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The countdown to Christmas…


We hope you have all been having a pleasant week.

In English, the children have continued to learn about writing a spooky narrative – they have particularly enjoyed rehearsing the dialogue between their characters before recording the direct speech into their books. We were delighted at the pupils’ commitment to learning as well as their creativity when making their detailed and entertaining conversations. Well done Year Three! Next week, we look forward to planning, drafting and editing our own spooky stories. Each Year Three class shall create a collaborative folder of published  stories, to give to one other as a Christmas gift.

In Maths, the children have continued their learning on division, the inverse and using related number facts to solve tricky word problems. Year Three have explored groups and sharing through numerous Maths tools including: numicon, counters and bar models. Next week, both classes shall take part in a series of challenging reasoning problems and mastery-style questions, using their Maths toolkits to support and ‘prove’ their calculations.

We have been very impressed by the children’s Bronze Age home learning so far. Just to let you know that the children are going to make their Stone Age cars during a D&T afternoon on Thursday 15th December 2017 – the children have been informed that they must bring their own resources to make and decorate the working 3D car they have already designed in class. Wheels and rods shall be provided however it is the children’s responsibility to bring anything else they may need for the project into school by the aforementioned date.

Hope you all have an excellent weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.


STEM day


We hope you have all had a wonderful week.

Today, Year 3 took part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) day. This enabled the children to take part in practical, cross-curricular learning and collaborate as part of a team. In particular, the children enjoyed investigating the strength and permeability of different types of rock that could be used for a Stone Age play house. During the afternoon, the children continued their learning of Rocks and Minerals by creating their own bubbling volcanoes in class! Please see the photo below:

volcano activity

In English, the children have been learning about some of the key components required for their spooky stories: a terrifying monster and a creepy setting! Through videos, sound clips and sugar paper activities, both classes have created an impressive bank of adjectives and verbs to describe the main characters of the story and how they shall move / sound. Well done Year 3!

In Maths, Year 3 have looked at multiplication as well as the different representations that may be used for such number sentences. The children have shown true commitment when solving a range of tricky word problems involving arrays and number line work. Next week, we look forward to learning about using related number facts as we move on to our learning of division facts.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

Year Three


It was lovely to see you all during our Year Three parents evenings this week. We hope that you have found the appointments both helpful and informative – please feel free to ask us any questions should you wish for further clarification regarding targets given and/or suggestions made for supporting children at home.

This week, the children have enjoyed drafting, editing and publishing their setting descriptions about the sea. We were very impressed by the children’s use of the 5 senses as well as the effectiveness of their verbs and adverbs to make the description both engaging and entertaining. We look forward to performing the finished pieces tomorrow. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, we have continued to learn about fractions and have begun to explore a range of multi-step, mastery problems. Both classes have enjoyed using their fraction walls and fraction strips to support them in their counting of fractions and identification of equivalent fractions. Next week, we look forward to learning about multiplication and division.

Just to let you know that we have set an online Maths test on Sumdog, which we would like the children to complete at home between Friday 24th and Sunday 26th November. We would also like the children to bring in a cardboard box to school, as well as any other resources they wish to use in order to build their Stone Age cars – the children shall be building their cars during a D&T afternoon on Thursday 7th December.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

New Learning


This week, the children have taken part in lots of engaging activities and tasks as part of their cross-curricular learning.

Today, Year 3 were visited by the fantastic children’s author, Paul Nolan, who taught the children all about the Bronze Age through a series of team building activities and stories. The children had a wonderful time dressing up in Bronze Age costumes and re-enacting a Bronze Age religious ceremony at Stonehenge.

In English, we congratulated the two winners of our Woolly Mammoth competition. Well done to Poppy and Daniel who had successfully persuaded their Head Teacher to purchase a Woolly Mammoth as a class pet! This week, we have continued to enjoy our descriptive writing unit on The Stormy Sea. Year Three are very excited to plan, draft and publish their descriptive pieces of writing before performing them in front of their parents next Friday!

In Maths, the children have started to learn about fractions as being equal parts of a whole. Already, both classes have demonstrated commitment and success when using fraction walls and diagrams, to support them in counting fractions and even recognising equivalent fractions – well done Year Three.

The children have really enjoyed their topic learning on the Stone Age. They now look forward to learning all about the Bronze Age in their History lessons next week. We shall distribute Bronze Age home learning pyramids as soon as possible.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

Another week closer to Christmas!

Another week has come to an end – there was even a mention of Christmas this week!

In maths this week children have been using their knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction to find half of a number and double of a number. They were generating their own numbers with dice and working in pairs with diennes to find the answer. In a game on Wednesday children decided on a target number and then had to decide whether to double or halve a number rolled on dice to reach the target number. We have also been practising the four times table, counting in 50s and 100s and adding 10 and 100 to numbers.

In English we have been looking at setting descriptions and have been thrilled with the development of the children’s use of spoken and written vocabulary. Next week we would like the children not only to bring their home school reading books to school but any books from home that they may also be reading. We are hoping that they can inspire others to develop their enthusiasm and excitement for reading.

Have a restful weekend,

Mrs Luter

Learning so far this half term….

Hello all,

Autumn 2 has got off to a great start in Year 3. We have continued out learning about the Stone Age and have seen some amazing home learning. Next Friday we are lucky enough to be having a ‘Stone Age Visitor’!

In maths we continue our learning in place value with some work on rounding. This week we will be halving and doubling – remembering key number facts and working out unknown ones.

Guided reading and English are closely linked – we are describing settings and generating vocabulary for our own writing and looking at texts to see how authors use various techniques.

We have been looking at maps in geography looking at where major cities and counties are. In the picture below we made a ‘string Great Britain’ and placed the counties of Hampshire, West Sussex, Devon and Dorset in the appropriate places. Children then began to write descriptions of the counties to include physical and human features.


In RE this week we will begin our learning about Remembrance and will be creating a wreath for our Remembrance service next Monday.

Thank you for visiting,

Sarah Luter



This Week in Year 3

Hello all – this week in Year 3 we are continuing to develop our persuasive skills so that we can ask Mr. Cunningham to buy us a class pet! When we complete the work we will display it in class and take photos for you to read them here! Wish us luck we have a year group of animal lovers!

In maths we have been learning how to add vertically which is a new skill as up until the end of year 2 children used number lines to add and so concentrated on horizontal addition. We move to subtraction next week.

This week the children have brought home Sumdog maths learning passwords. Please try to log on and have a look around. It is an amaziong resource which supports children’s current learning in maths and gives an assessment for teachers to see how children are achieving.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 3 Team

This Week in Year 3!

Hello all – busy as ever in year 3!

We are continuing our work on The Woolly Mammoth and have been trying to develop our use of persuasive language so that we can convince Mr. Cunningham to buy us a class pet!!

In maths we have been using dienes to help secure our place value knowledge. Here is a photo of Arabella working through some rather challenging problems!


We are in the process of setting up Bug Club and Abacus on line learning. Your children should be bringing their passwords home today or early next week. There is place value work available for every child and reading books according to the colour band your child is currently reading. If there are any problems please let us know!

Have a fabulous weekend,

The Year 3 Team

Welcome Meeting

Hello all – tomorrow there will be a welcome meeting in Year 3 at 3.30. We have some key dates and information for you and would love to see as many of you there as possible!

This is a nice short week (Friday is an INSET day!) for the children who have been working exceptionally hard this term already. They have immersed themselves in our Stone Age Topic and have enjoyed finding out about magnetism – a topic children always find fascinating. Children what do you think would happen if I hung a magnet from our classroom ceiling by a piece of string? Use your critical and curious skills to think about what you have found out about the north and south poles!

Today we will visit the school library – each class takes it in turn to listen to a story and select two books of their choice. Please encourage your child to share these books with you and remind them to return them on a Wednesday if they need to be changed!

Hope to see you tomorrow,

Kind Regards

Mrs. Luter, Mr. Chant and Miss Honeywell

Week 2 in Year 3!

Firstly my apologies for no update last week! It seems to have got lost! Possibly because Mr. Chant and I have had some technical issues!

So first of all I’d like to welcome all the children back to school – the first day of term seems like a long time ago but it was lovely to see the children so happy and refreshed. We hope that you all had restful holidays with your families. It was great to share so much holiday home learning!

All children should have a reading book and two library books. Please continue to read regularly with your children as it really does make all the difference with their progress. We have also sent home a home learning pyramid for ideas for activities based on our topic – ‘The Stone Age’. We are hoping to have Abacus updated in the next few days but again please bare with us whilst we sort some technical issues. Bug Club has lots of books available for children to read.

We have been learning how to write instructions in English, alongside daily spelling and handwriting lessons. In maths we are consolidating and extending place value knowledge. As I am sure that you know children are only expected to work with numbers to 100 in Key Stage One but the children have readily accepted their next step in the place value challenge and have begun to work with 3 digit numbers.

In RE we have been learning all about our responsibility to God’s creation. Please visit the RE blog to see regular updates of our learning in RE. Here are some of our creation posters that show how and why we protect God’s creation.

DSCN0307 DSCN0308 DSCN0309 DSCN0310 DSCN0312

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you at our Year 3 welcome meeting on Thursday 21st at 3.30.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Luter, Mr. Chant, Miss Honeywell