Another week in Year 3

This week we have started our Fraction unit in Maths.  We have been investigating fractions on a number line and recognising that tenths arise when you divide a whole number by 10 equal parts.  The children have risen to the challenge and have made a good start.  Can the children look for fractions in their every day home lives and environments?

In Literacy, we have been developing our authors tone of voice by pretending to be a documentary film maker like David Attenborough to describe the rainforest in a factual way.  The children have been using the conjunctions when, because, although and if to write complex sentences.

This week the Year 3 children celebrated Mass with the Year 4 children.  We thank all who were able to attend.

We would like to invite you to drop in to see the children’s work from the Rainforest topic again.  The children really enjoyed sharing their Stone Age work and I know that this topic will be no different.  Date to be confirmed next week.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all bright and early on Monday.

Year 3

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