Friday 11th December 2020

Wow what a week we have had in school!

British Sign Language song: Following on from our sign language day last week, which was part of our stewardship award, we have performed and recorded the children signing 2 Christmas songs- one from each class. Watching these really bought a tear to the eye of your teachers as they were truly magical and we can not wait for your families to see these soon!

Nativity: We had some children act out a scene from the nativity on the stage! We were all so impressed with the performance so watch out for this video coming out soon to share with you all.

Carol Singing: We have also been busy practising our Carol. This week we finally got to perform it in the courtyard at school. Again this will be shared soon… not much longer to wait.

Drama workshop: We were also treated to a drama workshop where we had to help a fairy find his fairy tale book! The children absolutely loved this!

Christmas jumper day: It was also Christmas jumper day in school.  Thank you to all the children for wearing your jumpers and donating some money towards charity. If you didn’t manage to bring your money today, it’s not too late to pop it in on Monday.

Reading Challenge Winners: Lots of children entered the reading passport competition this Autumn Term but we think next time we could definitely have lots more children joining in. The 4 winners will be treated to a movie afternoon including popcorn next week. And all those who entered will also get some extra playtime! Well done!!

Sumdog Christmas Challenge: This is still running so make sure you get involved and try to complete the Christmas challenge.

As well as all this we have also be covering our full curriculum. Below is an example of some of the Maths problems we have been given to solving involving measure. In English, we have written our diary entries from Little Blue Penguin. We are so proud of how hard everyone has worked this week with so much going on!

Next week we have our Christmas dinner on Tuesday 15th December. We also have an inset day on Friday 18th December and a few little things to look forward to in class too!

Congratulations to our Showstopper children and our Golden Key winners and to all the children who have received headteacher awards over the past week!

A busy but hugely successful week! We can’t wait to share everything we have been doing with you soon! Phew now I’m tired! I hope you will all join us in having a restful and safe weekend!
Team Three





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