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Home Learning and Library visit

Home Learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ion’

In Year Three we learn our spellings every day in lessons ready to be tested on that Friday. We will then send home a sheet of spellings from the test with the words that they spelt wrong highlight in pink for them to keep practising.  The sheet is in the home learning book.

However, If they scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, they can use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ion’ for their home  spellings this week such as struggling.

Times Tables:  We have a times tables test every Monday in Year Three. If there is a times table the children need to practice, we will send them home with a sheet to support them and practice for the next test.

Literacy: Try writing an explanation text for how something works.  It would be something you make up yourself i.e. ‘How does a Room Tidier 3000 work?’ or maybe a machine which can help you learn your times tables?

On Tuesday 20th October, the children in year 3 will be walking to Waterlooville library to present their explanation texts about ‘How a dinosaur really works’. The children have been creating their own dinosaurs and deciding how they might work internally.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 3 team.


Celtic day!

Year Three had  a fantastic Friday experiencing how to be a Celt!

We went onto the playground and made cave paintings, we ventured into the wooded area and built round houses too out of mud and sticks. In the afternoon we tried weaving, jewellery making and even made secret codes out of ancient Runes!

Thank you for providing the children with fantastic costumes, they really enjoyed themselves.


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Celtic Day – Friday 9th October 2015

On Friday, it is our Celtic day.  The children should come to school dressed in old clothes that can they can get dirty in preferably dark clothes.  We will be outside for the best part of the morning.  Please do not worry about elaborate costumes but if the children have prepared a costume, we look forward to seeing it on Friday.  Last year, some children wore picnic blankets as tunics and put a little bit of face paint on their faces.

On the day we will be doing some cave painting, weaving, pottery and much more.  We hope the children enjoy their day re-enacting life as a Celt!

Year 3 Team

Home Learning for this week

Home Learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ing’

In Year Three we learn our spellings every day in lessons ready to be tested on that Friday. We will then send home a sheet of spellings from the test with the words that they spelt wrong highlight in pink for them to keep practising.  The sheet is in the home learning book.

However, If they scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, they can use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ing’ for their home  spellings this week such as struggling.

Times Tables:  We have a times tables test every Monday in Year Three. If there is a times table the children need to practice we will send them home with a sheet to support them and practice for the next test.

Don’t forget My Maths, Bug Club and Abacus online!

Have a good weekend

Home Learning

Home Learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ing’

Practise the words that you didn’t get right this week in our test.  The sheet is in your home learning book and the words you need to practise are highlighted pink.

However, If you scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ing’ for your spellings this week such as struggling.

Times Tables: Keep practising your times table for the test on Monday.

RE: Can you explore ways in which you can look after God’s creation?

Online: Bug Club and Abacus Maths

Year 3 Team

Miss Smillie to Mrs McDermott wedding pics!

Hello to the new year 3!

Mrs McDermott here!

I promised I would post some pics of the wedding on here so here they are!

Thank you to all the well wishes, cards and gifts (including your beautiful bunting and song!). My husband Ben and I had a wonderful day!

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Brilliant Butser!


The children all enjoyed our fantastic trip to Butser Hill last week where we were lucky enough to have beautiful weather. They were able to have a hands on experience of what life would have been like in the stone age and learnt lots more about our topic.

Some of the activities the children took part in were:

  • Making bracelets and necklaces from wool
  • Moulding clay pots
  • Helped to build a stone age fence
  • Ground chalk with mallets
  • Looked around round houses
  • Visited the pigs and Goats

Photos of the day will be added to the blog this week.

Home Learning

The children learnt lots more about the stone age period and are eager to learn more! We have attached the Stone Age home learning pyramid below for the children to start completing some of the tasks for this half term. The children have also stuck these in their home learning books to give them some ideas.

Home learning – Iron Age

Abacus and Bugclub have been updated and ready for the children to do their weekly learning.

Thank you,

Year 3 Team

Our first week……..

The first week has come to an end in Year Three and we have really enjoyed being back together again. Children have now been provided with their homework diaries to record their homework in and their work book. Their new Stone Age to the Iron Age homework pyramid has been stuck into the front of these too.

We will be kicking off next week with our trips to Butser Ancient farm- 3ST will be going on Monday and 3SH will be going on Tuesday. Please ensure children are provided with a packed lunch and water bottle for the day. The site is predominantly outside so please provide the children with appropriate clothing for the weather e.g wellies, trainers, rain coats, sun hats (too optimistic!) If you are yet to return your slip PLEASE may these be returned by Monday morning at the latest.  Butser is a fantastic venue for us to have a hands on experience of what it was like to live in the Stone Age to the Iron age period of time.

Look out for next weeks post of photos of us learning at Butser.

Year 3 team

The new term awaits…

Welcome back…

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow. We hope everyone feels rested and ready for the new term ahead. Our welcome meeting will be held in the Year Three classroom on Thursday. We hope to see you there from 3:30 onwards.

Team Year Three.

Holy Communion

A big congratulations to all of our lovely Year Three’s taking their first Holy communion in various churches over these last few weeks. It is such a special time for you all and we have loved looking at your pictures and wonderful presents- please continue to share them.

Mrs Stewart thought you were very smartly dressed and really enjoyed sharing your first Holy Communion with some of you on Saturday at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville. Miss Shaw is looking forward to seeing the rest of you on the 18th July at Scared Heart on your special day.
