British Sign Language Day
This week the children spent time dedicated to learning British Sign Language. The children enjoyed this enormously and it was lovely to hear all of your positive feedback from the children during our parents meetings. Here are a couple of photos from the day:
Red Wednesday:
The children also observed Red Wednesday together during collective worship this week.
We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and managed to keep sheltered from the storm. We look forward to seeing you next week for our walk to church.
Team Three
WC 1st November 2021
We welcomed all the children back after what sounded like a very busy half term for most of the children. We have been very pleased with the way the children have returned to school – ready to learn and excited about the next unit.
In English, we have been writing Haiku poems around the fireworks theme. We have been so impressed with the language used to bring these poems to life. These will be displayed in the classroom. Alongside this topic we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the history behind Bonfire night.
In Maths, the children were excited to discover that aliens had landed! The children were set to work at finding out how many alien eyes were seen by our caretaker on arrival so we could then calculate how many aliens there could be. This was to help the children learn times tables multiplication and division facts. For example 4 aliens with 3 eyes each is the same as 4 ‘groups of’ 3 or 4×3. For division, 33 eyes but each alien has 3 eyes = 11 aliens (33divided into groups of 3 = 11). The children did an excellent job representing these problems in different ways.
We have started our Science topic ‘light and dark’. We discussed sources of light and interestingly many children felt like items such as a mirror, window and even diamonds were light sources. We asked them to see over the weekend if a mirror helps them see in the dark or does it need a light source to be able to do this. A great start with lots of good scientific thinking already.
We had a visit from the Chaplain at Oaklands to help us prepare for the Mass next week. We look forward to seeing those who will be attending this time.
Finally, a huge well done to all the children for the vaccinations and school photographs this week. We were very proud of how well you took part in both of these.
Have a great weekend and we will see you next week.
Team Three
Wc 18th October 2021
It’s been a long and busy term but we have now completed our first half term in Year Three. We can’t express enough how impressed we have been with the way the children have adapted to life in Year 3.
This week we have been practising learning the poem ‘the sound collector’ off by heart to perform to an audience next term. The children have been adding by actions to help them remember the words and to make it come to life.
In Maths, we have continued to learn about adding and subtracting with measure. We have been learning to add 2 or 3 amounts and subtract from a measure such as 1m. Some children started converting measure too – 120cm becomes 1m and 20cm. The children’s ere also learning compliments to 100(2 numbers that equal 100. ) This is some thing the children struggle with and so more practise would be a great way to support at home.
In Spellings we have continued to learn about homophones while the children consolidating phonics have been looking at the ‘ir’ sound.
The children have some home learning to complete over the week. Don’t forget to login to Sumdog and Times table rockstars.
We wish for you all to have a fun, safe and most importantly healthy half term break. See you in a week.
Team three.
4th October 2021
Thank you for all of the donations for the Harvest. The children have displayed the collection by the prayer tables in school but will shortly be added in with the rest of the school.
The children have been enjoying learning about ways to wash a Sabre Tooth Tiger this week. We have been using prepositions to think about where we will be washing the tiger, for example between the claws. We have also been learning new adverbs such as vigorously and thinking about how to use this in our instructions.
In Maths we have been learning to subtract ones from a 3 digit number. We have been thinking about using an efficient strategy when subtracting for example 143 – 5 = 143 -3-2. Some children found this tricky and so any further practise at home would be beneficial as we continue to apply this next week in the context of money.
We completed our Science experiment this week exploring how the force needed for a car to move along different surfaces changes depending on the type of surface. We tried releasing a car (toy) down a ramp with Astro turf, bubble wrap, hessian and shiny wood. The children will be able to share what they found.
Spelling home learning, the Maths task and the vocabulary home learning has been shared and discussed with the children. Don’t forget to log in to Times tables rockstars – let’s see who makes it onto the leader board this week.
Butser Ancient Farm Photos will be appearing shortly.
A busy week of learning in school again this week so enjoy a restful weekend.
Team Three
24th September 2021
The weeks are really flying by as once again another successful week has been completed.
In Maths this week we have been adding single digits to 2 and 3 digit numbers by using our number bonds to get to the next ten and then adding what is left. We will be continuing my this next week also.
In English, we wrote our final cave setting description based on the Stone Age Boy text. We edited our work and then published it today. We were very impressed with some of the handwriting – look out for handwriting pens coming soon.
Spellings: please see the home learning books (red) for a run through of the spelling rules the children have been learning this week and the tasks to complete.
School Trip- it is a super exciting week coming up next week with our trip to Butser Ancient Farm. A parent mail went out today to Hippo class, who go on Monday, to advise parents to send lunch in a disposable bag, to wear comfy weather appropriate trousers and to bring footwear suitable for muddy uneven grounds. School jumpers and tops please.
Home reading journals next week please- (yellow book).
Look out for pictures coming next week. After a quick check in at the end of the day about weekend plans with the children, it seems like you are all very busy with camping, play dates, cinema visits to name a few. Whether you’re out and about or having a well earned rest at home, we look forward to seeing you next week for more learning.
Team three.
17th September 2021
Another busy week of learning in school – well done everyone!
In Maths this week we have been adding and subtracting 10 to a 3 digit number. This was quite tricky especially when crossing the boundaries – for example 209 -10 or 398+10. This would be a good skill to continue to practise at home.
We have started applying some of the skills we have been learning in a short piece of writing about a cave. We have been using prepositions to make the writing more interesting and we have been really thinking about the exciting vocabulary that we can use too.
Spellings and Phonics – we have focused on ‘un’ and ‘dis’ in the spelling groups. The children who are in the phonics group have been looking at the ‘igh’ sound.
Home learning – WOW! We were absolutely delighted with the standard of home learning coming in from the children. They have been working really hard indeed. We looked at the home reading journals this week so this will not be due again until Wednesday 29th September (NB – inset day is 1st October and Lion school trip is 30th Sept). Remember they don’t have to have read a whole book – it might just be a chapter that they review.
RE – it has been really special to see the baptism candles and bibles coming into school we have been keeping them safe on our prayer table to use in our learning
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next week.
Team Three.
Welcome back to Year Three
Wow and just like that the first week is complete. And what a busy week it has been. All the children have settled back into the school routine and school life beautifully. We are particularly impressed with the learning behaviours of all children who seem keen to learn.
In Maths this week we have been looking at 3 digit numbers and where to position them on empty numbers lines. This was quite tricky so we have been doing lots of practise!
We have started to explore our first text in English – Stone Age boy. This included drama and later in the week a chance to write some sentences using exciting vocabulary. We have been learning how to use a dictionary and a thesaurus too.
We have our school trip to Butser Ancient Farm coming up soon – 27th September for Hippos and 30th September for Lions. I know the children are really looking forward to this.
The children have been sent home today with their home learning for the week. This includes 3 spelling activities, vocabulary home learning and the first entry in the home reading journal. Times table rockstars is also readily available for some times table fun!
We look forward to welcoming you during the virtual Welcome Meeting. The links have been sent out for this meeting on 17th September.
Have a super weekend everyone. We look forward to seeing you next week for more learning.
Team Three
A Dragon in School
On Monday when we return to school the middle area has been completely trashed and there was police tape securing the area. We spring into action and begin to collect the evidence. We were lucky enough to meet a local dragon expert who rushed in as soon as she heard the news. We were also able to interview Mr Chapman and Mr Cunningham who told us a bit more about what had happened. We will be writing a report about what we have found!
As if that wasn’t enough excitement we also took part in a football tournament on Friday to mark the beginning of the Euros!! It was a fun afternoon where all the children joined in beautifully!
Well Done everyone!
We have been looking at Time this week! The children have impressed us with their reading of time to the nearest 5 minute interval. Keep practising this ready for year 4!
Have a good week!
Team Three
Friday 21st May 2021
We’ve had a very busy couple of weeks in school so we hope you are ready for a run through of everything we have been doing.
Firstly, we are pleased to share that we had our first liturgy for a long time in the unity building. It was a really special occasion to get her together and think about our friendships and how we show love to one another. Photos can be found on Mr Cunningham’s main blog.
In Maths, we have been looking at 3D shapes and the properties of 2D shapes. We learnt what perpendicular and parallel lines were and spotted them in shapes. More recently we have been adding 2 numbers together using a column strategy. We have been really impressed with the children’s presentation and the way they have approached problem solving over the past couple of weeks.
In English, we have started our new unit using the Great Kapok Tree as our test driver. We will be writing a new page to be added to the book with details the affects on deforestation on the animals in the Rainforest.
Congratulations to the children who won the animal prizes for their last piece of writing! We were very proud of all the children’s efforts
We completed the Big Survey this week. The children were asked their views on school, life in the wider community as well as aspiration questions about what they might like to do when they are ‘grown ups’.
One more week before a well earned rest and hopefully some sunshine.
Don’t forget to bring home learning in this week so that we can take a good look at all the work you are doing at home.
Team Three!
Friday 7th May 2021
We have been busy publishing our Non chronological reports all about a new species that we have discovered in the Rainforest. For this writing outcome, the Year Three team will be awarding cuddly toys to the children for their efforts in the writing progress. Look out for a teddy coming home with you soon!
We have continued to look for links between and within times tables this week. We have represented the times tables in different ways. We have used 1, 10 5 derive to help use use halving to find 5 times a number. We also looked at nearby facts! If I know 5 x 4 = 20 then 6x 4 must be 5×4 + 4 more. It was tricky but we are just at the beginning of this way of thinking and will continue to look at this in years to come.
We have concluded out plants unit and will be starting our new unit on Forces and Magnets next week. Have a think about what you already know and what you might like to learn about over the next few weeks in school.
Congratulations to all of our showstopper and golden key winners.
See you Monday
Team Three