Home learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ly’

In Year Three we learn our spellings every day in lessons ready to be tested on that Friday. We will then send home a sheet of spellings from the test with the words that they spelt wrong highlight in pink for them to keep practising.  The sheet is in the home learning book.

However, If they scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, they can use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ly’ for their home  spellings this week such as ethically.

Times Tables:  We have a times tables test every Monday in Year Three. If there is a times table the children need to practice, we will send them home with a sheet to support them and practice for the next test.

Remember to look at your homework pyramid for more ideas on your topic light and dark.

This week Sigciniwe was really inspired by her light and dark topic and created her own shadow puppet theatre. She wrote a script based on the story ‘The Dark’ By Lemony Snicket and performed it to the class with the puppets she had also made and torches.

What will inspire you this week Year Three?
