Author Archive: Miss K Owen

Our first week……..

The first week has come to an end in Year Three and we have really enjoyed being back together again. Children have now been provided with their homework diaries to record their homework in and their work book. Their new Stone Age to the Iron Age homework pyramid has been stuck into the front of these too.

We will be kicking off next week with our trips to Butser Ancient farm- 3ST will be going on Monday and 3SH will be going on Tuesday. Please ensure children are provided with a packed lunch and water bottle for the day. The site is predominantly outside so please provide the children with appropriate clothing for the weather e.g wellies, trainers, rain coats, sun hats (too optimistic!) If you are yet to return your slip PLEASE may these be returned by Monday morning at the latest.  Butser is a fantastic venue for us to have a hands on experience of what it was like to live in the Stone Age to the Iron age period of time.

Look out for next weeks post of photos of us learning at Butser.

Year 3 team

Holy Communion

A big congratulations to all of our lovely Year Three’s taking their first Holy communion in various churches over these last few weeks. It is such a special time for you all and we have loved looking at your pictures and wonderful presents- please continue to share them.

Mrs Stewart thought you were very smartly dressed and really enjoyed sharing your first Holy Communion with some of you on Saturday at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville. Miss Shaw is looking forward to seeing the rest of you on the 18th July at Scared Heart on your special day.


Year three’s orienteering trip

Last Monday, we were lucky enough to go to Staunton country park orienteering! There were a few children in Year Three that got to go in the afternoon.

When we got there in our mini bus we sat on the grass and we got told what to do.

We got a map for our group so we know where we were going. It was super hard, luckily we had a grown up to help us, we had Mrs Spicer for 3s and Mrs Moore for 3st.

It  was an amazing day,   we had lots of  fun there. We were 4 minutes late because someone was too slow (Harriet) but we got 143 points in the end. We were 4th, we didn’t get a medal but we got a certificate in golden leaf assembly.

Harriet and Aimee

Welcome back!

A big welcome back to all of our lovely Year Three’s. We hope you have all had a fun yet restful half term.

We also need to welcome back someone new to our Year Three team – Mrs Stewart! Here are some pictures of her wonderful wedding day- well done Year Three for keeping the presents a secret!

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3S class assembly

A big well done to ever member of 3S for their wonderful class assembly. They all worked so hard learning their lines off by heart and the words to be our guest.

Thank you to all the parents that came and celebrated the children’s learning with us! We really hope you enjoyed it 🙂

Guess what Mrs D caught………

…………. A DRAGON!

In Year Three we been writing about how to trap a dragon so that we can train it.

Mrs D came and saw us today with a real DRAGON! His name was Rango. We had to be really quiet (which wasn’t easy) so that we didn’t spook him. He had really sharp claws that hooked into Mrs D’s jumper and his skin camouflaged with sand and bark. She even had a pot of his skin which had been shed. He was surprisingly smooth considering the amount of spikes all over his back.

Thank you Mrs D for letting us meet a real life dragon! We have had such an exciting week in Year Three, I wonder what will be next…

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Taste-tastic three course meal!

A Huge well done to everyone in Year Three- you all managed to create a delicious three course healthy meal for all of your family.

The children worked ALL day preparing the healthy three courses, learning new skills along the way- such as the bridge method for safely cutting and chopping. We hope to have inspired more budding chefs for the future.

Thank you to all of the adults who attended/ helped set up and tidy up the event.

We really hope both the children and adults had as much fun participating in the meal as the teachers.

We wanted to share some pictures of the day with you- Great job Year Three!


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More pictures to follow!

Year Three Team!!


Home Learning

In Year Three we have stared our new topic – Healthy living!

The new homework pyramid went out this week with the children, these will help generate lots of ideas for some fantastic home learning. Remember we check our green homework books every Friday and if the children feel inspired to create anything else that is not on the pyramid they are more than welcome to!

In literacy this week we have been writing complaint letters about a horrendous restaurant experience! Can you think of any formal sentences you could include in a letter of complaint? What other experiences could you write a letter of complaint about?

In numeracy we have been experts at multiplying – can you use an array or grid method to answer any multiplication questions? What would be the most efficient method to use to answer that multiplication question?

Have a lovely weekend Year Three

Miss Shaw and Miss Turner

Snow day!

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Year Three had lots of fun playing in the snow yesterday- here are some pictures!

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Our maths journey

Thank you to all of our parents who attended the calculation evening last Thursday. It was great to see you all so involved with your children’s mathematical journey.

This week Year Three have taken the next step with their addition and have been working on the expanded column addition method. We have all been working really hard and using apparatus such as arrow cards and deans to support us.

Below is an example of what the method looks like- first we need to partition the numbers into 10s and 1s before  placing them into order of place value.  We need to remember to add the 1s first! Once we have added all the numbers up we then need to add those numbers together.



additon 3additon 2

We hope this is clear and will enable you to help your children further at home . Remember we also have lots of fun activities on abacus focusing on addition!

Within literacy this week we have been creating stories about a chosen rainforest animal, lots of children have included 2A sentences within their writing, well done Year Three. This week you could try and think of 2A sentences to describe a different setting, maybe even a part of your house! Also when you are reading, see if any of your books include 2A sentences.


Next Tuesday, the 27th January, Year Three and Year Four will be celebrating a mass within school. We invite all of our parents to come and join in. We will be starting at 10.15 looking forward to seeing you all there.


Miss Shaw and Miss Turner