Welcome back Year Three!

First of all, apologies for not posting on the site for a while- there was a technical issue in which no one could log on and post! However it is all sorted now 🙂

We have enjoyed welcoming the children back after a well deserved rest over the two weeks Easter holidays.

We have dived straight into our new topic- DRAGONS!


All of Year Three are very excited about our new topic, it  has inspired new learning already!

St George’s day is this Saturday the 23rd April, in honour of our topic we will be taking park in a St Georges fun day- completing activities based on Saint George and finding out all about him.


The new homework pyramid has now gone home- but of course if you are inspired to create anything else from the topic please feel free to do so! We are looking forward to your creations.

I hope you are looking forward to this half terms learning as much as we are Year Three!

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

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