Friday 4th December 2020

STEM day in Year 3: the boat challenge!

The children were set the challenge of designing a model boat which would be able to float and hold the greatest weight. The children were given a selection of junk modelling materials to build their boat with! They had the best day and we were all so impressed with how they worked together and collaborated to get a result. Here are some pictures ….more to follow.

As well as STEM day, the children also had a day learning about British Sign Language. We were so impressed with how the children responded to all of the activities throughout the day and we have been practising something very special to share with you all soon. Photos to follow shortly.

Spelling homework for this week is looking at homophone – for example their/there and they’re. For vocabulary home learning we are looking for different synonyms for confused. Finally our creative home learning tasks have been coming in over the last few weeks. Please bring anything else in over the next week or so, so we can display these for everyone to see.

Well done to all of the showstoppers, golden key winners and children’s go received the head teachers award! You deserve it!

Keep safe everyone.

Team 3

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