Challenge and commitment


This week, Year Three have been working exceptionally hard in their learning across the school curriculum. We would like to congratulate all of the children for the commitment and perseverance that was demonstrated across both classes, particularly across the subjects of English and Maths. Well done Year Three!

In English, the children have been learning how to develop detail through the use of narrative. At the beginning of the week, Year Three took part in role play and drama as they developed a conversation between the two main characters of their slave diary. We then used a class rhyme to learn how to punctuate direct speech correctly through the use of inverted commas. The children have also looked at singular and plural possession, using the possessive apostrophe to indicate how many characters own particular items within their slave diaries. Both classes have worked hard, to successfully produce a detailed piece of narrative that offers a variety of descriptions and dialogue. Great work Year Three!

In Maths, we have been learning how to tell the time: to the nearest hour, half an hour, quarter of an hour, 5 minutes and even to the nearest minute! Despite this being a challenging task, Year Three showed excellent commitment and achieved high levels of success. By the end of the week,  for instance, pupils could confidently apply their learning in order to solve a range of interval problems and challenge cards about time. Can you practise telling the time from a digital clock at home, this weekend? What patterns do you notice?

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

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