Monthly Archives: May, 2021

Friday 21st May 2021

We’ve had a very busy couple of weeks in school so we hope you are ready for a run through of everything we have been doing.

Firstly, we are pleased to share that we had our first liturgy for a long time in the unity building. It was a really special occasion to get her together and think about our friendships and how we show love to one another. Photos can be found on Mr Cunningham’s main blog.

In Maths, we have been looking at 3D shapes and the properties of 2D shapes. We learnt what perpendicular and parallel lines were and spotted them in shapes. More recently we have been adding 2 numbers together using a column strategy. We have been really impressed with the children’s presentation and the way they have approached problem solving over the past couple of weeks.

In English, we have started our new unit using the Great Kapok Tree as our test driver. We will be writing a new page to be added to the book with details the affects on deforestation on the animals in the Rainforest.

Congratulations to the children who won the animal prizes for their last piece of writing! We were very proud of all the children’s efforts

We completed the Big Survey this week. The children were asked their views on school, life in the wider community as well as aspiration questions about what they might like to do when they are ‘grown ups’.

One more week before a well earned rest and hopefully some sunshine.

Don’t forget to bring home learning in this week so that we can take a good look at all the work you are doing at home.

Team Three!

Friday 7th May 2021

We have been busy publishing our Non chronological reports all about a new species that we have discovered in the Rainforest. For this writing outcome, the Year Three team will be awarding cuddly toys to the children for their efforts in the writing progress. Look out for a teddy coming home with you soon!

We have continued to look for links between and within times tables this week. We have represented the times tables in different ways. We have used 1, 10 5 derive to help use use halving to find 5 times a number.  We also looked at nearby facts! If I know 5 x 4 = 20 then 6x 4 must be 5×4 + 4 more.  It was tricky but we are just at the beginning of this way of thinking and will continue to look at this in years to come.

We have concluded out plants unit and will be starting our new unit on Forces and Magnets next week.  Have a think about what you already know and what you might like to learn about over the next few weeks in school.

Congratulations to all of our showstopper and golden key winners.

See you Monday

Team Three


Friday 30th April 2021

Happy bank holiday weekend!

We have had a very eventful week in school. On Friday we had our school photos on the field, we got to watch an incredibly inspiring assembly with the Rock 2the beat rock band and finally Lee Hayward came in to tak to us about how to be safe online. Phew!

But that wasn’t it! In English, we have started to write up our non chronological report page all about the new animal that we discovered in the rainforest. We started with its appearance and we were trying to include lots of causal connectives and different noun choices.

In Maths we have been learning about the times tables and representing these in different ways. We have been looking for links between the facts. For example if I know

1x 4 = 4 then I know 10x 4 = 40. I can work out 5×4 by halving this to equal 20! This works for really big numbers too – but that’s just for fun or a party trick.

I also can make linked with doubling.
1×4 = 4 so 2×4 will be double and =8 and if I double it again it will be 4×4 =16. And I can even double it again which will be 8×4 =32. Wowser!
See what you can find out!

We have a science experiment on the go in school. We have put some celery in undiluted squash so we can see how water is transported up to the leaves where the plants makes it’s food.

Hope that everyone manages to stay nice and warm and dry this weekend. See you next week.

Team Three