

This week, students have been working very hard to improve the presentation of their work across the curriculum. The children have shown pride in what they have produced and have enjoyed celebrating their successes within class. We are very proud of the dedication and commitment that has been demonstrated across both classes this week, very well done Year Three!

In English, the children have been learning the skills required to produce a factual and detailed Dragon information page. They have shown confidence in using fronted adverbials, subordinating conjunctions and technical vocabulary. We have been delighted by the range of key words that the children have included within their writing, and now look forward to planning, drafting and publishing our own Dragon information pages next week.

In Maths, the children have been learning how to convert between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Across the week, Year Three were also taught how to calculate different intervals of time, within and across the hour. The children were then given a series of word problems which provided a challenging opportunity to apply the skills taught. We were impressed by the collaboration shown by the children as they worked in pairs to convert between digital and analogue times for each Maths problem.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing more of the children’s Dragon Home Learning next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin

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