This week in Year Three…

Literacy: This week we have had such fun learning about explanation texts! Did you know how a dishwasher works? I  bet you didn’t know that there are actually cats inside your dishwasher that lick the plates clean! And how about how a toaster works? I bet you don’t know about the fire breathing dragon underground that scorches your toast when you lower it into the toasting machine! We have been learning about the Snoozatron, one of Wallace’s Cracking Contraptions! There are more Cracking contraptions available online. Maybe, this weekend, the children may like to have a go at writing their own explanation for one of the other cracking contraptions or even their own!!

Maths: This week we have continued on our learning journey with division. It is worth reinforcing this learning over the weekend. Why not try dividing HTU by a single digit?

Spelling: The spelling rule for this week is to explore plural endings.

RE: We have been learning about the story of the paralysed man this week. The children could look at another miracle from the bible this week.

Topic: The children have enjoyed our PE lessons in which they have been completing simple circuits. Could they have a go at making up their own circuits for the family to try at home or at the park.


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