Merry Christmas

Year 3 Christmas homework.

What a strange year it has been. You have all worked so hard this term and we are very proud of every single one of you.


During the Christmas holidays, your teachers would like you to:

  • Spend as much time with the people you care about (even if that is via a phone, FaceTime or zoom!)
  • Do the things that you enjoy.
  • Watch your favourite programme or film.
  • Make somebody laugh or smile.
  • Do something nice for somebody else (without being asked!)
  • Play
  • Rest

Then, come back to school in 2021, ready to learn!

Merry Christmas and we can’t wait to see you all again in a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Pike, Mrs. Stewart and Miss. Shaw


P.S Santa says there’s no better time to learn to tell the time whilst spending time with your family!


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