Author Archive: Miss K Owen

Fairtrade Farmer

Today all of Year Three were lucky enough to go over to Oaklands to meet a Fairtrade farmer. He taught us about how he works and his life. His life was difficult before Fairtrade .He had a hurricane that  destroyed his farm. Fairtrade helped him and helped his life . He lives in Columbia and he grows bananas .  Fairtrade helped him with his children to go to school, have uniform, kit and eat properly in his life. They also helped him buy chickens and cows.banana-split

If banana growers are not part of Fairtrade, we were shocked to hear that the person who sold the bananas got the most amount of money!!! The people that worked and grew the bananas got least amount of money!!!

This is not fair! Everyone needs to buy fairtrade food, to help other children and families who deserve the correct amount of money for their hard work.

By Alicia.R , Tia ,Cecilia Crocker , Joshua.Hunter

Home learning

In Year Three we have started our new topic for this half term- THE ROMANS!

Below is a link to the new Roman homework pyramid, full of ideas to inspire the children’s homelearning.

Of course if the children have their own ideas for homelearning around our Roman topic then that would be wonderful!

We can not wait to see what amazing things the children create and find- we can see how much they love this topic already.

Remember we share our homelearning on a Friday afternoon.

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

Bloom’s HL Romans – Copy

3Sh visit to Staunton

Miss Shaw’s class had a fantastic and not too wet day at Staunton country park today.

As you know our current topic is the Rainforest, our school budget could not fly us over to the Amazon rainforest (sadly) but Staunton’s tropical house was a very close second option.

3Sh created the layers of the Rainforest using their heights and discussed all of the different plants found in the rainforest and how they are adapted to their habitat. We even had a chance to create our own plant that could survive living in the rainforest!

We then went to the class room and got to hold various creatures found in the rainforest, such as giant snails, a millipede and Madagascan cockroaches!

After lunch we were lucky enough to be one of the first classes this year to go into the butterfly house- they were beautiful and we found out lots of facts about them.

Thank you to everyone who helped on the trip today, we hope you had as much fun as we did! Here are some pictures of the trip for you all to enjoy.

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A rather interesting visitor…

Today in Year Three unexpectedly we has a rather large visitor- a goliath bird eating spider, these spiders live in the Amazon Rainforest!

However it was only its skin! Like snakes and lizards, some spiders also shed their skin when they are growing- it looked just like the real thing. It was extremely hairy and it even had its fangs  still.

Thank you Mrs D for bringing it in to show us- we had lots of questions for Mrs D about this particular spider, but she couldn’t answer them all. If you are interested in finding out more about this creature you can do some research for home learning and put this into your green book.


Welcome back Year Three


We hope you have all had a lovely and restful Christmas, the children settled back into routine nicely this first week back and have all been eager to start our next topic-



The new homework pyramid has been sent out today and we are excited to see what this inspires the children to make/do/learn in their home learning books.

For blog - rainforest

The children’s spellings have also been sent home this week, stuck into their green home learning books too.

Remember to keep practicing the times tables as this is tested every Monday.

We are looking forward to all the learning we will be doing together this term Year Three,

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

3Sh performing Puss in boots!


This morning  Miss Shaw told us to line up quickly. We were  going to preform in a pantomime- Puss in Boots. So we went to the hall and

then got picked a few at a time. Then  we started to have a practise. When the real show started it was so funny even the teachers

smiled. We had Queen Matilda and Princess Ariana, a troll who could turn into  anything, Puss and Puss in Boots.

Joshua and George B were guards of the troll, Theo was a donkey, Lilly R, Monet, Anna and Kafui were bunnies,

part of the carriage were Cecilia, Tia, Elea, Lily T and Cassius, horses of the carriage were Millie and Sigci,

Samuel and Freya B were water, George G and Andrew were bushes, Muck spreaders were Aeryn, Cody, Yohan and Nicolas,

And Liam, Holly and Alicia were part of a castle. Sienna and Kristopher were servants, Joseph was the chef and Isla was the mouse!

The songs we sung were, Little Mix- Black magic, Years and years- king, Never walk alone and Jess glynne- Don’t be so hard on yourself, we loved singing along.

It was really good and at the end the audience clapped and danced.

Reviewed by Kyle Gardner.



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Home learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘il’

Check your green home learning books for any spellings you need to practice.

However, If you scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, you can use the dictionary to find trickier words starting with ‘il’ for your home spellings this week such as illegal.

Times Tables:  Remember to check which times tables sheet you have chosen to practice at home.

Has the book ‘The dark’ By Lemmony Snickett inspired you to do any writing this week?

We have also started our next RE topic of Advent, you could make your own advent calendar with key messages from the bible or any Advent homelearning ideas that you have.



Home learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ly’

In Year Three we learn our spellings every day in lessons ready to be tested on that Friday. We will then send home a sheet of spellings from the test with the words that they spelt wrong highlight in pink for them to keep practising.  The sheet is in the home learning book.

However, If they scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, they can use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ly’ for their home  spellings this week such as ethically.

Times Tables:  We have a times tables test every Monday in Year Three. If there is a times table the children need to practice, we will send them home with a sheet to support them and practice for the next test.

Remember to look at your homework pyramid for more ideas on your topic light and dark.

This week Sigciniwe was really inspired by her light and dark topic and created her own shadow puppet theatre. She wrote a script based on the story ‘The Dark’ By Lemony Snicket and performed it to the class with the puppets she had also made and torches.

What will inspire you this week Year Three?


Library visit

Year Three’s wonderful explanation texts on how a dinosaur ‘really works’ have been displayed in Waterlooville library. If you have time in the half term, please pop upstairs into the children’s section to admire all of their fantastic writing. The display will be in the library until the end of November.

Well done Year Three!

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Celtic day!

Year Three had  a fantastic Friday experiencing how to be a Celt!

We went onto the playground and made cave paintings, we ventured into the wooded area and built round houses too out of mud and sticks. In the afternoon we tried weaving, jewellery making and even made secret codes out of ancient Runes!

Thank you for providing the children with fantastic costumes, they really enjoyed themselves.


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