Monthly Archives: January, 2022

We 24th January 2022

This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Lee Hayward to talk to us about how to be safe online. We discussed the games we like to play, our friends list and what to do if we are feeling angry when playing a game. We all agreed that if we were ever worried about something we’d seen online that we should talk to our grown ups who will be able to help.

In Maths this week we have been learning to add 2 numbers together using an expanded column strategy. The children have enjoyed this so much that they have been practising on whiteboards whenever they’ve had a spare few minutes. Don’t forget to log into times table rockstars. Let’s see who can break the 10,000 boundary.

In Science, we have talked about seed dispersal. Could you find some examples of the different types of seeds and think about how the way they are helps them to disperse. For example there are lots of sycamore seeds lying around currently.

Have a good week


Team Three

10th January 2022

Welcome back to school and 2022.

It really is like we’ve never been away. The children have all impressed us with the way they have returned to school and how they have settled back into their routines ready to learn.

Last week we focuses all on time. Below are some websites to continue practising how to tell the time at home.

This week we will be concentrating on weight and reading and comparing scales. Below is a link to some activities linked to reading scales!

Reading Scales: Mass

In our English lesson we have continued to explore the text ‘Little Blue Penguin’.  Next week we will be writing and publishing our diaries as the Blue Penguin.

Well done to all the children who bought in some home learning and a book review. And a well done also to the children who received Showstopper and Golden Week over the past 2weeks.

Team Three.