Friday 13th September

This week in Year 3 we have been continuing with our Stone Age learning, finding out interesting facts about their homes, diets, tools, farming and clothes. In English, we worked in groups to present our knowledge as a rap which we then put together with others to create a class performance. On Friday both classes battled it out on the playground with Mr Cunningham as our judge. Hippos were declared the winners! Congratulations Hippos!

In RE we have been looking at our new school Mission Statement, thinking deeply about what it means and how it affects our lives and conduct in our school and wider community.

In Maths, we have been continuing to test our understanding of number and how great or small they are in relation to each other. We’ve been working on the tricky concept of numbers lines and placing the numbers in an accurate position. This is so difficult and requires lots of resilience but we will get there!

Also this week, some children have nominated themselves and campaigned to become their class School Councillor. After giving their very impressive speeches about what they think makes a good representative and what they would bring to the role, the class voted. We’re pleased to announce that Lola M and Daniel D will be our Year 3 representatives! Well done to you both and commiserations to those who weren’t selected this time – you all did a great job of presenting to the class.

In term of homework, a new SumDog challenge is running alongside the Times Tables Challenge for 250 coins! We also hope that you have found the children’s Home Spelling books in their bags and that the instructions are clear. You will find the corresponding strategies that the children need to use to practice their words stapled in the back of the book. This week’s spelling rule is adding suffixes and knowing when to double the root word’s consonant and when to remove -e, for example. Thank you for your support to reinforce these school-taught spelling rules which support the learning of the government’s Year 3/4 Spellings.

If you have any questions regarding this or anything else, we look forward to seeing you at Monday’s Parents’ Welcome Meeting from 3:15pm.

In the meantime, enjoy the weekend!

Team 3

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