Shared Learning


We hope you have all had a pleasant week so far.

This week, the children have been learning how to write a factual and concise introduction for their newspaper articles. Both classes enjoyed using a green biro to edit their work and ensure that each introduction contained the 5Ws and factual information. As the week progressed, we then looked at a range of ‘real life’ articles and discussed the features of a newspaper. Using such clues, including vocabulary such as time conjunctions, the children were then able to put a ‘muddled up’ newspaper article into order before planning their very own article about the dragon invasion in Year Three.

In Maths, the children have consolidated their knowledge of using the expanded column method for subtraction and finding the difference between three digit numbers. We then applied this learning to the context of Money, calculating the amount of change that would be received from a £5 or £10 note when purchasing items at a dragon shop. By the end of the week, the children took part in a challenge that involved addition and subtraction (i.e. calculating the total cost of 2 items before finding the difference to work out the change received from £5 or £10). We were very impressed by the children’s reasoning skills – they could discuss and explain several possible combinations of coins that they could have received from a cashier, for their change. Well done Year Three!

Next week, we look forward to our Year 3 and 4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.

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