, SumDog is still very beneficial as it learns what your child needs to practice and puts those opportunities in place.

We wish you a restful weekend after a busy week and look forward to seeing you on Monday…

Team 3.