Friday 20th November 2020

This week was anti bullying week. We kicked off the week by wearing odd socks into school, followed by classroom discussionS and activities about anti -bullying. We were impressed with the children’s responses!

In Maths this week, we have been looking at fractions of an amount linked to our farming topic. For example, would you rather have 1/4 of 20 strawberries or 1/5 of 25 strawberries? We will be continuing this next week.

In English, we wrote our postcards to persuade someone to come and visit Sunny ‘s home (from Meerkat Mail). We enjoyed publishing our work and the teachers will be looking to see who is ready to receive their pen licence!

Thank you to all the children who have started researching the different food types at home. In Science, we started looking at what the different food groups do for our body. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at the human skeleton. If anyone has an old x-ray that the children could look at, please get in contact as we’d love to hear from you.

Home Learning: Our spelling lessons have focus on the prefixes: anti, auto and super. Have a go at some of the activities sent home. The Phonics focus group have looked at the Phase 5 sound ‘ir’.  Next week we will be starting our new book in English which is about a lonely penguin. The vocabulary home learning contains different synonyms for lonely.  Could you explore these words with the children? We have received some creative home learning already which are shown below:

Remember to bring them in so we can display them.

The children took home an envelope containing their parents evening targets which we will be discussing with you further during our parents evening appointments.

Finally, congratulations to our showstopper writers, golden key winners and perfect presentation children! Very well deserved!

Have a good weekend and stay safe everyone.

Mrs Stewart, Miss Shaw and Mrs Pike.


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