WC 1st November 2021

We welcomed all the children back after what sounded like a very busy half term for most of the children. We have been very pleased with the way the children have returned to school – ready to learn and excited about the next unit.

In English, we have been writing Haiku poems around the fireworks theme. We have been so impressed with the language used to bring these poems to life. These will be displayed in the classroom. Alongside this topic we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the history behind Bonfire night.

In Maths, the children were excited to discover that aliens had landed! The children were set to work at finding out how many alien eyes were seen by our caretaker on arrival so we could then calculate how many aliens there could be. This was to help the children learn times tables multiplication and division facts. For example 4 aliens with 3 eyes each is the same as 4 ‘groups of’ 3 or 4×3. For division, 33 eyes but each alien has 3 eyes = 11 aliens (33divided into groups of 3 = 11). The children did an excellent job representing these problems in different ways.

We have started our Science topic ‘light and dark’. We discussed sources of light and interestingly many children felt like items such as a mirror, window and even diamonds were light sources. We asked them to see over the weekend if a mirror helps them see in the dark or does it need a light source to be able to do this. A great start with lots of good scientific thinking already.

We had a visit from the Chaplain at Oaklands to help us prepare for the Mass next week. We look forward to seeing those who will be attending this time.

Finally, a huge well done to all the children for the vaccinations and school photographs this week. We were very proud of how well you took part in both of these.

Have a great weekend and we will see you next week.

Team Three


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