School Tennis Competition Report
What a fantastic day of tennis we had at our school’s inter-house competition! The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the courts as four houses – Oscar Romero, Mother Theresa, St Mary, and St John Paul- battled it out for the top spot.
The competition was fierce, with each house showing excellent sportsmanship and teamwork. The standard of play was extremely high, with all players demonstrating exceptional accuracy and control of their tennis racquets. We were particularly impressed with the number of precise shots and clever volleys that were executed throughout the day.
In the end, it was St Mary House that emerged victorious, taking home the top prize. John Paul House came in second place, with Oscar Romero House claiming third position. Mother Theresa House put up a great fight but unfortunately finished in fourth place.
Despite the competitive nature of the competition, there were only a couple of balls that went over the fence – but even those were quickly retrieved by our enthusiastic ball boy – Mr Mack!
The Year 6 students did an outstanding job as umpires, ensuring that the matches ran smoothly and fairly. Their enthusiasm and knowledge of the game were impressive, and they did a great job of keeping the players focused and on track.
We are thrilled to have had such a fantastic afternoon and to see everyone having so much fun while showcasing their tennis skills. It left everyone feeling tired but proud. Well done to all participants and congratulations to Red House on their winning performance!

Friday 4th December 2020
STEM day in Year 3: the boat challenge!
The children were set the challenge of designing a model boat which would be able to float and hold the greatest weight. The children were given a selection of junk modelling materials to build their boat with! They had the best day and we were all so impressed with how they worked together and collaborated to get a result. Here are some pictures ….more to follow.
As well as STEM day, the children also had a day learning about British Sign Language. We were so impressed with how the children responded to all of the activities throughout the day and we have been practising something very special to share with you all soon. Photos to follow shortly.
Spelling homework for this week is looking at homophone – for example their/there and they’re. For vocabulary home learning we are looking for different synonyms for confused. Finally our creative home learning tasks have been coming in over the last few weeks. Please bring anything else in over the next week or so, so we can display these for everyone to see.
Well done to all of the showstoppers, golden key winners and children’s go received the head teachers award! You deserve it!
Keep safe everyone.
Team 3
History Week
This week the focus has been on remembering all who made sacrifices during the First World War. Year 3 took part in a range of activities across the week including: Making glitter poppies, creating poems, writing letters home from soldiers and creating a poster to encourage new recruits to sign up to join in the war effort. The children’s outcomes have been very impressive indeed. Many children are proud to be part of up coming parades over the weekend and we look forward to hearing about how these go.
In Maths, we have been looking at measure. so far we have been learning to master using a ruler to measure to the nearest mm and we have started conversion between the cm and mm. We moved onto created a ‘Woolly Mammoth Potion’ in which children had the opportunity to measure out ‘juice’ that would make any poorly Woolly Mammoths feel better. Next week we will be developing our understanding of reading scales and so any practise over the weekend would be valuable in achieving this. In English, we have started our work on setting descriptions. We have been looking at a portrait and justifying our word choices in relation to the picture. We have explored words such as turbulent, torrential, briny, engulfed and stagnant.
Spellings: Next week we will be learning about the prefix ‘re’ and ‘mis’ What words do you already know? Are there any from the dictionary that you don’t yet know how to spell? Can you make a spelling scribble to practise any that you don’t yet know? Maybe you could write each word as a command? Could you go on a prefix hunt? What words can you find in your books or in newspapers?
Have a super weekend and hopefully get some rest too.
Year 3 Team
The Year 3 Restaurant Project 2016
The day has finally arrived for Year 3 to run a restaurant for a day. The children are already very excited and looking forward to serving YOU! Thank you for your support – we are expecting a very good turn out indeed.
Unfortunately we will not be feeding the children so please send the children in with a snack to eat at the end of the day after school.
The children have created the dessert in school today and it is currently being chilled in the fridge as we speak.
The plan for tomorrow: The children will be going over to Oaklands throughout the day in small groups of 16 to prepare the meal for the evening. The children will get the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the meal preparations. We will be taking the children to Oaklands after school where they will be supervised and helping to set up the restaurant and finalising any of the meals. We would like parents to arrive at 4:30 and the food will be served shortly after arrival. As previously mentioned, there will be 3 courses. In between courses, we have a selection of performers who will keep you entertained. We anticipate the meal ending at 6pm.
The Menu:
Starter: Tomato bruschetta on toasted bread, topped with rocket.
Main: Mixed vegetable Ragu served with spagetti pasta and a side salad.
(Vegetables included: onions, peppers and courgettes)
Dessert: Fruit Jelly topped with whipped cream and a strawberry garnish.
We hope that you enjoy your meal. We ask for a small donation towards the cost of the meal. Any money left over will be donated to a charity of the children’s choosing.
We are all very excited about tomorrow and hope that any worries have been answered.
Year Three Team!
Tuesday 5th July 2016
Just a few ideas for home learning for Tuesday 5th July 2016:
Maths: Calculating the perimeter. Use this website to remind yourself about how to calculate the perimeter. Could you have a go at creating your own shapes and calculating the perimeter? Or even calculating the perimeter of you bedroom? Or garden?
Literacy: Today the focus is using inverted commas (speech marks). Use this video to remind yourself about how we can use punctuation to show speech between two characters. Could you write a conversation between two characters?
Topic: How do the muscles in your body work? Use this webpage to research all about muscles and the skeleton:
Complete the table by identifying the main muscles used when carrying out the following everyday household activities and jobs:
walking up stairs | * |
drinking | * |
washing the dishes | * |
vacuum cleaning | * |
brushing your teeth | * |
flushing the toilet | * |
getting out of bed | * |
opening a door | * |
Hippos Assembly
Thank you to all of the family and friends who came to support the children in Hippo class for our assembly. The children have been practising throughout the week and have all been very excited to show everyone what we had achieved. We hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did.
The children spoke with clear voices and should be very proud of themselves. Thank you to all the parents for helping the children get their costumes together – they all looked fabulous!
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Mrs Stewart!
A visit from the banana farmer
Today, Year 3 went to Oakland’s to see a banana farmer and he told the classes about how his life is going. He talked in a Spanish language and he had an assistant to speaking in English to us and Oakland’s children! The banana worker told us there was a hurricane in their country .The couple also showed a power point about their life in Columbia. They told us about why Fairtrade is so important. By Madeleine and Nathan.
Park Ranger visit
On Tuesday, we had a Park Ranger from Staunton visit us at school – Steve Peach. He talked to us about the layers of the Rainforest, the people and tribes that you find in the rainforest, and the dangers facing the Rainforest including deforestation. He also shared some of his experiences from his trips to the African Rainforests. We were lucky enough to touch some items that he has bought back from the Rainforest over the years including a hat made of bark, coffee beans and musical instruments!!
It was inspiring to listen to Steve talk so passionately about the Rainforest and our responsibility in protecting it. The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked some excellent questions to Steve about his experiences.
Year Three Team!
What an incredible day we have had at Staunton!
We started our day with a guided tour around the tropical Rainforest. We experienced what it feels like to be in the Rainforest through being surrounded by plants, listening to the various animal noises, and feeling the humidity. We acted out being a Rainforest and some of us even designed our own plants. Next, we had the opportunity to meet a cane toad – it was huge! But luckily it didn’t jump. We watched it being fed and were amazed at the speed with which the tongue gobbled up the food. We also met some friendly millipedes and some energetic cockroaches! We all enjoyed this very much.
After lunch, we went out to explore the farm. Most of us were luckily enough to go and see the butterfly house, we had the opportunity to do some spray painting and of course we took some time to play in the play areas. There were plenty of animals out and about including piglets, cows, sheep and goats.
We all arrived back at school very sleepy and looking forward to a well earned rest. The children were beautifully behaved and perfectly represented the school. Thank you to all the adult helpers that joined us on the trip – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Mrs Stewart 🙂
Staunton Country Park
Dear Parents,
Next week is our trip to Staunton Country Park. Please be advised that the site is likely to be wet and muddy as a result of the recent weather. The children may wear old, warm trousers and wellington boots/old trainers which they don’t mind getting muddy. We will, where possible, avoid the puddles and mud.
Thank you for all the offers of help for this trip. We have been very well supported and send our appreciation.
Year 3 team