Monthly Archives: April, 2021

Friday 23rd April 2021

Welcome back to all the children. We hope that they all had a lovely Easter break. We’re pleased to see that it is finally warming up and have been making the most of getting outside for some of our learning this week.

During our Maths lessons this week we have be learning to multiply and divide by 10. We have used the HTO grid to help us make numbers ten times bigger and smaller.

We started our new English unit this week too. We have created our own rainforest animal and started to write sentences using causal connections such as if, when, in order to and so that.

We have continued to learn about the life cycle of plants and this week we looked at pollination and the role that bees play in that process. The children acted out how pollen is transferred from one flower to animal to another before they created a cartoon to explain it to a friend.

Don’t forget to try to access sumdog and TT rockstars as part of your home learning. Vocabulary and spelling sheets have been sent home with the children. The children have also received the reading passports that they can start completing over the next couple of weeks.

Happy St Georges Day.

Team Three