Author Archive: Miss K Owen

Celebrating the Jubilee

What a wonderful day we have had celebrating 70 years of the queen!


Delicious treats from the kitchen 



pin the tail on the corgi 


a variety of Jubilee themed activities 





Preparing for the jubilee

Scan the QR codes to get a special message from our Year 3 pupils.


Team Three

Gilbert White Study Centre

Welcome back

This week we have been delighted with the way the children have returned to school. We have been enjoying catching up on all of their adventures from their Easter time break.

In Maths this week we have been busy solving problems with money. We have been converting money from pennies to pounds and pennies and finding many solutions to problems such as if I had 3 coins in my pocket how much money could I have? What is the most I could have? What if they were all different coins?  The children have really enjoyed this learning journey.

In English we have been reading the book ‘the river’. We have explored new language that could be used to describe a river like plunged, turbulent and many more. Our focus has been on prepositions – amongst, between, within etc.

We finished our Science topic on Rocks by learning all about Fossils and how they are formed. We are lucky to have a fossil collector amongst the team who was happy to share some of the many fossils she has collected in shops but also from hunts along the beaches such as on the Isle of Wight. The highlight was getting to touch a fossil of a dinosaur foot!!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Team Three

Learning in Year three

We’ve had a busy few weeks in school!

So far this term, we have been writing about the disgusting Romans and all their disgusting toileting habits! Yes that’s right – the children will be full of disgusting facts about how the Romans would share a sponge on a stick to clean themselves, while risking death from the build up of methane gas as they used the toilet ….together. They have all really engaged with this unit and the writing has been very impressive!!! We can’t wait to see the final outcomes.

In Maths we have been focusing on the multiplication and division facts for the 3 and 4 times tables. Keep logging into times tables rockstars to practise! practise! practise!  This week we will be moving onto using these facts for finding a fraction of an amount. For example 3/4 of £20. Keep practising the addition and subtraction strategies to really embed these with the children. 1 of each a day would make a huge difference!!

DT WEEK this week. The children are half way through their DT project for this term – shell structures. They have been learning about nets and how cardboard is used to keep products safe in transition. Watch this space for those coming home shortly.

The children have continued to enjoy their PE lessons. We are using all of the equipment including the ropes, springboard and wall bars to develop strength, balance and ways to travel safely.

Well done on all of the lovely costumes on World Book Day. The children all really enjoyed there text called The Invisible Boy. They created Art work and Music that complimented the themes of the story.

We have diversity week approaching soon!

Enjoy the sunshine coming our way this weekend.

Team Three


WC 4th February

This week the children have been writing the opening to the story Aladdin. We have been very impressed with the language the children have used and the way that they have tried to adapt the openings to their sentences to engage the reader.

For our Maths learning we looked at how to divide a singe digit by 10. It is encouraging to see that the children have continued to practise the column addition and subtraction strategies. Any further practise will be beneficial.

During our Science unit we looked at what plants need to grow. We set up 4 experiments in school: do plants breathe? Do plants really need light to grow if they have everything else? Do the plants only take up water through their roots? And do leaves make a difference to plants growth? We’re interested to find out the answer.

We look forward to seeing you all after the weekend.

Team Three


We 24th January 2022

This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Lee Hayward to talk to us about how to be safe online. We discussed the games we like to play, our friends list and what to do if we are feeling angry when playing a game. We all agreed that if we were ever worried about something we’d seen online that we should talk to our grown ups who will be able to help.

In Maths this week we have been learning to add 2 numbers together using an expanded column strategy. The children have enjoyed this so much that they have been practising on whiteboards whenever they’ve had a spare few minutes. Don’t forget to log into times table rockstars. Let’s see who can break the 10,000 boundary.

In Science, we have talked about seed dispersal. Could you find some examples of the different types of seeds and think about how the way they are helps them to disperse. For example there are lots of sycamore seeds lying around currently.

Have a good week


Team Three

10th January 2022

Welcome back to school and 2022.

It really is like we’ve never been away. The children have all impressed us with the way they have returned to school and how they have settled back into their routines ready to learn.

Last week we focuses all on time. Below are some websites to continue practising how to tell the time at home.

This week we will be concentrating on weight and reading and comparing scales. Below is a link to some activities linked to reading scales!

Reading Scales: Mass

In our English lesson we have continued to explore the text ‘Little Blue Penguin’.  Next week we will be writing and publishing our diaries as the Blue Penguin.

Well done to all the children who bought in some home learning and a book review. And a well done also to the children who received Showstopper and Golden Week over the past 2weeks.

Team Three.

Merry Christmas from Year 3

WC 29th November 2021

Your children might have come home talking about angle eaters this week. We have been using these to measure right angles in our environment and then in regular and irregular shapes. We have been sorting shapes into a Carroll diagram using the properties that we know plus our new vocabulary (regular, irregular, right angle). Here is a picture of an angle eater in case the children wanted to create one at home.

We have continued our unit on The Grinch this week also. Watch out for examples of the children’s work coming soon.

Thank you for attending our recent parents evening. It was lovely to talk to you all about the progress your children have made so far. Keep accessing times tables rockstars and sumdog. Be sure to read your reading books too so they can be changed regularly. The deadline for the Must Reads is this week also – so be sure to bring those in. We know so many children have just one more book to go!

Team Three.