Friday 19th March

Something very topical happened yesterday following our day learning about volcanoes. A volcano erupted south-west of Iceland’s capital Reykjavik. Here is a link to the BBC news article which could be read with the children.

We had a brilliant day learning all about volcanoes around the world, where they are found and the different layers of a volcano. We followed this up by creating our own volcano which ‘erupted’ on the playground after lunch. Pictures to follow!

In Maths we concluded our work on Fractions for now. We have now moved on to learning about angles. More of this will be coming up next week.

In English this week we listened to a speech by Boudicca leading her army into battle with a Roman Army who was certain to win. We have been practising skills to inspire for the speech we will write and perform on dress up day.

Finally, in History we managed to capture a Roman Soldier this week after doing some great spying on a near by Roman camp. We found out lots about the Roman equipment and formations from Marcus before we let him go!

Have a great weekend.

Team Three

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