Author Archive: Miss Turner

Homework ideas…

Literacy: We have started our new unit in Literacy this week – writing persuasive texts.  So far this week, we have looked at some TV adverts and considered how they are persuasive. We have also compared TV adverts to poster adverts and discussed the differences between the two and how effective each is.  The children could have a look at different adverts on the TV and think about who the audience is? How are they being persuasive? What language is used to persuade you?

Maths: This week we have been looking at subtraction in Maths.  The children may want to practise their learning from this week over the weekend. 

Spellings: Continue to look at turning adjectives into adverbs – the ly ending!

Topic: Collages, Rainforest facts, musical instruments, Rainforest stories…the list is endless! We have been so impressed with the home learning over this term so far.  The children could explore the issue of deforestation this week and begin to think about how they might help raise the profile of the disappearing rainforest.

Year Three team

3 part sentences

Today we have been looking at 3 part sentences in Literacy.  Can you create some of your own and add them to this blog as a comment?

Here are some examples from today:

He woke up, ruffled his feathers and then went back to sleep. (Mia D and Anna)

It was the middle of the day and the tree frog jumped through the forest, slid down the wet mud and stopped by the river. (Zane and Erin)

Homework…Are you stuck for ideas?

Literacy: This week we have been learning about including new and exciting vocabulary in our sentences.  The children have learnt a new ‘type’ of sentences to use at home – the 2A sentence (2 adjective sentence). Each sentence has 2 adjectives before the first noun and then 2 adjectives before the second noun.  This type of sentence creates a vivid image in the readers minds!

Examples:  The tall, awkward giraffe meandered through the dense, fragrant forest.

There was a grumpy, motionless monkey hiding in the overgrown, mossy tree.

Maths: Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have been using place value grids to move the places of the digits when multilpying and dividing.  Avoid language such as ‘adding or taking away a zero’ as this will cause confusion later on in their mathematical learning with decimals.

RE: We have talked this week about the differences between ‘hearing’ and ‘listening’.  How do we know we are listening to God?

Online – abacus, Mymaths and bugclub

It is not expected for children to do all of these activities by Friday; just some helpful pointers if required 🙂


Year 3 Team


Welcome to the Jungle!

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you a happy new year.  All of the team in Year three were very spoilt by the children before christmas with all of the lovely gifts that we recieved.  We were very appreciative of your generosity. We hope the children enjoyed their hot chocolates drinks over the festive period.

We have been very impressed with the way the children have come back into school after the christmas break.  They all seem very keen to get started on the Rainforest topic for this half term.  Please see below a copy of the pyramid which will be coming out this week for the children to get started with. Don’t forget about bug club, abacus and my maths too 🙂

For blog - rainforest

An addition point to note – Year three had the top attendance overall last term so well done Hippos and Lions!

Year Three team

Shadow Puppets show…

The Shadow Puppet Shows have been completed…Hurrah! Well done to all the children who worked so hard creating the playscripts and the puppets to go along with them.

Unfortunately, at the present time, we are having difficulty uploading examples onto the blog. We will, however, be watching these shows in class over the next couple of weeks!

We have moved on from the Playscripts in Literacy onto our Poetry unit. We are enjoying sharing a range of poetry and exploring language. This topic will continue for the next two weeks.  We have also started to explore the use of light and darkness through Art and thought about the symbolism of the use of Light and Dark in paintings of Religious scenes.




Winchester Science Museum

On Friday, Year 3 had a visit from Winchester Museum.  We were learning about what colours we can see in a shadow. We made predictions about which colours we thought might show up. Some of  us thought yellow or green or blue.  We made shadow puppets in groups and stuck the coloured paper on the front.  We realised that the coloured paper didn’t show up on the shadows created by the shadow puppets because the card blocked out all of the light.

Today we started to think about which materials to use to create our shadow puppets.  We discovered that coloured plastic did create a colour shadow and that we could create new colours by putting two pieces of coloured plastic together such as yellow and blue to create green.  We also decided that card was the best material to use for creating our shadow puppets because it gave a clear shadow and was a strong material so would not go floppy.

Could you please bring in any spare cardboard tomorrow so the children can create their shadow puppets this week.

Thank you

Year 3 team

Fabulous Fractions and a lot more…


Some children have already completed the abacus Maths game following on from the fraction work that the children have been completing in class.

We have been talkiing to the children about how the fraction needs to be split into equal parts.  Have a look at these websites to help the children consolidate this idea. 🙂


The children have been learning their words for this week using rainbow writing. I’m sure the children would love to share this experience with you at home.


We are nearly ready to start writing our Playscript based on the story of the Gruffalo.  Over the next few weeks we will be changing this into a shadow puppet show for the Reception children to enjoy! We’re looking forward to this.


Don’t forget we have Intech visiting on Friday to teach us all about shadows and how they are formed!

Year 3 team


Top Marks Times Tables

‘Top Marks Maths’ website is a great resource for playing online games with your children at home.

Try playing this game everyday for a couple of minutes to see if the children can improve their rapid recall of the times tables facts.




Our Church visit.

Year 3 and 6 had a lovely time at the church this morning.  The weather held off thankfully and we even had some sunshine as we walked. Father Kevin gave us a tour of the Church and talked about the different symbols in the Church.  Our Mass today was called ‘Prayers’. Well done to all of the readers today and to all of the children for their beautifully singing along to the hymns.

Another huge thank you to all of the parents who came along with us today. We hope you enjoyed our Mass as much as we did.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 3 Team

Mass – 7th November 2014

Thank you to all of the volunteers who have offered their services with walking to the church tomorrow morning.  If you are walking with the children in the morning, please arrive in school at 9:20am as we will be leaving the school at 9:30am.  You are welcome to wait at school after dropping off your child until this time.

If you are meeting us at the church for the service, it will be starting at 10:45am.  Please arrive at the church for this time.

We will be back to school by lunchtime and so lunch will continue as normal.

Year 3 team