E-safety talks

Year 3 Welcome Meeting : We have uploaded a new and improved version of the Welcome Meeting. Link below:

Year 3 welcome video for parents

English:  This week we have started our new text in English – Stone Age Boy.  The children have been using role play to explore the relationship between the characters and exploring the meanings of new vocabulary.  The children have also been composing and rehearsing new sentences using exciting vocabulary. Next week we will be starting to use some of the new vocabulary in a setting description.

Maths: We have started looking at how we can use our number bonds to add 3 one digit numbers. The children were given number sentences such as 9 + 3 + 1 and had to think about how they might use their number bond knowledge to help decide the order to add these numbers – for example I know 1 + 9 = 10 + 3 more.  Later in the week we applied this further to help add a two digit number and a one digit number.

Spellings: Most of the children have been learning about the -le and -el rule.  For our Phonics learning we have been looking at using the sound -ay to help us with our spelling.

Science: The children have been rock detectives this week. They have been looking at different rocks and thinking about whether they might be sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous and grouping them accordingly.  We were very impressed with the discussions that they were having.

Thank you to all the children who managed to complete their first book review.  We were inspired by them today.  Our next date for looking at the book reviews will be 9th September 2020.

Finally, but importantly, ask your children about Buddy and his tips for staying safe on a tablet.  There might be a catchy tune that the children could share with you….. 🙂


Team Three


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