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Well we have reached the end of our first half term of learning, and what a lot of learning there has been! The children now all appear to be experts in the Stone Age with many wonderful artifacts being brought in as part of the home learning.

In our final week of fractions for this half term we have been exploring finding fractions of amounts and the children have been able to represent their answers in diagrams and with tools. Keep practising at home with anything you can find!

The children have rewritten the first chapter of Stig of the Dump. We looked at using dialogue to help make our characters come to life and even acted out the scenes ourselves! I wonder if you can come up with what will happen in the rest of the story?

This week also saw our first Mass of the year at Sacred Heart Church, we took the time to reflect on the important role of Mary in our faith. Father Kevin was impressed with the attitude and mature behaviour that the children displayed and so were we! Well done to all those children who came to our Mass.

Thank you to all who have helped us over this half term including our Butser Ancient Farm trip and our Mass at Sacred Heart Church; this is always greatly appreciated and vital to allow us to continue providing these opportunities.

We both hope that you have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you,

Mr. Austin and Miss. Honeywell

Stone Age fun!

This week, the children have enjoyed exploring their Stone Age topic in further depth.

On Tuesday 11th October, Year Three were lucky enough to have a visitor from Butser Ancient Farm. During this activity, the children were very excited to learn fun facts about the Stone Age and even handle some of the ancient artefacts. The children have been very engaged across the course of our Stone Age topic – this has been reflected by some of the excellent home learning that they have worked hard to produce. Thank you to all parents who have supported their children in these projects. Photos of the visit and home learning can be seen below…

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In Maths this week, the children have been learning about fractions. In particular we have worked on finding fractions of amounts (e.g. what is half of ten coins?) and shall continue to do so next week. A good home activity to try is to give the children a set of objects from around the house and split them between 2 or 4 hula hoops (in order to calculate halves or quarters of a full set of objects).

In English this week, the children have enjoyed reading Clive King’s Stig of the Dump as part of their latest unit of work (i.e. descriptive writing and narrative). After spending some time at our Nature Trail, the children have produced some brilliant descriptions of the chalk pit from Stig of the Dump. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of adjectives and sensory detail in their writing. Perhaps the children could go on a short walk this weekend, to look around their local environment and find some inspiration for further descriptive writing.

We hope you have a great weekend of learning!

Kind regards

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin



Hurray for the hats!


We had a wonderful CAFOD day raising lots of money for this wonderful charity. We saw a variety of weird and wonderful hats that certainly brightened our day!



Thank you for spending the time with the children to make the hats-it certainly showed a great deal of creativity!

This week in our Maths we have continued to explore mental multiplication and division. The children have grown in their confidence of when and how to use their mental maths skills, as shown when we had some very tricky word problems! Maybe your child could write some of their own problems for you or when your at the shops ask the children how many multiplication facts could they make for the eggs in an egg carton!

In our English we have been learning to write persuasively to sell a stone age house! The children have done a great job in using a variety of sentence types, such as rhetorical questions, and very exciting language to do this. I wonder what of yours they could try and sell us?

Have a great week of learning!

Thank you,

Miss. Honeywell and Mr. Austin

Year 3 Team

p.s. Some parents are still having difficulty logging on to Abacus and Bug Club. Children will be given their usernames and passwords again on Monday.



CAFOD Fundraising


In addition to Thursday 6th October being our American Lunch it is also our colourful day in order to raise money for CAFOD.

In year 3 we are going to be wearing colourful hats! You may have a colourful hat already or you may want to make one for the day. Here are some ideas:





These hats were mainly made out of card from cereal boxes and wrapping paper!

We would ask that if you wish to wear your hat that you bring in a small donation for CAFOD.

Thank you,
Year 3 Team


Selling a Mammoth!



This week in our English the children have been really excited about their learning this week. They have been learning to persuade using different sentence types and exciting language. See if you can do some persuasive writing at home!


In our maths we have been exploring mental multiplication and division. The times tables we have been using for this were our 2, 4 5, and 10’s. Next week we will be continuing to explore this idea using our 3’s as well. Try practicing at home this weekend.


We have become really excited in our Science where we have explored magnetism including magnetic materials around the class and attraction and repulsion. What magnetic things can you discover around your house.


We hope you have a lovely weekend exploring more learning!


Thank you,


Year 3 Team

What a week!



The children have settled back into the routine of school life this week and have shown a real engagement with our learning. Through our first experience of home learning this week it appears that the Stone Age has been a big hit and we’ve had many stone age tools being created and shown to the class (fortunately no one has been practicing their neolithic hunting techniques!) A very big thank you to the children for putting so much hard work in.

You will find that there are new activities on MyMaths and Abacus this week, if you experience any problems please do tell a member of staff. For those trying to access MyMaths through an I-Pad, I am informed that you will need to download the ‘Puffin Academy’ App.

This week in our maths we have looked at adding and subtracting hundreds and ones to a three digit number e.g. 300+455 and 532-4. In our English we have been writing instruction texts and thought about how we could use conjunctions. Perhaps you could write instructions for someone in your house for how to set the table or how to tidy a bedroom.

We hope you really enjoy your learning at home and are looking forward to another wonderful week of learning.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Butser Ancient Farm


Thank you to all who could make our welcome meetings we hope that you found the event very informative. Some expressed interest in seeing our non-negotiables that set out the expectations for presentation in books, these can be found here: non-negotiables-for-literacy non-negotiables-for-maths

As you will know both classes had a very exciting time at Butser Ancient Farm. We were very lucky and the weather has been kind to us on both days, allowing us to make the most of the day. Look at the pictures below to see the fun we had! (More pictures to follow!)

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Welcome Back to the New Year!


We hope that you all had a thoroughly enjoyable summer with lots of adventures had! We have been excited to start our new learning adventures this year. The children have begun to settle into new routines and seen the expectations of year 3. We are happy to say that the children are already rising to the challenge!

As you already know, our welcome meeting is on Wednesday 14th where you will receive more information about the year and any trips that are planned. You will also have received information about our Butser Ancient Farm trips happening on the 15th (Hippos) and 16th (Lions), look to the blog next Friday to see photos of what the children have been up to.

We hope to see you at the welcome meeting and hope you have an enjoyable year.


Thank you,


Year 4 Team

The Year 3 Restaurant Project 2016

The day has finally arrived for Year 3 to run a restaurant for a day. The children are already very excited and looking forward to serving YOU! Thank you for your support – we are expecting a very good turn out indeed.

Unfortunately we will not be feeding the children so please send the children in with a snack to eat at the end of the day after school.

The children have created the dessert in school today and it is currently being chilled in the fridge as we speak.

The plan for tomorrow: The children will be going over to Oaklands throughout the day in small groups of 16 to prepare the meal for the evening.   The children will get the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the meal preparations. We will be taking the children to Oaklands after school where they will be supervised and helping to set up the restaurant and finalising any of the meals.  We would like parents to arrive at 4:30 and the food will be served shortly after arrival.  As previously mentioned, there will be 3 courses. In between courses, we have a selection of performers who will keep you entertained.  We anticipate the meal ending at 6pm.

The Menu:

Starter:  Tomato bruschetta on toasted bread, topped with rocket.


Main: Mixed vegetable Ragu served with spagetti pasta and a side salad.

(Vegetables included: onions, peppers and courgettes)


Dessert: Fruit Jelly topped with whipped cream and a strawberry garnish.


We hope that you enjoy your meal. We ask for a small donation towards the cost of the meal.  Any money left over will be donated to a charity of the children’s choosing.

We are all very excited about tomorrow and hope that any worries have been answered.

Year Three Team!

Tuesday 5th July 2016

Just a few ideas for home learning for Tuesday 5th July 2016:

Maths: Calculating the perimeter. Use this website to remind yourself about how to calculate the perimeter.  Could you have a go at creating your own shapes and calculating the perimeter? Or even calculating the perimeter of you bedroom? Or garden?

Literacy: Today the focus is using inverted commas (speech marks). Use this video to remind yourself about how we can use punctuation to show speech between two characters.  Could you write a conversation between two characters?

Topic: How do the muscles in your body work? Use this webpage to research all about muscles and the skeleton:

Complete the table by identifying the main muscles used when carrying out the following everyday household activities and jobs:

walking up stairs *
drinking *
washing the dishes *
vacuum cleaning *
brushing your teeth *
flushing the toilet *
getting out of bed *
opening a door *