Friday 18th October 2019

In English this week we have been planning our descriptive paragraphs about the cave, fire and bear from a scene in Stone Age Boy. These are the texts the children will be reading to you at our Family Learning session on Thursday 24th October at 2:45pm. We really hope you can make it! We’ve been sure to use all our past learning about expanded noun phrases, using our senses, thinking about the position and place where things are happening and more.

In Maths, we have been learning to complete addition sums using the expanded column method. We’ve done very well with our exchanging and have been able to apply this to solve word problems.

In RE this week we have been looking at Saints and how we live our lives in similar ways. We also were fortunate to have Miss Keogh, Oakland’s Chaplain visit to teach us how to pray to Mary using the Rosary as part of One Million Children Praying, an international campaign.

This week’s spelling homework focuses on words which use uncommon graphemes for the phonemes /c/ and /or/. Again, your child may choose the strategy they want to use to learn them. Vocabulary homework is about ‘length’ in preparation for Measures in Maths.

Enjoy this rainy weekend,

Team 3


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