Friday 6th November 2020

Welcome back after what we hope was a restful half term break.

Today in school was our Deep Learning History Day which was focused on the Gunpowder Plot. We started the day by familiarising ourselves with the story and created a story map of events.  We moved onto a conscience alley task were we discussed possible punishments suitable for Guy Fawkes. Some children became King James and walked down our conscience alley. The rest of the class gave their possible punishment ideas to the king and at the end he decided which punishment was most suitable. Finally, we then debated the question- is it ok to break the law if you are standing up for your beliefs?

In Maths, we have started a unit on Fractions. We looked at the key vocabulary used in the unit particularly: equal parts, denominator, numerator, whole, half, third, quarters, fifths.  We then represented these fractions in different ways by naming them, drawing them and writing them. (1/2, half, and then a visual representation of half). Towards the end of the week we solved problems using these.

In writing, we started a new unit using the book ‘meerkat mail.’ We had great excitement when we received a postcard from the book – ask your children about this! We have been building on our usage of persuasive language following our recent vocabulary home learning before half term.

Home learning: Please be sure to complete your spelling and vocabulary tasks for this week.  We also would like to see some more book reviews next Friday. We have a ‘Wow work display’ and already some children have had their work photocopied and displayed.  Some children are making good progress at reading the ‘must reads’ for this year.  Again, progress is being tracked in class so if your child has completed a book, please do make sure they let us know as and when. Finally, if you have completed your reading passport already, we will take them in and display these in the classroom.

Coming up this half term: Our topic will be farming: Field to fork.  We will be exploring how farming has changed over time, why is it important, and where our food comes from.  We will also be looking at diet in our Science lessons and the importance of a good, balanced and healthy diet.  We will be continuing our unit on Prayers, Saints and Feasts in RE.    Our Guided reading is based on a text called ‘Farm boy’ by Michael Morpurgo.

Congratulations to our showstoppers, Golden key winners and perfect presentation children.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy any fireworks that you may see from your window!

Team Three



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