Welcome to Year Three


We hope that all the children have had a good holiday and feel rested ready for the upcoming year. The children have settled back into school life very well and they are all keen to learn!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the welcome meeting on Tuesday night. It was pleasing to see how many people were able to come along and we hope that you found it informative. If you were not able to make it on this occasion, you should have received the powerpoint used and the ‘welcome to year 3’ leaflet this week.

Please find below a copy of the home learning pyramid for this half term. The children can pick activities from the pyramid each week for their home learning. Children are not expected to complete all the tasks (although they can if they wish). The pyramid is for use over the first half term and so there is no expectation for it all to be completed immediately.


Don’t forget to go onto Bug club, My Maths and Purple Mash and record these into your diaries.  We are looking forward to looking at the home learning, next Friday 19th September!

Key dates for the diary for this half term:

* Friday 3rd October – INSET.

* Friday 17th October – Celtic Day (Come to school dressed as a Celt from the Iron Age).

* Friday 7th November – Mass in School at 10:45.
* 12th, 13th and 14th November – Scooter Training
* Monday 1st December – Advent Service at Sacred Heart 10.15am.
* Tuesday 16th December – Carol Service at the Sacred Heart Church.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or Diane Price should any issues arise.

Miss Turner and Miss Shaw






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