Category Archives: Uncategorized

Year three’s orienteering trip

Last Monday, we were lucky enough to go to Staunton country park orienteering! There were a few children in Year Three that got to go in the afternoon.

When we got there in our mini bus we sat on the grass and we got told what to do.

We got a map for our group so we know where we were going. It was super hard, luckily we had a grown up to help us, we had Mrs Spicer for 3s and Mrs Moore for 3st.

It  was an amazing day,   we had lots of  fun there. We were 4 minutes late because someone was too slow (Harriet) but we got 143 points in the end. We were 4th, we didn’t get a medal but we got a certificate in golden leaf assembly.

Harriet and Aimee

Home learning ideas…

Are you stuck for ideas for home learning this week?

Literacy: I’m Literacy, we have been creating a website for a new Roman archaeological site using powerpoint. Could you create an information leaflet for your own site. Maybe you might want to create a museum? Or a theme park? There will be an invite for parents to come and see the ‘websites’ that children are creating using powerpoint.

Maths: We have been practising our division skills this week linked with the Wimbledon tournament which has now begun.  For example: If I had 324 tennis balls to be boxed into packets containing three tennis ball, how many packets will I need to fit all of the tennis balls?

Home learning: Bug club and Abacus Maths

What else could I do? How about researching more information about Wimbledon? Or finding out about Ramadan? Could you write a recount about what you are did on INSET day?

Keep safe in the sun – Slip, Slop, Slap (hats, suncream and plenty of water)


Year 3 Team!

Butser Ancient Farm

On Thursday 11th June 2015, Year Three spent the day at Butser Ancient Farm to learn about life in Britain before the Romans arrived and also discover how it changed once they settled.

The children took part in 4 activities: wattling, clunching, spinning, and a tour of the Roman villa.  We even had time to visit the gift shop. The children took part in all of the activities very sensibly and didn’t give up with the trickier activities.  For more information on these activities, please click the link below:

The children were impeccably behaved and it was a pleasure to take them on this school trip. Well Done Year 3!

Photos to be uploaded soon.

Welcome back!

A big welcome back to all of our lovely Year Three’s. We hope you have all had a fun yet restful half term.

We also need to welcome back someone new to our Year Three team – Mrs Stewart! Here are some pictures of her wonderful wedding day- well done Year Three for keeping the presents a secret!

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image (2)


3S class assembly

A big well done to ever member of 3S for their wonderful class assembly. They all worked so hard learning their lines off by heart and the words to be our guest.

Thank you to all the parents that came and celebrated the children’s learning with us! We really hope you enjoyed it 🙂

The money raised…

Year Three raised £214.13 as part of the restaurant project.  Thank you to everyone who contributed money towards the restaurant.

We therefore have some money to send to a charity of our choice.  As we were learning about the Rainforest last term, we have decided that we would like to sponsor an animal from the Rainforest.  Click on the link below to research which animal you would like to sponsor!

Year Three Team

Guess what Mrs D caught………

…………. A DRAGON!

In Year Three we been writing about how to trap a dragon so that we can train it.

Mrs D came and saw us today with a real DRAGON! His name was Rango. We had to be really quiet (which wasn’t easy) so that we didn’t spook him. He had really sharp claws that hooked into Mrs D’s jumper and his skin camouflaged with sand and bark. She even had a pot of his skin which had been shed. He was surprisingly smooth considering the amount of spikes all over his back.

Thank you Mrs D for letting us meet a real life dragon! We have had such an exciting week in Year Three, I wonder what will be next…

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Taste-tastic three course meal!

A Huge well done to everyone in Year Three- you all managed to create a delicious three course healthy meal for all of your family.

The children worked ALL day preparing the healthy three courses, learning new skills along the way- such as the bridge method for safely cutting and chopping. We hope to have inspired more budding chefs for the future.

Thank you to all of the adults who attended/ helped set up and tidy up the event.

We really hope both the children and adults had as much fun participating in the meal as the teachers.

We wanted to share some pictures of the day with you- Great job Year Three!


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More pictures to follow!

Year Three Team!!


The restaurant project by Year Three

The day has finally arrived for Year 3 to run a restaurant for a day. The children are already very excited and looking forward to serving YOU! Thank you for your support – we are expecting a very good turn out indeed.

Unfortunately we will not be feeding the children so please send the children in with a snack to eat at the end of the day after school.

The children have created the dessert in school today and it is currently being chilled in the fridge as we speak.

The plan for tomorrow: The children will be going over to Oaklands throughout the day in small groups of 16 to prepare the meal for the evening.   The children will get the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the meal preparations. We will be taking the children to Oaklands after school where they will be supervised and helping to set up the restaurant and finalising any of the meals.  We would like parents to arrive at 4:30 and the food will be served shortly after arrival.  As previously mentioned, there will be 3 courses. In between courses, we have a selection of performers who will keep you entertained.  We anticipate the meal ending at 6pm.

The Menu:

Starter:  Tomato bruschetta on toasted bread, topped with rocket.


Main: Mixed vegetable Ragu served with spagetti pasta and a side salad.

(Vegetables included: onions, peppers and courgettes)


Dessert: Fruit Jelly topped with whipped cream and a strawberry garnish.


We hope that you enjoy your meal. We ask for a small donation towards the cost of the meal.  Any money left over will be donated to a charity of the children’s choosing.

We are all very excited about tomorrow and hope that any worries have been answered.

Year Three Team!










Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone.  We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather that we have had recently and feel well rested and ready to learn.

A lot has happened while you were away.  I’m sure the news has reached home that there have been sightings of…Dragons! That’s right … Dragons! But do not worry. The Year 3 children held a meeting and discussed possible courses of actions. We heard from Police Officers, Zoo keepers and local residents who had spotted the Dragons! The verdict was that we would attempt to trap these dragons and possibly use them to help us out in our lives. Watch this space for Instructions about how to do these things!

Next week the Year 3 children will be running a restaurant for the day.  Please ensure you have returned the form requesting a seat at the restaurant and specify any dietary requirements.

Spellings: To be able to spell words that use a ‘y’ instead of the ‘i’ such as ‘myth,’ ‘gym’. Could this link to the Dragon topic?? ‘I heard that Dragons were a myth but my mother spotted one working out in the gym after eating 10 cygnets!’ Could you create your own dragon inspired sentences?

Year 3 team