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Challenge and change…


This week, the children have shown commitment and collaboration across their learning. In English, Year Three have started to learn about their new healthy eating text, ‘Sweet Tooth’. The children have really enjoyed identifying the key skills involved in producing an entertaining narrative, and have successfully applied these skills within their sentence work. Next week, we look forward to planning, drafting and editing our own Healthy Eating fiction stories.

In Maths, the children have continued to work together across a set of problem solving activities. They have enjoyed converting units of measure and using Maths toolkits as well as formal written methods in order to solve a variety of one-step and multi-step problems. Next week, Year Three shall apply what they have learned about mathematical operations, vocabulary and methods when solving a range of ‘real world’ measure challenges.

We hope you all have an excellent weekend – just a reminder that next week shall be the final opportunity for students to hand in their Healthy Eating topic work for Home Learning, should they wish to share the work they have produced in class.

See you on Monday,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.

Practical Learning…


We hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather.

This week, the children have enjoyed a range of practical and ‘real life’ experiences across the curriculum. On Thursday 6th July, Year Three took part in a Healthy Eating visit to Oaklands Catholic School. Across the day, the children worked in teams to produce a healthy 3 course meal that they served to their parents after school. The trip was a brilliant success and we would like to thank all members of staff who volunteered as well as all parents for their support of the children after school. Please see the photos below…

cooking day 7

cooking day 6

cooking day 5

cooking day 4

cooking day 3

cooking day 2

cooking day 1

The children have also enjoyed learning through practical experiences in other subjects. For example, in Maths, they have measured and compared mass, capacity and length through measuring sand (g and Kg), water (ml and L) as well as lengths of string (mm, cm and m) in the school playground. Both classes enjoyed working in groups to carry out measurements from their challenge cards. Please see the photos below…

measures 11

measures 8

measures 7

measures 6

measures 5

measures 4

measures 3

In English, the children have continued their work towards their Healthy Eating topic. Both classes have now produced their own persuasive and engaging letter about Healthy Eating. The children also enjoyed writing their own Thank You letters, to the teachers who had led the Year 3 cooking activities at Oaklands Catholic School.


We hope you all have an excellent weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.

Mastery learning and reasoning…


We hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

This week, the children have taken part in a variety of activities that have enabled them to broaden and deepen their knowledge across the Year Three curriculum. In Maths, the children have been exploring the four operations – they have worked in teams to successfully identify the links between operations, mathematical vocabulary as well as the formal written methods that may be used across their workings in Maths. Towards the end of the week, the children were given the opportunity to apply their knowledge by explaining the decisions they had made when interpreting a variety of one-step and two-step word problems. Please see the photos below…

maths reasoning 5     maths reasoning 4

maths reasoning 3     maths reasoning 2

maths reasoning 1

In English, we have continued to work towards our new ‘Healthy Eating’ topic. The children were shown a persuasive speech and letter, written by Jamie Oliver, which promoted the importance of healthy and balanced diets for children. During the week, Year Three wrote their own persuasive letters to encourage a healthier lifestyle amongst younger children – this activity enabled both classes to successfully apply their knowledge of conjunctions, rhetorical questions as well as nutritional vocabulary.

We look forward to seeing you next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin

Commitment to learning.



This week, the children have been working very hard despite the high temperatures that have been reached so far. Following an assembly led by ‘The NED Show’, the children were inspired to show commitment and perseverance towards their learning – we were proud to see the children continuing to embrace challenge work and a positive attitude within the classroom. Well done Year Three!

In English, the children have been learning more about their new ‘Healthy Eating’ topic – they have read a variety of information texts and collated a set of key words in order to produce their own detailed glossary. This has enabled the children to produce a rich and factual series of simple, compound and complex sentences during the week. Next week, we look forward to writing a set of persuasive letters about the need to have a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps the children could try writing their own persuasive letter to a relative at home…

In Maths, the children have been taught new strategies to help them solve a range of tricky Healthy Eating division problems, including those that result in answers with remainders. Across the week, both classes have explored how to use the inverse (mental strategies and grid methods) in order to solve and check the accuracy of their answers. This has enabled the children to consolidate their learning on multiplication and refer to known multiplication facts to enhance the efficiency of their workings.

We hope you all have an enjoyable weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.


Interactive Learning…


This week, the children have enjoyed taking part in lots of activities as part of their curriculum learning.

As mentioned in our previous blog post, Year Three participated in a PDL session on British Values. They produced a beautiful display about Mutual Respect, along with their own prayers for the victims of the Manchester and London attacks. Please see the photos below:

mutual respect british values 1      mutual respect british values 2

In Guided Reading, Year Three have been studying the play, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children have learned about stage directions and narration. They have also been taught a variety of other organisational features within play scripts. During the week, the children rehearsed a scene from the play with their peers, then performed it in front of their classmates! Please see the photos below…

charlie 1

charlie 4

charlie 3

charlie 3

charlie 4

charlie 5

In English, the children have drafted and edited their ‘healthy eating’ stories. On Thursday and Friday, the children were then able to publish their picture/story books. We were very impressed by the children’s beautiful handwriting and presentation – there are some excellent examples on our class WAGOLL board! (What A Good One Looks Like).

In Maths, the children have continued to learn about portion sizes as part of their ‘Healthy Eating’ topic, through fraction work. For instance, they have been calculating unitary and non-unitary fractions of amounts e.g. 1/10 of 20 bananas, as well as 3/6 of 18 apples. Can you calculate fractions of ‘amounts’ at home, for example 2/3 of your story books or even 2/5 of your colouring pencils?

We hope you all have a brilliant weekend,

See you on Monday!

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin

Summer Term



This week, the children have been enjoying their work on ‘Healthy Eating’ across the curriculum. For English, Year 3 have been starting to learn about the picture and story book, Doug Lugg Boy Slug, by Peter Bently. In pairs, the children participated in role play and generated a piece of dialogue for their own version of the healthy eating story. They also worked as a team to produce a class word bank filled with a rich variety of verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases. Year 3 have produced a selection of engaging character descriptions and dialogues. Well done Year Three!


In Maths, the children have continued their cross-curricular work for our new ‘Healthy Eating’ topic. For instance, they have been learning how to represent fractions and decimals on hundred squares and identify the following: tenths, hundredths, equivalence and ‘equal parts of a whole’. Year Three have enjoyed calculating the size of different farmers’ vegetable patches  (e.g. ‘0.1 of a field is filled with fresh carrots, 2/10 of the field is being used to grow sprouts – how much of the field is being used altogether?’). We were very impressed by the children’s use of problem solving and reasoning during these tasks.


On Thursday, the children enjoyed their PDL session on British Values. Having watched a series of news reports on CBBC’s Newsround, the children were then able to share ideas during group activities and later participate in a class Q and A session about recent events in the UK. The children produced a beautiful display about Mutual Respect and made collages to represent their own cultural identity, along with speech bubbles containing prayers for the victims of the Manchester and London attacks. Photos to follow in next week’s blog post!


We look forward to seeing you all next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.


Hello, sunshine!


This week, the children have really impressed us with their use of the learning values, Creativity and Collaboration.

In English, the children have enjoyed planning, drafting, editing and publishing a Dragon information page. They have worked very hard to ensure that their writing is detailed, factual and concise. We are very proud of Year Three because they have taken meticulous care with their handwriting and presentation. It has been lovely to celebrate the children’s successes in class – our ‘Wagoll’ board (‘What a Good One Looks Like’) is almost full! Well done Year Three.

In Maths, Year Three have been learning about multiplication and division. They have become more confident in using mental strategies as well as the grid method in order to solve a series of challenging word problems. The children have particularly enjoyed comparing and discussing their workings, as well as deciding upon which methods were more or less efficient and why. Next term, we look forward to learning more about fractions as well as the use of fractions as numbers (e.g. 0.75 = 3/4 ).

On Friday afternoon, the children dressed in bright and colourful non-uniform in order to celebrate the cultural diversity within our school. Please see the photo below…

26.05.17 culture and diversity day

Thank you to everyone who has produced a range of Dragon Home Learning this term. Please see the photo below for some excellent examples of what the children have created…

dragon home learning display 2        dragon home learning display 1

We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable half term,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin




This week, students have been working very hard to improve the presentation of their work across the curriculum. The children have shown pride in what they have produced and have enjoyed celebrating their successes within class. We are very proud of the dedication and commitment that has been demonstrated across both classes this week, very well done Year Three!

In English, the children have been learning the skills required to produce a factual and detailed Dragon information page. They have shown confidence in using fronted adverbials, subordinating conjunctions and technical vocabulary. We have been delighted by the range of key words that the children have included within their writing, and now look forward to planning, drafting and publishing our own Dragon information pages next week.

In Maths, the children have been learning how to convert between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Across the week, Year Three were also taught how to calculate different intervals of time, within and across the hour. The children were then given a series of word problems which provided a challenging opportunity to apply the skills taught. We were impressed by the collaboration shown by the children as they worked in pairs to convert between digital and analogue times for each Maths problem.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing more of the children’s Dragon Home Learning next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin



This week, the children have continued to explore their new Dragons unit across the school curriculum.

In English, Year 3 visited the ICT suite in order to publish their detailed newspaper articles about a local Dragon sighting. It was clear to see that the children had thought carefully about the 5Ws in their writing: who, what, where, when and why. They have now started to explore their new English unit: writing a Dragon information page. The children were excited to watch factual documentaries, listen to radio podcasts and even create a detailed Dragon key word bank. We look forward to applying the new Dragon vocabulary we have learned within our sentence work next week.

In Maths, the children have been learning about different units of measure. At the start of the week, the children were given the challenge of estimating and measuring the weight and length of different items around the classroom. They have also had the opportunity to apply what they have been taught when solving word problems based upon measurements. For example, the children have been comparing the difference in weight between different Dragon snacks!

It has been lovely to see the detailed Dragon home learning that the children have produced – please see the link below for a copy of the task that the children need to complete this weekend, for Monday:

DRAGON design

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin


The learning buzz…


This week, the children have taken part in lots of group and paired work in order to support and enrich their learning.

In Maths, Year 3 have continued to learn about shapes. With the support of interactive activities, online videos and measuring tools including angle-eaters, the children have become confident in their classification of lines (horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular). The children have also enjoyed using Geoboards and elastic bands to design shapes that meet a specific criteria, in terms of the type and number of angles required (e.g. right angles, acute and obtuse angles). Both classes showed excellent collaboration when exploring right angles and programming a set of instructions for their beebots. Well done Year Three!

In English, the children have continued their learning about informative newspaper articles. This week, they have been learning about the key elements of a newspaper article (specific detail, direct speech, conjunctions and a chronological order of events). Year Three have now planned, drafted and edited their newspaper articles – they look forward to publishing them on the computers next week!

Today, we have distributed new home learning pyramids for our Dragon topic – please see the link below for the master copy.

Home learning dragons

We hope you have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.