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History Week

This week the focus has been on remembering all who made sacrifices during the First World War.  Year 3 took part in a range of activities across the week including: Making glitter poppies, creating poems, writing letters home from soldiers and creating a poster to encourage new recruits to sign up to join in the war effort.  The children’s outcomes have been very impressive indeed.  Many children are proud to be part of up coming parades over the weekend and we look forward to hearing about how these go.

In Maths, we have been looking at measure.  so far we have been learning to master using a ruler to measure to the nearest mm and we have started conversion between the cm and mm.  We moved onto created a ‘Woolly Mammoth Potion’ in which children had the opportunity to measure out ‘juice’ that would make any poorly Woolly Mammoths feel better.  Next week we will be developing our understanding of reading scales and so any practise over the weekend would be valuable in achieving this.  In English, we have started our work on setting descriptions.  We have been looking at a portrait and justifying our word choices in relation to the picture.  We have explored words such as turbulent, torrential, briny, engulfed and stagnant.

Spellings: Next week we will be learning about the prefix ‘re’ and ‘mis’  What words do you already know? Are there any from the dictionary that you don’t yet know how to spell? Can you make a spelling scribble to practise any that you don’t yet know? Maybe you could write each word as a command? Could you go on a prefix hunt? What words can you find in your books or in newspapers?

Have a super weekend and hopefully get some rest too.

Year 3 Team


We hope that you have all had a good week so far.

This week, the children have been drafting and editing their persuasive adverts. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of various sentence types as well as by their powerful vocabulary choices. Our next step is to publish and evaluate our persuasive adverts, before we present them to the Headteacher to see which pupil from each class has won the Year 3 competition for a Woolly Mammoth class mascot!

In Maths, we have started learning about fractions. More specifically, we have been counting up and down in tenths using Numicon to help us cross boundaries into the next ‘whole’ (e.g. 10/10 + 1/10 = 1 and 1/10). The children also enjoyed using fraction walls and number lines to support their learning when solving fraction problems that had involved both addition and subtraction. As the week progressed, both classes were also taught how to identify unit fractions of amounts (e.g. 1/4 of 12) by using bar models, counters and times table facts.

Next week, we look forward to our History Week where we shall be creating poems, poppies, music and more as part of our learning on WW1 and Remembrance. Our work shall then be presented to the rest of the school during a History assembly on Friday 9th November 2018. We would also like to inform you that Year 3 and Year 4 shall be taking part in a Mass at Sacred Heart church on Tuesday 13th November 2018 – we look forward to seeing you all there!

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

Learning Behaviours


We hope you have all had a good week so far.

In English, we have been learning how to write persuasive statements. The children have had lots of opportunities this week to practise the skill of subordinating conjunctions, by orally rehearsing their statements before editing them on whiteboards. As the week progressed, both classes took part in a ‘noun hunt’ in order to find a selection of alternative nouns for the Woolly Mammoth and his owner. Subsequently, the children wrote a short, entertaining passage about each character – Year Three then reviewed their work by colour-coding which nouns and pronouns referred to which character, to ensure that each piece of writing was cohesive and that it made sense. Great use of ‘critical thinking’, well done!

In Maths, Year Three have been learning about multiplication and division. At the beginning of the week, the children took part in a carousel of activities that enabled them to practise their 3 and 4 times tables. We then used arrays to represent a variety of multiplication facts for each 3 times table, before moving on to show ‘groups’ of items on a number line. The children enjoyed counting ‘groups of’ alien eyes, feet, fingers, etc. when solving a selection of challenging multiplication and division problems. We would like to congratulate everyone for their creativity this week – it was brilliant to see the following representations of division and multiplication facts across the children’s work: number lines, arrays, number sentences, written sentences, etc.

We hope that you all have a lovely half term break next week, and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

CAFOD Wear It Bright day


This week, the children have been publishing and evaluating their instruction pages. We were impressed by the children’s use of time connectives, imperative verbs, adverbs and prepositions across their step by step command sentences. The children also thought very carefully about the additional features boxes they had included in their work, to ensure they had a clear purpose. We have now started our new unit of learning on persuasion. In this unit, the children shall be writing a persuasive letter to Mr Cunningham to convince him to purchase a prehistoric class pet – the child with the most persuasive letter from each class shall be able to name their “Woolly Mammoth” class mascot and take him home!

In Maths, Year Three have been learning how to add and subtract tens and ones from a three digit number. As the week progressed, the children explored this concept through the context of money. Both classes also worked hard to solve a range of tricky reasoning problems that involved the addition and subtraction of multiples of one hundred. Next week, we look forward to developing our learning on money. Please remind your child to log on to Sumdog learning over the weekend in preparation for this.

On Friday, the children enjoyed taking part in our CAFOD Wear It Bright day. Year Three wore lots of bright colours in order to raise money for CAFOD and support those who are less fortunate in other countries around the world.

We hope you all have a nice weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

Reflective Learning…


We hope you have all had a lovely week and that the children enjoy a well deserved three day weekend.

This week, Year Three have continued their learning on instruction texts through the context of our current topic, The Stone Age. In particular, we have challenged the children by asking them to create their very own set of instructions to help a reader from Waterlooville Library understand how to take care of a prehistoric beast. As the week progressed, the children drafted their own instruction pages and included the following elements of success criteria across their command sentences: time connectives, imperative verbs, adverbs and prepositions. By the end of the week, the children took part in a carousel activity which had enabled them to analytically edit a maximum of three of their command sentences. We were very impressed by the children’s commitment when using resources (word mats, dictionaries, thesauruses and the working wall) to improve their work. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract 10 across a hundreds boundary. Using our Maths toolkits, we also looked at how to add hundreds to three digit numbers with a particular focus upon place value. Next week, we look forward to returning to the addition and subtraction of ones across a tens boundary with more confidence through the context of money calculations. Can the children calculate how much their favourite toy or sweet would cost if it was 9 pence more, or less? Can the children make the amount of money it would cost to buy their item using different combinations of coins?

Thank you to all of the children who have been working on their spelling home learning. We would like to inform you that the children have now all received their Sumdog passwords for Year 3, which can be found at the back of their Home Learning diaries in the notes section.

We hope you all have a pleasant weekend and look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.


Challenge and Commitment


We hope you have all been having a pleasant weekend (despite the rain!).

This week, the children have been learning how to use adverbs and prepositions in order to add detail to a set of instructions. As the week progressed, the children then selected their own prehistoric animal and activity from which to plan their own set of instructions. We were impressed by the careful selection of key features by both classes, so as to ensure that the readers from Waterlooville Library are presented with a clear instruction page when finding out more about how to care for Stone Age creatures. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract ones to three digit numbers across a tens boundary. Using diennes, part-part whole methods, number lines and colour-coding on hundred squares, we explored how to reach the ‘nearest ten’ before completing the remains of an addition or subtraction calculation. The children showed great commitment to their learning when performing these mental calculations, which we shall revisit in a couple of weeks through the context of money.

We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.

Butser Ancient Farm


We hope you have all had a pleasant week so far.

In English, Year Three have been learning about the features of an instruction text. After reading ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’, both classes annotated a selection of recipe books and instruction manuals to indicate the key features and explain their purpose. In Maths, the children continued to learn about the place value of three digit numbers. In particular, they took part in a range of reasoning activities whereby they had to use their knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones to explain which numbers were the ‘odd one out’ from a sequence.

At the end of the week, Lion Class took a trip to Butser Ancient Farm as part of their topic learning on The Stone Age. The children had an excellent time and took part in the following sessions: archaeology, fence building and cordage activities.

We hope you have a great weekend. Please see our school trip photos below!

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.



Welcome back!


We hope you have all had a pleasant week so far and would like to wish you a warm welcome back to St. Peter’s!

In English, the children have been writing about their favourite day from the Summer holidays as part of their learning on paragraphs and editing. At the start of the week, the children were taught how to create ‘topics’ before planning their ideas into three logical paragraphs – these paragraphs referred to specific events from the morning, afternoon and evening of their ‘favourite day’. Having written each paragraph, the children then took part in a carousel activity of ‘editing’ stations. These stations enabled the children to evaluate their work, respond to feedback, as well as check for the correct use of the following elements across their pieces of work: capital letters, punctuation, spellings, adjectives and grammar.

In Maths, Year Three have been looking at the place value of three digit numbers. More specifically, both classes have been learning about the ‘hundreds’ column. As the week progressed, the children were able to identify the number of hundreds within a three digit number, before moving on to show multiples of 100 through a variety of different representations using their Maths toolkits (e.g. Stone Age counting tools, beadstrings, arrow cards and place value counters). By the end of the week, Year Three were able to identify the values of each digit within a three digit number – we practised this skill through a class bingo game and a ‘find the Stone Age tools in the sand’ activity.

Please note:

  • Home learning has been distributed and shall be collected by the class teacher on Friday 14th September 2018. Please refer to the ‘reading challenge’ and the ‘red spelling log’ in your child’s book bag for additional details. Further information shall be given on these during the Y3 Welcome meeting for parents on Tuesday 11th September 2018.
  • We look forward to our Butser Ancient farm trips on Friday 14th September (Lions) and Monday 17th September (Hippos) 2018. Should you wish your child to attend, please ensure that the reply slip is returned to school as soon as possible. We would be incredibly grateful for any parent volunteers on either of these two dates, please indicate on the reply slip should you be able to assist.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.



We hope you have all been having a great week.

This week, the children have taken part in some transition days, in preparation for their start within a new year group during September 2018. We have been very impressed by the excellent behaviour and maturity demonstrated by children, who have taken all new changes in their stride and enjoyed the time spent within their new classes.

In English, we have been learning about causal conjunctions. We practised our sentences using conjunction cards before making our own flow chart. Across the rest of the week, the children drafted and edited their explanation texts. Next week, we look forward to publishing and evaluating our written pieces before sending them to the library! Great work, Year Three.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. As the week progressed, we moved on from using the grid method to also using rapid mental strategies including ‘ten times smaller, ten times bigger’ to reach answers in a more efficient way. By the end of the unit, both classes used pictures to solve a series  of ‘how many combination’ problems. We were particularly impressed by the children’s use of systematic techniques, to ensure that all possible combinations of ice creams and sandwiches had been made. Well done!

We hope you all have an enjoyable weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Luter.

The Big Heatwave…


We hope you have all been having a good week and that you have enjoyed the Summer sun so far.

This week, the children have started their new unit of learning, ‘Cracking Contraptions’. As part of their learning on explanation texts, Year Three watched short video clips of the machines from Wallace and Gromit and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. We then used Pie Corbett actions to rehearse the key vocabulary of an explanation text before designing our very own machines and labelling them with a variety of technical vocabulary. Well done Year Three! Next week, we look forward to orally rehearsing our explanation texts when using conjunctions for cause and effect.

In Maths, the children have been working hard on using a variety of written and mental strategies in order to solve a range of tricky challenge problems. In particular, we discussed which methods would be the most relevant, efficient and suitable to use, for a series of number sentences. Please refer to the activity sheet provided, for the children’s Maths home learning this week. As ever, we look forward to seeing the children’s participation and progress on Sumdog Maths.

We hope you all have a pleasant weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.