Category Archives: Uncategorized

Geography Day!


Today, the children took part in a Geography Deep Learning Day. They had a fantastic time creating their very own shoe box biomes! Both classes were successful when labelling each of the physical features within their habitats. Well done Year 3! Please see the photos below:


In English, the children have planned, drafted and edited their slave diary entries. We were very impressed by the quality of the children’s writing – they had successfully added detail to their narratives, through the use of fronted adverbials and dialogue. Next week, we look forward to publishing and evaluating our work, before moving on to edit and correct elements of vocabulary and grammar across Roman information texts.

In Maths, Year Three have been working hard on their learning of Division. In particular, we have been learning to use our knowledge of the inverse and times tables in order to reach a more efficient method for solving division problems. Towards the end of the week, the children were given challenging ‘True or False’ problems, whereby the children had to justify each method they had used. Next week, we look forward to learning about Multiplication.

Just to let you know that the children took part in a ‘Year Three bring and buy’ sale, this week. In total, the pupils raised £46.03 for CAFOD. Congratulations Year 3 for all of the hard work involved with arranging and organising the fundraiser.

We hope you all have an excellent weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.



Challenge and commitment


This week, Year Three have been working exceptionally hard in their learning across the school curriculum. We would like to congratulate all of the children for the commitment and perseverance that was demonstrated across both classes, particularly across the subjects of English and Maths. Well done Year Three!

In English, the children have been learning how to develop detail through the use of narrative. At the beginning of the week, Year Three took part in role play and drama as they developed a conversation between the two main characters of their slave diary. We then used a class rhyme to learn how to punctuate direct speech correctly through the use of inverted commas. The children have also looked at singular and plural possession, using the possessive apostrophe to indicate how many characters own particular items within their slave diaries. Both classes have worked hard, to successfully produce a detailed piece of narrative that offers a variety of descriptions and dialogue. Great work Year Three!

In Maths, we have been learning how to tell the time: to the nearest hour, half an hour, quarter of an hour, 5 minutes and even to the nearest minute! Despite this being a challenging task, Year Three showed excellent commitment and achieved high levels of success. By the end of the week,  for instance, pupils could confidently apply their learning in order to solve a range of interval problems and challenge cards about time. Can you practise telling the time from a digital clock at home, this weekend? What patterns do you notice?

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

School Poetry Competition


This week, the children have been working hard on editing and improving their work across the curriculum, as well as refining their performances in advance of the KS2 poetry competition. We would like to congratulate our Year 3 pupils on their excellent performances, which were creative and engaging. Well done!

In English, we have been learning how to add detail to our ‘sea voyage’ descriptions – through prepositions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases – for our slave diary entries. The children have been able to describe the time, location and degree of events as well as the emotions of their characters. Next week, we look forward to learning about the use of dialogue in narrative, to convey further information and detail about a character, before drafting and editing our very own slave diaries.

In Maths, we have been studying Geometry. At the start of the week, we looked at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, before linking our prior knowledge of fractions to look at ‘quarter turns’ and ‘half turns’. Today, the children particularly enjoyed using Beebots to programme their own set of instructions when designing an obstacle course involving right angle turns. We have identified other features of shapes including horizontal and vertical lines. Next week, we look forward to learning about time.

This week, Year 3 discussed and agreed upon the following events for their CAFOD fundraiser, which shall take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 21st March 2018:

  • Toy sale (bring a toy you no longer use or need).
  • Book sale (bring a book you have read and would like someone else to try).
  • Guess the Baby Photo (bring a named COPY of a photo from when you were a baby or toddler).

We hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to another week of learning,

Best Wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Sumba and Mrs Luter

Snowy weather!


We hope you have all been having a fun – and safe – weekend in the snow!

This week, the children have been learning about fronted adverbials of time and place. Having watched a selection of video clips and sound bites of a stormy voyage, the children produced some excellent descriptions for their slave diary entries. We were impressed to see both classes producing their own creative sentence openers, well done Year Three! Next week, as part of our sentence-level work, we look forward to exploring prepositions for our setting descriptions, as well as dialogue in order to add further detail about different characters.

In Maths, Year Three have worked exceptionally hard to explore a variety of fractions both practically and pictorially. During the week, we moved on to learning about tenths of a number as well as calculating non-unit fractions of amounts (e.g. 3/8 of 16), all within the context of tricky reasoning problems. Next week, we shall be moving on to our new unit of learning: geometry! Can you find any 2D and 3D shapes around your home this weekend? How would you describe and compare these shapes?

We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday 5th March,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Sumba and Mrs Luter.

Welcome back…


We hope that you all had a wonderful half term holidays and that you have returned for the second Spring term feeling refreshed. This week, the children have begun a new set of units across their curricular learning…

In English, as part of our topic learning, the children have been looking at Roman diaries. In particular, we have been studying the diary of a Greek slave who was captured and sold in Rome. The children have found her story fascinating and have enjoyed taking part in role-play and drama to re-enact parts of the diary through freeze frames. Next week, both classes shall write their own narratives before enhancing their descriptions through fronted adverbials of time, place, manner and degree.

In Maths, Year Three have been exploring fractions. At the beginning of the week, the pupils took part in a range of practical activities that involved different representations of unit and non-unit fractions. The children then worked on shape problems before looking at fractions of amounts of objects e.g. 1/2 of 8 flowers. It has been excellent to see the children using concrete resources and pictorial representations when learning about fractions as equal parts of a whole. Well done Year Three!

Thank you to both classes for the commitment they have shown for Home Learning – we look forward to seeing more work on the Romans next Friday.

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

Poetry Competition…


We hope you have all had an enjoyable week.

During the final week of this term, the children have enjoyed creating their own letters to the Brazillian Government, challenging them to reconsider their decisions to cut down trees of the Amazon Rainforest to make way for a new hotel. The children did a fantastic job of including key facts, rhetorical questions as well as a range of other persuasive features. At the end of the week, both classes took part in a poetry competition. This enabled the selection of our poetry finalists in Year 3. We would like to congratulate our three winners from both classes, and wish them the very best of luck with their performances for the KS2 competition after half term. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, both classes have continued their learning on multiplication. In particular, they have enjoyed using pictorial methods as well as number lines and place value counters in order to show their understanding of multiplication as repeated addition. Across the week, the children showed true commitment when solving a range of single and multi-step word problems involving the multiplication of two and one digit numbers. Our next unit of learning shall focus upon fractions. Can you split a chocolate bar into equal groups? What arrays can you spot around your home? e.g. egg carton boxes, rows of washing pegs.

After the holidays, we look forward to beginning our new topic learning on The Romans.

We hope you all have a great half term break,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Sumba and Mrs Luter

Growth Mindset


We hope you have all had a pleasant weekend and that you feel refreshed and ready for the week ahead!

Last week, Year Three worked hard to ensure they showed commitment and perseverance when given tricky challenge feedback to respond to, across their curriculum learning…

In English, the children evaluated their Rainforest information leaflets and made necessary improvements and edits to their work, against our class Success Criteria. It was great to witness the children giving their peers constructive feedback and embracing opportunities to enhance the quality and presentation of their own pieces of work. To deepen and embed their Rainforest learning, both classes have now taken part in a debate about Deforestation – they did a fantastic job presenting the views of different characters (a business man, an explorer and a Rainforest tribe). Well done Year Three! This week, we look forward to writing our own letters to the Brazillian government and creating our own arguments for/against Deforestation. Towards the end of the week, the children shall be given the opportunity to perform and recite their KS2 poems in class so that finalists may be selected for the competition after half term.

In Maths, the children continued to explore their learning on multiplication and division. Year Three used a variety of Maths tools and concrete resources (Numicon, Beastrings, Diennes and Place Value counters) to practically solve a range of multiplication problems then prove/explain their answers. This week, both classes shall learn how to draw pictures and diagrams, to show an alternative representation of worded problems before solving them with Maths Toolkits.

We hope you all have a great week,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.



We hope you have all had a pleasant week.

This week, the children have shown an exceptional level of commitment when given a range of challenging problems to solve across their curricular learning…

In English, Year Three have drafted, edited and published their Rainforest information leaflets. We were impressed by the selection and variety of features, facts and key words that were used by the children in order to present information to their audience (visitors of London Zoo). Well done Year Three! Next week, we look forward to continuing our topic learning on The Rainforest, through class debates and persuasive letters based upon Deforestation.

In Maths, both classes have continued to work hard on their learning of subtraction. In particular, the children have enjoyed using Place Value tools (diennes, arrow cards and place value counters) to support them in their use of formal written methods (number lines and columnar subtraction). We were delighted to see the children solving problems that required one and/or two exchanges, through the use of the aforementioned Place Value tools. Great work Year Three! Next week, we shall revisit our learning on Multiplication and Division – we look forward to using concrete resources and arrays to explore these Mathematical operations.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

Busy bees…


This week, the children have taken part in group and partner work as part of their cross-curricular learning. On Monday, the children particularly enjoyed our Deep Learning day on ‘Fixed and Growth Mindsets’. It was fantastic to hear both classes sharing and comparing their ideas. On Tuesday, both year groups worked together to sing and read during the Y3/4 school Mass. Great collaboration Year Three, well done!

In English, the children have been learning about the key features of a Rainforest information leaflet. They are able to identify the key features and explain their purpose and effectiveness. Having studied lots of real life examples of zoo and wildlife park leaflets, the children were able to create a detailed plan for their own Rainforest leaflet. We look forward to drafting, editing and publishing our factual information next week.

In Maths, Year Three have made excellent progress in their use of diennes, place value counters and addition grids, to accurately add together three digit numbers. The children have enjoyed learning how to carry ones and tens, when necessary, as well as how to apply their knowledge of addition and place value in order to solve a series of challenging ‘missing number’ and ‘spot the mistake’ problems. Next week, we look forward to learning about the subtraction of 3 digit numbers.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.


Welcome back!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break, and would like to welcome you all back to school for the Spring Term. The children have had a busy week full of challenges and success across the curriculum.

In English, Year 3 have been excited to begin their new topic of learning on The Rainforest. This week, both classes have been exploring the Rainforest through a series of sound clips, animal documentaries and group jigsaw activities. It has been brilliant to see the children apply the key words and animal names they have learned, across a series of compound and complex sentences. Well done Year 3! Next week, we look forward to looking at some real life examples of Rainforest information leaflets, before planning and drafting our own for visitors of London Zoo.

In Maths, the children have been continuing their learning on addition and subtraction. We have focused upon solving a series of numerical and written problems, through the use of Maths tool kits including diennes, arrow cards and place value counters. We would like to congratulate both classes for the commitment and perseverance they have demonstrated, particular across challenging mastery tasks and ‘estimation’ games. Next week, we look forward to embedding our knowledge and skills across number and place value, especially within the context of addition and subtraction.

We would just like to takes this opportunity to remind all parents of the recent changes to Home Learning, the details of which are all listed within the school letters distributed among the children at the beginning of the Spring Term.  Please ensure that your child regularly logs on to their online learning: Sumdog (Maths) and Active Learn (Bug Club), for which tasks are regularly updated to promote challenge and progress. Both classes have also been given a Poetry Performance booklet – each child is required to select their favourite poem and rehearse it regularly at home so that it is ready to recite at the end of the term.

We hope you have all had a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.