9th November 2020

This week we have been remembering all the people who have died in the wars and the people who are still suffering around the world today. During collective worship, we reflected on what we are grateful for and prayed for those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. During our RE lesson, we created prayers for remembrance which we displayed proudly in our classroom area.

During our Maths lessons this week, we have been looking at adding fractions with the same denominator. We have used number lines, part part wholes and the bar model to show these.
Our literacy lessons have focussed on the three sentences types: statement, question and exclamation. We have been sorting sentences by these categories and then creating our own to use in our persuasive writing based on the text ‘meerkat mail.’
Home learning: for spellings we have been looking at the long a sound (eigh, ey, ei) and the phonics group have been learning the ‘wh’ sound. Thank you to all the children who completed the reading review for this week. Here are a few good examples of home learning this week.

Our new topic this term is all about farming and healthy eating.  The children have some creative home learning ideas to try to complete between now and the end of term. The expectation is that they try one of the activities and bring it in to share. We’d like to create a display of the children’s work so please send them in whenever they are completed. Finally, just a reminded for completing the reading passport as well as the must read texts.

Congratulations to all of our showstopper writers, perfect presentation pupils and golden key winners.

Have a restful and safe weekend.

Mrs Stewart, Miss Shaw, Mrs Pike



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