Author Archive: Miss K Owen

It’s nearly christmas…

This week Year Three have been asked to help Father Christmas with lots of different problems!

First of all Father Christmas had some issues with his reindeer pens and needed to work out the perimeter of them to fit into his field. Luckily the children were very good at working out the perimeter of the pens and were happy to help straight away.

Then Father Christmas asked us to help him measure out the liquids needed for his potions to give him invisibility and to help the reindeers fly! The children entered the potion making lab and again were more than happy to help Father Christmas out.

Well done Year Three, your super maths skills have really helped Father Christmas out!

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Reminder: next Tuesday Year Three will be taking part in the Christmas Carol service at Sacred Heart Church in Waterlooville. The concert starts at 10:15 but we are still in need of parent helpers to walk us to the church. If you would like to help out, please write a note in your child’s diary and be at school on Tuesday to leave at 9am. Hope to see you there!


Welcome back Year Three

Welcome back to all of our Year Three’s! We hope you have all had a fun filled and relaxing half term. We are all ready to go with an exciting new topic this term, called fireflies! It is a science based topic focusing on light, we will be learning about how we see things, shadows and reflections. The new homework pyramid focusing on our new topic will be handed out this week.

This Friday, the 7th November 2014,  Year Three and Year Six will be holding  a Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville. It will start at 10:45 and we would love for you all to be there. If there are any parents that would be able to help us walk the children down to the church we would be extremely grateful! We will be leaving school around 9:30 and aim to be back at school by 12:00, if you would like to help us walk down to the church please write a note in your childs diary so we can confirm numbers, thank you!

Exciting news: Next week starting from Wednesday 12th November to Friday the 14th November Year Three will be taking part in scooter training, we will be sending out more information on this, this week.

Hope to see you all on Friday


Miss Shaw and Miss Turner

Celtic day pictures!

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We really enjoyed exploring outside on Friday’s Celtic day. We ‘ate’ nettle soup and found out our celtic names. We even had to save Flopsy the sheep from another Celtic tribe! Well done year 3 you all looked amazing- thank you for your participation.


Miss Shaw and Miss Turner

A week with 3S

We are coming to the end of another week in 3S! The Lions have been very busy with some quite tricky Maths and Literacy, however we have all shown great commitment and persevered with our work. Lots of Iron Age tools have been piled onto Miss Shaw’s desk and have shown some amazing home learning. We have all really enjoyed learning about different aspects of life in the Stone and Iron Age and can’t wait to continue learning!

I wonder what we will be learning next week……..