Fossil detectives

This week we started to look at how Fossils are created.  You could look into this more at home. Do you have fossils at home? Could you have a look at more photographs of fossils online or in books? Could you draw some fossils? If you want to bring any of your research in to show us, we’d love to see what you find out.

Maths: This week in Maths we have been looking at measure.  We have been measuring old ‘mammoth bones’ and ‘sabre tooth tiger’ teeth.  Towards the end of the week we looked at problems such as: If I have 3 mammoth bones each measuring 24cm, how long would the bones be in total? We looked at how we can draw the problem to help us understand it and then use this to solve it.  The children were very successful! Well Done!

English: We were busy writing our setting description this week.  We published our final piece on Friday.  The teachers in Year 3 will be deciding if there are any candidates worthy of a pen licence this week.  Next week we will be looking at instructions.  If you want to get a head start, you could look for some examples of this text in your homes.

Topic: We had lots of fun creating music to fit with the sunset and sunrise at Stone Henge.  The children were very creative in matching the appropriate mood and even began to record their music in early notation.

Maths: log into sumdog and have a go at the multiplication challenges available

Spelling: Finally, we looked at the ‘ar’ sound after w this week.  We noticed it can sound like ‘or’ but it is spelt ‘ar’ (war, warship, toward). The phonics group looked into words with the sound ‘ue’.  All children have the spellings and vocabulary work stuck into their pink books.

Word shapes:

Spelling Staircase:

Congratulations to our showstoppers, mathemagicians, and Golden key winners – All well deserved!

Have a great weekend.  We look forward to seeing you again next week for lots more learning.

Team Three



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