Anti Bullying Week

This week, we started to think about Anti-bullying week – this will continue into the next week.  We kicked off the week with the Odd Socks day.  The children really enjoyed parading their odd socks around the school grounds.  We designed our own odd socks and began to think about what bullying means to us.

In Maths this week, we have had a big focus on reading scales to the nearest half interval.  For example, if the scale is going up in 100’s, we thought about halving this amount so we’d know the value of the intervals.  Some children moved onto scales which had 4 intervals between the values on the scale.  This was really tough and all of the children showed great resilience towards their learning and are beginning to master this concept.  We will be building on this skill next week when we will be reading and interpreting statistics! Also next week – Time! Can you practise reading the time over the weekend in preparation for this next unit in the later stages of next week?

We have continued our short unit on descriptive writing this week.  We had the opportunity to collect adjectives and powerful phrases during our multi – sensory lesson.  We explored the 5 senses through a carousal of activities including: smelling seaweed; listening to beach noises; feeling shells and fossils; and listening closely to the seashells amongst other activities.

Spellings – this week we are continuing our focus on the ‘re-‘ and ‘mis-‘ prefix. The newest spelling homework was sent home with all the children today.  As a Year 3 team, we are so impressed with the standard of homework this year so far and wish to pass on thanks to all for supporting your children with the activities that they are set.

Happy weekend to all and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning for another week of learning.

Team Year 3

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