Another busy week of learning in school – well done everyone!
In Maths this week we have been adding and subtracting 10 to a 3 digit number. This was quite tricky especially when crossing the boundaries – for example 209 -10 or 398+10. This would be a good skill to continue to practise at home.
We have started applying some of the skills we have been learning in a short piece of writing about a cave. We have been using prepositions to make the writing more interesting and we have been really thinking about the exciting vocabulary that we can use too.
Spellings and Phonics – we have focused on ‘un’ and ‘dis’ in the spelling groups. The children who are in the phonics group have been looking at the ‘igh’ sound.
Home learning – WOW! We were absolutely delighted with the standard of home learning coming in from the children. They have been working really hard indeed. We looked at the home reading journals this week so this will not be due again until Wednesday 29th September (NB – inset day is 1st October and Lion school trip is 30th Sept). Remember they don’t have to have read a whole book – it might just be a chapter that they review.
RE – it has been really special to see the baptism candles and bibles coming into school we have been keeping them safe on our prayer table to use in our learning
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next week.
Team Three.