Author Archive: Miss K Owen

E-safety talks

Year 3 Welcome Meeting : We have uploaded a new and improved version of the Welcome Meeting. Link below:

Year 3 welcome video for parents

English:  This week we have started our new text in English – Stone Age Boy.  The children have been using role play to explore the relationship between the characters and exploring the meanings of new vocabulary.  The children have also been composing and rehearsing new sentences using exciting vocabulary. Next week we will be starting to use some of the new vocabulary in a setting description.

Maths: We have started looking at how we can use our number bonds to add 3 one digit numbers. The children were given number sentences such as 9 + 3 + 1 and had to think about how they might use their number bond knowledge to help decide the order to add these numbers – for example I know 1 + 9 = 10 + 3 more.  Later in the week we applied this further to help add a two digit number and a one digit number.

Spellings: Most of the children have been learning about the -le and -el rule.  For our Phonics learning we have been looking at using the sound -ay to help us with our spelling.

Science: The children have been rock detectives this week. They have been looking at different rocks and thinking about whether they might be sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous and grouping them accordingly.  We were very impressed with the discussions that they were having.

Thank you to all the children who managed to complete their first book review.  We were inspired by them today.  Our next date for looking at the book reviews will be 9th September 2020.

Finally, but importantly, ask your children about Buddy and his tips for staying safe on a tablet.  There might be a catchy tune that the children could share with you….. 🙂


Team Three


Welcome to Year Three

Hello and welcome to Year Three!

It is so lovely to have you back happy hippos and lovely lions.

Please see below a welcome video we have created- stating all of the key information about Year Three. We would appreciate it if you could watch and keep yourself informed of the homework, must read texts etc. It may help answer any questions you may have had about some of the letters been sent home recently.

Thank you for a fantastic start in such difficult times.

Have  a well deserved relaxing weekend,

Miss Shaw, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Pike

26th June 2020

Hello Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions,

We hope you are well! We are so looking forward to meeting up with you next week, we hope you are too.

Here is next weeks homelearning- enjoy!


Here are some fun facts about Chinas terracotta army-

Have a look at the PowerPoint information on the terracotta army too-


Using this information you could make-

  • A quiz for your friends to answer about the army
  • A PowerPoint of the information you have found out
  • A story about the army using the facts you have learnt
  • An information booklet



Here are the next two oak lessons on 2D shapes.

 If you fancy a challenge…

Challenge 1-


Challenge 2-

Challenge 3-  you can use shapes from home, draw your own shapes or print off the sheet if you can to solve this problem.


SPAG:    Spelling-

We are going to recap the suffixes ‘s’ ‘es’ ‘ed’ ing’ ‘er’

Using the grid words how many different accurate words can you create using these suffixes? Remember some words will be used more than once.

Challenge- can you use these words in a sentence?



What is a consonant? What is a vowel?


CHALLENGE: Write as many prepositions that you can think of then choose 5 to write into descriptive sentences?

CHALLENGE: Can you explain how you know which one is correct and which ones are incorrect?




Activity 1: Headline vocabulary:

A headline should be short, snappy and give the reader an idea about what the story is about. It should also make them want to read on.

They try to use words that grab the reader’s attention. Complete the vocabulary task.

Activity 2: Create your own headlines!

Carefully read these short newspaper stories and create an interesting headline for each, which will grab the reader’s attention. Using a thesaurus (online if you don’t own one) would be an excellent way to help with interesting vocabulary choices.  CHALLENGE: Can you use alliteration?

  • Three children were walking across a field in Waterlooville when they discovered a hole. At the bottom of the hole was a chest filled with gold and silver. The children ran and told the police about their discovery.


  • Two days ago a kitten called Cookie, belonging to Mrs Edge, climbed a tree. It got stuck at the top and could not get down. A large crowd gathered. They could not help the cat. In the end they sent for the fire brigade. The firemen put a ladder up the tree and brought the frightened cat down.


  • Late last night, three men disguised wearing wigs and sunglasses stole over £1000 worth of goodies from a sweet shop. They smashed their way through the front door around midnight and filled sacks with delicious treats. It is hoped that they will be found and arrested soon.


  • Cunningham, a local headteacher, is celebrating his first prize win at a local gardening contest. His beautiful display of flowers beat many other contestants. Rumours have it that his own back garden looks better than the Queen’s! Photographs of his display can be seen on our website.


Activity 3: Now you’ve practiced lots of the features of an article, you are ready to report on the School dragon story. THIS WILL BE PART OF NEXT WEEK’S LEARNING TOO – it is important to spend some quality time following the steps that we do in school when writing so that you produce the best piece of writing you can.


  1. Plan your writing
  2. Write your first draft
  3. Spend some time editing and improving – monkey ears, read it through with an adult, use a thesaurus to improve word choices, check all your sentences don’t start the same, check spelling and punctuation.
  4. Then publish – be proud of your hard work. There are many blank templates on line to help you present your work correctly. Here is a link to help



First, create a name for your newspaper and a headline for the article.

After that, write your newspaper article – remember to include:

  • Who, where, when and what, how! Go back to your research to find this information.
  • How people reacted and felt – this is a good time to use your speech.
  • What is going to happen next (be creative)
  • Conclude with somewhere that people can go / call / email for help, to give more information, for support.


SUPPORT: Use the example template for a similar news article that you can use a model to support you.


Challenge: Vary your sentence structure: Can you use a fronted adverbial to show (e.g. Still shaking in fear, Mrs. Pike stated she was just so grateful that the children weren’t in school at the time of the attack.)  Word mat provided to remind you of the options.–fronted-adverbials-ks2-word-mat-list-_ver_6.pdf?__token__=exp=1592815621~acl=%2Fresource%2Ff5%2Fc4%2Ft-l-4647–fronted-adverbials-ks2-word-mat-list-_ver_6.pdf%2A~hmac=60e431cd62337003b83721978d6b06603200626e08fd5407893a343bd8ff2054


Can you use a subordinate clause (Mrs. Atkins, a year 3 class teacher, was shocked by the damage cause.)



Guided reading:  Dragon poems.

Here are 4 short poems about dragons. Read them aloud, you could even perform them if you want to.

Poem 1: Ancient Dragons


Dragons, they say, lived long ago.

Where they came from, I do not know.

Some like to fly and roar and prance.

Others are colourful and love to dance.

Long tails,

Huge wings,

Golden eyes,

Sharp claws,

Scaly skin,

Forked tongue …

I’m glad they don’t live here any more.



Poem 2: Fly Dragon Fly


Fly, dragon, fly,

Higher and higher.


Breathe, dragon, breathe,

Flames of fire.


Blink, dragon, blink,

Your eyes of gold.


Sleep, dragon, sleep.

You are ever so old.



Poem 3: Friendly Dragons


Friendly dragons are fun,

Flying through the air.

If it wasn’t for their fiery breath

You’d hardly know they were there.


They like to make sandcastles,

And play football in the park,

And thanks to their fiery breath

You can find them in the dark!




Poem 4: My New Pet.


My new pet is a curious kind.

It popped out of an egg that I did find.

With beady eyes and curly claws

And razor sharp teeth filling its jaws.

Enormous wings like leathery sails,

Scaly armour right down to its tail,

Roaring and huffing and puffing out fire,

To eat you for dinner is all it desires.

It’s not a snake, or a lizard, or bat …


My pet is a DRAGON!


How about that?




Which one do you prefer and why?

Look at the styles, shape, rhyming patterns and rhythm when reading them. Make notes around the poems, draw pictures of what comes to mind (like a read aloud think aloud).

Hint: These might help you with your English next week.




Have you noticed that when you play with magnets, they don’t need to be touching to have an effect on a magnetic object? Using magnetic force to act on objects from a distance happens all the time at scrapyards. Watch this video here .

Can you draw and label a scientific diagram, showing either the rotating magnet or the plate magnet and its use at the scrapyard? Here is an example of a different experiment, drawn as a scientific diagram. Notice how the drawings are simple and the illustrator has used a ruler.

Challenge – Explain the effect that electricity had on the plate magnet.


Music from Mrs Sumba

Hans Zimmer

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Hans Zimmer

Why is Hans Zimmer considered a musical trail blazer?

Now listen to the whole piece in the second video.

Zimmer tells us to,

‘Do what you wanna do with it!’

How can you ‘play and get creative’ with this piece?



Science from Miss Stapley

Giant Bubbles  – watch the video

  • Make a home-bubble mixture and wands. Use them to look more closely at the characteristics and behaviour of soap bubbles.
  • Experiment with different shapes and sizes of bubbles and see what you can and cannot control about bubbles. Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round.
  • Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round. – details on the information sheet.

You will need:

  • Good quality washing up liquid
  • Water
  • Glycerin (optional)
  • Plastic tub or other container for bubble mixture
  • Measuring jug (optional)
  • Various things with holes in them for blowing bubbles with. Watch the video for ideas. Straws, pipe cleaners, paperclips, coat hangers, cookie cutters and cake tins with removable bottoms are all particularly good.
  • For giant bubbles: wooden spoons (or other sticks), a couple of metres of string and a small weight you can thread through it, like a metal key ring or nut.

What to do:

A mixture we found that works is 1 litre of water, 100ml of washing up liquid and 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of glycerin. Blow some bubbles!

Put a straw into your bubble solution and try blowing gently into the liquid. You should be able to make a lot of bubbles very quickly. Then dip one end of a straw into the solution, take it out and blow gently through the other end. See if you can control the size of bubble you can blow out of the straw.

Try making bubbles using things with bigger holes, like a paperclip or pipe cleaner bent into a circle. Try poking a dry finger into a bubble, then try the same thing after dipping your finger in bubble solution.

Try making bubbles inside bubbles by poking a straw dipped in bubble solution into an existing bubble and blowing again.

Try out objects with different shaped holes, like cookie cutters or pipe cleaners bent into other shapes. Try objects with really big holes, like a coat hanger or a cake baking tin with its bottom removed. Try making giant bubbles with the special wand we show you how to make in the video.

Going Further:

  • You can experiment with your bubble mixture and giant bubble wand to see just how big you can get your bubbles to be. There are lots of different bubble mixture recipes on the internet, just search for “soap bubble recipe”.
  • You could try making two or three of them and comparing how good the bubbles they make are.


Re from Miss Honeywell

Our school patronal feast day takes place on Sunday 28th June. In order to prepare for this special time of the year, please choose ONE of the following activities in order to learn more about St. Peter…


  • Write a diary entry as St. Peter, when he escaped from prison. Describe how he felt when the Lord sent an angel to free him from the jail that Herod had cruelly locked him up in. How did they get out of the prison?


  • Jesus told Peter, ‘I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’. Design the keys and include as many symbols as you can to represent St. Peter and why he was so special. What would the keys be made of?
  • Jesus said to Peter, ‘You are a rock, and on this rock I will build my church’. Could you paint or decorate a stone or pebble, to show ways in which to build God’s church? (e.g. by spreading love, faith and Good News).
  • Create a selection of short prayers to ask for God’s guidance during the global pandemic. How could we demonstrate the courage, faith and commitment that was demonstrated by St. Peter, as we work to support others?
  • Take a look at the St. Peter’s logo on our school website. Can you re-design the crest so it reflects the qualities of St. Peter? (e.g. trust,  hope, responsibility). Why did Jesus say ‘feed my lambs’? How might St. Peter ask us to continue God’s work on earth?
  • Use the internet to research St. Peter – can you make a fact file about our school saint? Which key words might you use as part of your factual information page? Were there any articles about St. Peter that particularly interested or surprised you?



Art from Mrs Pearson:

Art Challenge: The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT
The title for your art this week is The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT. This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity! Here are some ideas:

CHALLENGE: Design your own vehicle, maybe one that flies and can float on water!
However, if this doesn’t appeal to you then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too. Please email your artwork to me:
Thank you
Keep creating and keep safe!
Mrs Pearson




Have another lovely week Year Three!

Art homelearning

Art Challenge Feast Days

We have two important Feast Days in our Church calendar for June. The 19th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and 29th June is the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul.
For your art challenge this week I would you to do a creation linked to either of these Feast Days.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an object of devotion and always falls 19 days after Pentecost.
As you know, St Peter was given the ‘keys to heaven’ by Jesus and was our first Pope and in Matthew Ch16v18 Jesus said ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.’ He is also the Patron St of fishermen. St Paul changed from not believing in Christianity to spreading the word through the letters that he wrote. Naturally, he is the Patron St of writers.
Ideas to inspire you:


Alternatively, you could do artwork to do with the Patron St that you have been linked to in school (England St George; Scotland St Andrew; Ireland St Patrick: Wales St David), or the Patron St of your home country.
However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.
Please email your artwork to me:

19th June 2020

Hello Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions, 

 We hope you are loving all of the work we have set for you- who knew there were dragons around! 

Here is our learning for this week…



China is well known for origami, a skill taught in which paper is folded to make art work. Below is a link to make your very own origami fox!

Can you challenge yourself and make any other animals?


English:  Direct speech

Activity 1: Revision.

What can you remember about how to punctuate speech? Remember: Speech is what someone is saying. The attachment gives you lots of different activities around speech to help you revise how to correctly punctuate sentences where someone is speaking. Think hard about all the work we’ve already done in class but there’s also a handy parents guide for a grown up to help you if you get stuck.

Speech SPAG and sentences

Activity 2:

In newspapers, reporters often use direct speech in their stories.

When interviewed about the Dragon incident at school. The following staff members had the following to say:

Mrs Pike: I couldn’t believe what I saw. The classroom was a total mess and all the children’s work was destroyed. I’m so grateful we weren’t in class at the time.

Mr Cunningham: It’s a nightmare. There is a huge amount of damage which will cost so much money to repair.

Miss Shaw: The dragon was enormous. Smoke billowed from its nostrils and the screech that came from it was deafening. I was terrified.

Mr Chapman: Tiles were falling off the roof and parts of the classroom were still smouldering. I had to work quickly to make sure the site was safe before anyone got seriously hurt.

Rewrite these sentences using the correct speech punctuation – this will be for a newspaper so you need to add as much information for the reader as possible.



-Use inverted commas around the words that person is saying.

-Who is speaking? How are they speaking? You are not allowed to use the word ‘said’. Can you add an adverb or further information to improve the sentence?

– You can split the speech in 2 sections.

– Can you improve the rest of the punctuation?

Challenge: Can you add a subordinate clause to give extra information?

There are many different ways to write speech sentences. Have a go at different ways to see what you prefer and what you think sounds best.

Here are some examples:

“I couldn’t believe what I saw! The classroom was a total mess and all the children’s work was destroyed. I’m so grateful we weren’t in class at the time!” exclaimed Mrs Pike despondently.

Mrs Pike, one of the year 3 teachers at St Peter’s Primary school, exclaimed “ I couldn’t believe what I saw! The classroom was a total mess and all the children’s work was destroyed. I’m so grateful we weren’t in class at the time!”

“I couldn’t believe what I saw!” exclaimed Mrs Pike as she struggled to fight back tears, “the classroom was a total mess and all the children’s work was destroyed. I’m so grateful we weren’t in class at the time.

Challenge: If you’d like to challenge yourself, please take a look at this PDF. It tells you all about direct speech and reported speech. See if you can rewrite any of your sentences from your work as reported speech instead.


Guided reading:

  1. Complete the comprehension task below. There are 3 levels so ensure you challenge yourself – ask a grown up to help you decide if you’re not sure.

Reading comrehension

2. Take some time to read a selection of newspapers and articles. Think about the way they are written, what they trying to tell you, how the journalist makes it interesting for the reader. The Newsround website is a great place to start. First News (the paper we have in school) is also offering free downloads of digital copies, available via their website with an email address.





Here are the next two Oaks Academy lessons to complete- here is a revision lesson on parallel and perpendicular lines from last week.

Here is a lesson starting our new learning on 2d shapes-

If you fancy a challenge try these –



SPAG- spelling 

young double touch
trouble country rough

This week we are focusing on the /u/ sound spelt ‘ou’. Look at the words above. ‘box up’ these words, for example-

 Challenge- can you now create a word search hiding these words?




  1. When do we add ‘a’ or ‘an’ before words? Write the rule down.

Challenge: Can you think of any exceptions?

  1. What is a prefix? Complete the following activity.

Challenge: Can you find the meaning of each prefix? Can you think of any other examples  – create a word web for each prefix.

  1. Use your English work to complete.

  1. Remember that an adverb adds to the verb.


Have a watch of the following video . Feel free to explore other videos in the Magnets collection in addition to this one if you’re interested. If you have them, have a play with some magnets to see if you can get them to attract/repel each other. Or you could use toy trains like these.

Here’s an Activity Sheet to complete.

This website has a very good explanation and an interesting experiment to try too…


Music from Mrs Sumba

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Grazyna Bacewicz.

Why was Grazyna  Bacewicz considered a musical trail blazer?

Now listen to the whole piece in the second video. Can you hear the morse code pattern  v …-  for victory?

Why not try creating your own secretive rhythms

  1. This is top secret.

2. Don’t tell a soul.



Science from Miss Stapley

Balloon Car Racers  – to watch the video

The activity – Make cars which are propelled by balloon power.

ExpeRiment with designs and see what factors affect how fast or how far your car goes.

Learn how a balloon car works just like a rocket.  – to view the information sheet

What to do:

  • Make a balloon car based on the instructions Mark gives in the video.
  • Decide how you will judge what makes a ‘good’ car – is it how far it goes or how fast it goes?
  • Investigate what happens if you have bigger or smaller wheels (you can use other types of lids or make wheels from cardboard and use blu-tac or glue to attach them to the kebab skewers).
  • Investigate what happens if you change the design of your car in other ways – you can watch the video again for inspiration for other designs.

Going further challenge:

  • Measure how far your car travels using a tape measure.
  • Time how fast your car travels ½ a metre – would double the speed be the time that your car would travel 1 metre? Test it out.
  • You can find the speed of your car in metres per second using a stopclock and a tape measure: Measure the distance the car travels (in metres) then dividing that distance by the time it took to travel (in seconds).


History Learning: Windrush

June 22nd marks the anniversary of the arrival of the ‘Windrush Generation’ to Britain in 1948. Learn about the event by reading this comprehension text and then complete the Geography activity afterwards.

Windrush Geography Activity

Friday 12th June

Hello Year Three, we hope you are all well?

We won’t be posting any more baking photos or photos of Odi the dog, as we are all back in school teaching full time! Mrs Atkins and Miss Shaw are teaching pods of 15 in year R and Mrs Pike is teaching a key worker children pod. But we are enjoying hearing about all of your adventures on our phonecalls.

Here is your home learning for this week, we hope you are enjoying your new topic China-

Topic:  The Great Wall of China.

  1. Take a virtual walk along the Great Wall of China.

  1. Can you create poster about The Great Wall of China? You can include any information but these questions may be a helpful starting point and there’s a website that may be useful too.
  • Who built it and when?
  • Why was it built?
  • The size of the wall – height and length?

  1. Great Wall of China lego activity.

Great wall of china lego



Can you help us? Specialist believes it may be a similar species of dragon to the one that has been spotted recently in The USA. Watch the video clips to see for yourselves!


Part 1:

Discuss what you think might have happened at our school. Use the hand template to think of key questions you would need to investigate in order to be able to report on this strange event? Why don’t you draw round your own hand to present your work?


Part 2:

The staff attended a meeting in school this week to find out some more information – we have made some notes for you. Can these help with your investigation? Do the notes answer any of your key questions? What other information about the dragon and the event can you deduce from our notes.


Guided reading: Newspapers

Activity 1: Match the feature of a newspaper to the purpose. You can cut and stick using the attached activity or use this as a guide to present your work how you wish. Can you label a newspaper or find examples of each feature?

Guided reading features of a newspaper

Activity 2: One of the features was ‘facts’. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion? Discuss with people at home / research and record your findings.

Activity 3: Complete the fact or opinion activity. Fact or opinion task 3



Here are the next two oaks academy lessons to complete-

If you fancy a challenge…



Below is a table of all the different graphemes for the long vowel /ee/. Can you add different words containing this phoneme to the correct column?


It’s time for another hunt around your house! This time we want you to take a magnet with you – just an ordinary fridge magnet will do. Make a list of objects which are magnetic (attracted by the magnet) and are not magnetic (are not attracted by the magnet) and put them into a table like this…

Magnetic Not Magnetic



Look for patterns or clues in your observations. What do the magnetic items have in common? As an extra challenge, research what makes something magnetic to see if your observations are correct.


Music from Mrs Sumba

Antonio Vivaldi

Go to the website below and watch Stephanie Childress’ video about Antonio Vivaldi.

Why was Antonio considered a musical trailblazer?

Now close your eyes and listen to the whole piece on the 2nd video.

What pictures come into your head?

Find a creative way to respond to the music. This could be by dancing, drawing, painting or writing a poem. You may have your own idea.


Why not listen to another piece from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons- Spring, Autumn or Summer?


Science from Miss Stapley

**Please note that this activity must be carried out in the presence of an adult to ensure safety**

Safety advice for parents

  • Do the activity on a table which is cleared of any other flammable objects or materials. Use your judgement as a parent to decide whether or not to let your child light the candles on their own.
  • Make sure you’ve blown out any candles after doing the activity. Don’t move a lit candle when doing this activity. Don’t allow your child to touch the wick or candle until it has completely cooled.
  • Don’t leave a lit candle unattended at any time. There’s more extensive safety advice on using candles from the UK Fire Service here:

The activity

  • Make a blown out candle relight as if by magic.
  • Experiment to find out how long a candle will burn in different amounts of air.
  • Learn about the chemistry of how a candle burns.

What you will need

  • At least one tea light or other small candle.
  • Gas-powered cooker lighter (or long handled matches).
  • Glass jars or glasses of various sizes.
  • Stopwatch (maybe the one on your smartphone) or other way of measuring time.

What to do  – for information sheet about the activity.

Going Further Challenge: Learn more facts about fire:  Make a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher for your candles:  Watch a video on how candles are made:  Use a candle to suck water into a glass like Josh does at the end of the film:


RE learning from Miss Honeywell

Following the celebration of Pentecost in our Church calendar, we would like you continue to reflect upon our Mission and how we can ‘use the gifts God gave us to make our world a better place’.

Just as the Holy Spirit had appeared to the Apostles of Jesus and gave them hope while they were in Jerusalem, we would like you to consider how YOU can use the power of the Holy Spirit to support and encourage others.

Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to explore how we can continue God’s work on Earth as His followers?

– Design a logo for a charity that you feel could be made in order to support others. You can be as creative as you like! Can you include symbols of the Holy Spirit?

– Research one of the following organisations: CAFOD, Christian Aid, Missio. What is special about this charity? How do they put the needs of others first?

– Create a new school Mission Statement for St. Peters – what else can we do to help others in our community and the wider world? Which actions do you feel would be most important?

– Paint a picture of Oscar Romero. How did he follow the values set out by our school Mission Statement? Can you include key facts about his work?

– Write a letter to your local priest. Could you suggest any ways in which you could support the Church in raising money for good causes, in the future? E.g. by helping in a bake sale or coffee morning, once it is safe to do so.


Art Challenge from Mrs Pearson

Key Stage Two for your art challenge this week I would like you to do a piece of Artwork linked to a poem or book. This could be a collage picture from Owl and the Pussycat, or a STREETART word from a war poem. You may even design a new front cover for your favourite book. Let your fantastic imaginations go wild! WOW! CHALLENGE: Read the poem or part of the book aloud to your family, using expression.

Ideas to inspire you:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


Have a lovely week and stay safe Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions!

Happy half term!

Half term is here! And what a strange term it has been, one we will remember forever. Well done for all of your hard work this term, we have enjoyed your emails of work. We think you all deserve a rest this half term so we will not be setting any formal homelearning. Please keep up with your reading for pleasure though – especially in the garden in this lovely weather! We will ensure my maths, sumdog and times tables rock stars are updated with work if you would like to do any maths too.

Stay safe and well Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions.

We can’t begin to explain how much we miss you and we wish you were back with us, always thinking of you,

Miss Shaw, Mrs Atkins and Mrs Pike

Fantastic work

Have a read of Jack’s fantastic story he has created over the weekend- I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

click here to read- Ninja Story

Well done Jack

Home learning 1st May

Happy first of May Happy Hippos and lovely Lions!

We have been very busy this week. Miss Shaw has been enjoying some lovely walks in the sunshine (before the horrible rain appeared) and went to a virtual baby shower! Maybe some of you remember Miss Whitehead? Well she is Mrs Rowley now and she is having a baby girl this month!


Mrs Atkins has continued to look after her garden before the rain decided to make an appearance! And is now trying to keep her two children occupied when being stuck inside (I’m sure everyone reading this can relate!)

This week it was Mrs Pike’s turn to give hairdressing a go… despite sharp scissors and a 17 month old that doesn’t stay still being a dangerous combination, Ollie looks quite good but its probably best that Mr Pike is in lock down for a while longer!

Here is your home learning for this week, we hope you enjoy it:


We hoped you loved the video of Mrs Pike’s farm last week! Imogen loved creating it for you. Now for your topic this week we were hoping you were inspired enough to create your own farm! This could be out of junk modelling, sketching on paper, designing on a computer, making it out of Lego- however you want to! Think of all the important parts a farm needs to function- look back at Mrs Pikes video and see what you need to include.

As an extra challenge you can film your own farm tour video of the farm you have created.


Guided reading:

Below is a link to a variety of recipes-

What do you need to make a ‘good’ recipe?

Rate which recipes were easier to follow/ read and why that was.

What must be included in a recipe?

Have you got a recipe at home you could follow and make something? Or use a recipe from the link.



Below is a video on how to write a clear set of instructions.

Here are some examples of instructions – some are funny and silly-

Can you create your own fun instructions?

For example how to make magic slime or unicorn food or how to wash an elephant.

Have fun- we can’t wait to see what you write about!



Using containers at home explore if this question is true or false.            


Now try these-


Capacity challenge- if you have completed the above tasks and want to, here is a challenge for you to try! 



Attached are two PowerPoint’s. One of the PowerPoint’s explains in detail the difference between different types of food for example carbohydrates, protein etc.

Using this you can either plan your own menu for a three course healthy meal including a variety of food types


we know you have drawn out a healthy plate but can you now make a fake healthy main meal, you could use play dough, Lego, junk modelling etc. There are some examples on the second PowerPoint.

LKS2_Science_Yr_3_Autumn_1_Keeping_Healthy_Session_2__PowerPoint LKS2_Science_Yr_3_Autumn_1_Keeping_Healthy_Session_2_Task_PowerPoint


Apostrophes for contractions

Discuss- why is an apostrophe used for contractions?

Create a poster with the words below and how they are contracted using an apostrophe.


I will


is not


has not


I am


he will


will not


do not


can not


I had


I would


I have


are not


had not


have not


could not


you are


they are


you will


he will


you have


Challenge: can you think of a fun and interesting way to remember where the apostrophe goes- for example-


Music from Mrs Sumba

Florence   B. Price

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video

Why is Florence B Price considered to be a musical trailblazer?

Watch the video again and practise the Hand Bone Dance with one, then 2 hands.

Now watch the 2nd video. Can you perform the Hand Bone Dance in time to the music?


Science from Miss Stapley 

Other things to try – gently lay plain white paper on the surface and make a print of your colour swirls.

Other things to try – the shaving foam and sprinkles experiment. Squirt shaving foam onto a tray. Add coloured sprinkles over the top and watch how the colours mix as the sprinkles dissolve into the foam.

Further science experiments found at

Have fun!!


Art from Mrs Pearson:

Portsmouth Naval Base is looking to mark the occasion of VE day and need YOUR HELP!  They have asked for you to draw pictures on the subject of WW2 & VE DAY and as an extra challenge try to incorporate a rainbow somewhere in the picture (even in the corner).  The pictures will be displayed within the Naval Base and once the day is over they hope to make contact with local nursing homes to distribute the pictures to help cheer our elderly community. If you would like your work sent to the naval base you will have to email it to me by Monday evening.  However, all work sent to me, even after Monday, will still be displayed, as usual, on the Art Blog.

In addition to the drawings for the Naval Base,  I  would appreciated any art and craft linked to this important historic  occasion , such as

bunting, chalk drawings,  figures of soldiers, planes or medals. I know, as always, you will blow me away with your imaginative ideas and creativity.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


History VE day home learning from Mrs Conlon

Friday 8th May is VE day celebrations so please take part in this home learning to engage with what the soldiers may have felt at this time.

Activity 1

Watch this video to learn about what VE day celebration means:

Read the extracts VE DAY and Belsen, VE Day in Germany and VE Day, As Seen from a Field near Venice.

Extracts to read


  • Highlight in red the words and phrases that indicate happiness.
  • Highlight in blue the words and phrases that indicate relief.
  • Highlight in green the words and phrases that indicate sadness.

Activity 2

After reading the extracts and doing any other research using online resources about VE day, imagine you are soldiers being interviewed by the BBC news correspondent on VE Day. You need to portray how the soldiers felt about the end of the war and what they felt their role was in order to help prepare for peace. You will need to be reminded that they will need to consider the impact that fighting during the war would have had on these men.

If possible, record yourself speaking about your recount and email Mrs Conlon the video link to put it onto the school curriculum blog via her class email address:

If you would like to write a newspaper article instead of an interview then please do so and email me a photo of your work to add to the blog.

Have lots of fun learning all about this special celebration.

I am looking forward to seeing your great history learning.

Best regards

Mrs Conlon

(History lead teacher)




Below is a link to a bank of ideas on how you can use your baking/ cooking time as an opportunity for learning in lots of different subjects.


Have a wonderful week!

Miss Shaw, Mrs Atkins and Mrs Pike

Some fun maths games for you to enjoy!

Here are some links to some fun maths games you may enjoy…