We hope you have all had a lovely week and that the children enjoy a well deserved three day weekend.
This week, Year Three have continued their learning on instruction texts through the context of our current topic, The Stone Age. In particular, we have challenged the children by asking them to create their very own set of instructions to help a reader from Waterlooville Library understand how to take care of a prehistoric beast. As the week progressed, the children drafted their own instruction pages and included the following elements of success criteria across their command sentences: time connectives, imperative verbs, adverbs and prepositions. By the end of the week, the children took part in a carousel activity which had enabled them to analytically edit a maximum of three of their command sentences. We were very impressed by the children’s commitment when using resources (word mats, dictionaries, thesauruses and the working wall) to improve their work. Well done Year Three!
In Maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract 10 across a hundreds boundary. Using our Maths toolkits, we also looked at how to add hundreds to three digit numbers with a particular focus upon place value. Next week, we look forward to returning to the addition and subtraction of ones across a tens boundary with more confidence through the context of money calculations. Can the children calculate how much their favourite toy or sweet would cost if it was 9 pence more, or less? Can the children make the amount of money it would cost to buy their item using different combinations of coins?
Thank you to all of the children who have been working on their spelling home learning. We would like to inform you that the children have now all received their Sumdog passwords for Year 3, which can be found at the back of their Home Learning diaries in the notes section.
We hope you all have a pleasant weekend and look forward to seeing you soon.
Kind regards,
Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.