Friday 27th November 2020

This week we have had an exciting experience getting to grips with the new virtual parents evenings. We have very much enjoyed getting the chance to speak to everyone so far and sharing how your children have settled back into school and into their learning. We look forward to meeting more parents next week.

In our English lessons this week, we started to explore our new text – blue penguin. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the main character in this text so far and how difficult life can feel when you are left out for being different. Over the next couple of weeks we will be writing a diary as if we are the blue penguin and exploring thoughts and feeling further.

  1. During our Maths lessons we have continued to look at fractions and how we can find a fraction of an amount using our times tables. Don’t forget to keep practising them. We ended the week looking at missing box problems which were very challenging so we were impressed with the children’s resilience when trying to solve these.

    For spelling home learning we have been exploring the -gue and -que word endings. Can you find some words with these endings and practise spelling them. The phonics group have been looking at the ‘ph’ sound.

    On Monday 30th November we will be having a day dedicated to learning some British sign language. The children have been given the challenge of finding out some signs over the weekend to impress and surprise their teachers with on Monday. Come back next week to see some pictures. We also have a STEM day on Friday 4th December – again we hope to have lots of photos to share next week.

Thank you to all the children who bought in a reading book review this week and to all the children who regularly bring in their home spelling to share.  We really do like to see what you have been doing at home.  Don’t forget to send in any creative home learning to display.

Congratulations to our showstopper writers, golden key winners and this week we have the mathemagician award winners also!

Take care and stay safe!

Mrs Stewart, Miss Shaw and Mrs Pike.

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