Our new half term



We have had a successful start to our new half term with the children coming back with a great attitude to their learning. We have continued to challenge ourselves to keep improving our learning.

In our maths we have been exploring measuring in cm and mm, including measuring the perimeter. As a good way to continue in practicing this learning, why not try measuring the things in your bedroom or in your kitchen?

In our Literacy we have been learning about how to organize our notes and learning using headings and subheadings. Look out in your home and see which books you have that use headings and subheadings.

Next week we will be learning about Remembrance Day and the importance of the poppy. We hope that the children will take the time to talk to you about what they learn about Remembrance Day and the continued importance that this has.

We look forward to seeing you at parent’s evening!

Year 3 Team

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