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Heroes week

This week across the school we have been celebrating heroes week!

The children have enjoyed attending many assemblies, led by inspiring heroes.

Today we were lucky enough to have our own special heroine into Year Three, Kristopher’s auntie! She has been a nurse in different A and E departments for 23 years!

She spoke to us about all of her experiences as a nurse and brought lots of interesting items from the hospital. We all had a go applying a sling to each other too. She then applied a plaster cast to Kristopher’s ‘broken’ arm, it was very interesting.

Thank you so much to Andy for coming in and sharing her heroic experiences with us.

Also a big thank you to everyone at home who helped the children with their costumes- they all look fantastic!

Have a lovely and restful half term Year Three- only one term left with each other, let’s make it the best yet!

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

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Hippos Assembly

Thank you to all of the family and friends who came to support the children in Hippo class for our assembly.  The children have been practising throughout the week and have all been very excited to show everyone what we had achieved. We hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

The children spoke with clear voices and should be very proud of themselves.  Thank you to all the parents for helping the children get their costumes together – they all looked fabulous!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.

Mrs Stewart!

Welcome back Year Three!

First of all, apologies for not posting on the site for a while- there was a technical issue in which no one could log on and post! However it is all sorted now 🙂

We have enjoyed welcoming the children back after a well deserved rest over the two weeks Easter holidays.

We have dived straight into our new topic- DRAGONS!


All of Year Three are very excited about our new topic, it  has inspired new learning already!

St George’s day is this Saturday the 23rd April, in honour of our topic we will be taking park in a St Georges fun day- completing activities based on Saint George and finding out all about him.


The new homework pyramid has now gone home- but of course if you are inspired to create anything else from the topic please feel free to do so! We are looking forward to your creations.

I hope you are looking forward to this half terms learning as much as we are Year Three!

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

Fantastic Friday

Wow, what a busy Friday we have had today in Year Three!

This morning, we all went over to Oaklands in groups to plant a variety of seeds in their vegetable patch and green house. Year Three and some children at Oaklands are going to take good care of the seeds to help them grow into some yummy vegetables. We would love to cook for our parents, using these ingredients we have grown, during our healthy living topic in the summer term.

After a whole morning of science, it was time for a historical afternoon. Again going over to Oaklands, we were lucky enough to be taught by Mrs Masson (Joshua’s mum!) and her history club. They set up SIX activities all based on the Romans for us to learn from. We learnt about Roman fashion, made mosaics, taught to speak Latin, ate Roman food and more,  it was amazing! The children learnt so much from the Oaklands students.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Oaklands involved in our wonderful day of learning!

Due to such a busy day, we didn’t manage to look at everyone’s homelearning- you have an extra two days to complete any homelearning Year Three and we will share homelearning on Monday afternoon next week. If today inspired you- you create a piece of home learning based on it!

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New life

In RE Year Three have been focusing on the significance of new life during Lent. In our last RE lesson we remembered there was new life in the school- chicks in reception!

We were lucky enough to go down and meet the new additions to the school- Miss Shaw was able to hold a chick born yesterday. Another chick had hatched an hour before we got there!

I wonder what other signs of new Year Three can find in their own homes/gardens/areas?


A visit from the banana farmer

Today, Year 3 went to Oakland’s to see a banana farmer and he told the classes about how his life is going. He talked in a Spanish language and he had an assistant to speaking in English to us and Oakland’s children! The banana worker told us there was a hurricane in their country .The couple also showed a power point about their life in Columbia. They told us about why Fairtrade is so important.       By Madeleine and Nathan.

Fairtrade Farmer

Today all of Year Three were lucky enough to go over to Oaklands to meet a Fairtrade farmer. He taught us about how he works and his life. His life was difficult before Fairtrade .He had a hurricane that  destroyed his farm. Fairtrade helped him and helped his life . He lives in Columbia and he grows bananas .  Fairtrade helped him with his children to go to school, have uniform, kit and eat properly in his life. They also helped him buy chickens and cows.banana-split

If banana growers are not part of Fairtrade, we were shocked to hear that the person who sold the bananas got the most amount of money!!! The people that worked and grew the bananas got least amount of money!!!

This is not fair! Everyone needs to buy fairtrade food, to help other children and families who deserve the correct amount of money for their hard work.

By Alicia.R , Tia ,Cecilia Crocker , Joshua.Hunter

Home learning

In Year Three we have started our new topic for this half term- THE ROMANS!

Below is a link to the new Roman homework pyramid, full of ideas to inspire the children’s homelearning.

Of course if the children have their own ideas for homelearning around our Roman topic then that would be wonderful!

We can not wait to see what amazing things the children create and find- we can see how much they love this topic already.

Remember we share our homelearning on a Friday afternoon.

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

Bloom’s HL Romans – Copy

Park Ranger visit

On Tuesday, we had a Park Ranger from Staunton visit us at school – Steve Peach.  He talked to us about the layers of the Rainforest, the people and tribes that you find in the rainforest, and the dangers facing the Rainforest including deforestation.  He also shared some of his experiences from his trips to the African Rainforests.  We were lucky enough to touch some items that he has bought back from the Rainforest over the years including a hat made of bark, coffee beans and musical instruments!!

It was inspiring to listen to Steve talk so passionately about the Rainforest and our responsibility in protecting it.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked some excellent questions to Steve about his experiences.

Year Three Team!


What an incredible day we have had at Staunton!

We started our day with a guided tour around the tropical Rainforest.  We experienced what it feels like to be in the Rainforest through being surrounded by plants, listening to the various animal noises, and feeling the humidity.  We acted out being a Rainforest and some of us even designed our own plants.  Next, we had the opportunity to meet a cane toad – it was huge! But luckily it didn’t jump.  We watched it being fed and were amazed at the speed with which the tongue gobbled up the food.  We also met some friendly millipedes and some energetic cockroaches! We all enjoyed this very much.

After lunch, we went out to explore the farm. Most of us were luckily enough to go and see the butterfly house, we had the opportunity to do some spray painting and of course we took some time to play in the play areas.  There were plenty of animals out and about including piglets, cows, sheep and goats.

We all arrived back at school very sleepy and looking forward to a well earned rest.  The children were beautifully behaved and perfectly represented the school.  Thank you to all the adult helpers that joined us on the trip – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Mrs Stewart 🙂