Monthly Archives: July, 2020

Goodbye lovelies!

Well… what a year! It wasn’t what any of us expected, we are sad that our time with each other was cut short. It has been lovely to see you work so hard at home, we have loved looking at your home learning and seeing some of your smiling faces in school. We can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye to you all so soon. We hope you all have a super, super summer and that you have a fabulous start to Year 4.

Thank you so much to everyone that has brought us in presents, it is so kind of you in these difficult times.

We thought it would be nice to post some pictures of our favourite times from the year…

And last, but not least, we would like to congratulate Lion class, who are the official Year 3 champions with 2 SumDog wins to 1. Unlucky,  Hippos – there’s always next year 😛

Take care everyone and  have a fantastic summer.

Miss Shaw, Mrs Atkins and Mrs Pike x

Friday 10th July 2020

Hello everyone,

Somehow, strangely, we are looking ahead to our final week of the academic year. This will be the last Home Learning blog from us. We really appreciate the effort that you have all put into Home Learning and would encourage you to revisit our past blog posts over the summer to undertake any missed activities. Oaks Academy is also continuing and lessons remain live too.

To mark the end of Year 3, we are going to have a final Sum Dog competition to find the ultimate, ULTIMATE champion class. Lions and Hippos are tied on one win each, so this is the tie-breaker. You have from Monday until 3pm on Friday. Good luck!

So… here is your final Home Learning of 2019/2020!


WELL BEING: Continue with mind yeti.

Try one or more of these activities once a day for the next week.

  1. Lie with your back on the floor and place a soft toy on your tummy. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply and try and concentrate on the way your toy rises and falls with your breathing.
  2. Choose a subject to focus your thoughts or simply write about whatever arises in your mind for 5 minutes.
  3. Take a walk and concentrate on teha ct of walking. What movements foes each leg perform in each stride? Which part of your foot hits the ground first? What does the ground feel like underneath your shoe/foot?
  4. If you have any worries – write them on pieces of paper. Then when you’re finished, rip the paper up and throw them away – throwing your worries away with them
  5. Blow bubbles – concentrating on the way they expand and then float away.


We’ve really enjoyed hearing all about your family time during lockdown. Sometimes, when we spend a lot of time with the same people, we can get on each others nerves. Try the following activity as a way of reminding yourselves and your fabulous family, how much you love them.

  • Draw round your body or draw the outline of your family member on a piece of paper. Fill that paper with all the things you love about that person and give it to them to read. Encourage all the people you live with to do this for each other. We bet it’ll put lots of smiles on your faces.



Here are some fun Chinese craft ideas to end our china topic!

Chinese drum-

Chinese fan-

Chinese slat book-

SPAG:    Spelling

Please find attached a selection of word searches full of commonly misspelt words. Find the best word search for you and complete.

Challenge- can you now create your own word search of words that YOU find tricky to spell.



Please find attached Cameron’s conjunction challenge to complete. Remind yourself of what a conjunction is and underline all the conjunctions on the sheet.

Challenge- can you create your own sentences using a conjunction?

Cams Conjunctions


Watch the video on the link below:

A young boy builds himself a rocket and sends himself off to Space.  He lands on a far away planet.  His spaceship breaks down, a friendly alien lands and he breaks down too.  The little boy parachutes to earth to get some tools to fix the ship.  He gets back by way of a huge ladder, fixes the machines and then they both fly off.

Choose one or more of the following writing opportunities:

  • Write a diary/recount of the adventure in the video.
  • Build a rocket and decide where it is going – write your own adventure story. Maybe you could film the story yourself.
  • Write a holiday brochure page for their destination.
  • Write dialogue between the boy and the alien.
  • Write a description of the alien or the strange place in which they land.

Skills you’ve learnt in year 3 that you could use:

-Fronted adverbials.

-High level vocabulary (using a thesaurus to choose specific and relevant words)

– Descriptive language – expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors, alliteration.

– Speech – correctly punctuated and a variety of words for ‘said’.

If you prefer to use the Oaks Academy lessons-



Lots of you have been cooking and baking at home over these last few months so we think it’s really important to be able to accurately read scales and measure carefully.




Guided reading


  • What happened before this picture?
  • How did the house get on top of the dragon? Who tied it onto the dragon’s back?
  • Is the dragon happy about this?
  • How do the girl and the dragon know one another?
  • Why is the girl sitting on top of the house and not inside it?
  • Is anyone else inside the house?
  • Where did the kites come from?
  • Where are the girl and the dragon going?
  • Why are they travelling in this way?
  • Give this picture a more interesting title.

Challenge: Compare this picture with the picture below titled ‘Best Friends’.

What’s similar and what’s different?

Which image do you prefer and why?

Does the dragon belong to the boy, or does the boy belong to the dragon?


Religious Education – Miss Honeywell

As we approach the end of the school year and consider our journey in faith towards God, now is a great time to reflect upon each of the Sacraments that form a special part of this journey. Please choose ONE of the seven Sacraments below: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, Reconciliation or Anointing of the Sick.

With your chosen sacrament, have a go at ONE of the following tasks…


  • Write a prayer or poem about your favourite Sacrament. How could you ask for God’s blessing and guidance throughout your Christian journey? Describe how you would feel during the Sacrament.


  • Create a stained glass window to represent the key symbol(s) of your chosen Sacrament. What do these symbols mean and why do you think that they are they important?


  • Can you find any photographs at home from when you or a family member took part in any of the Sacraments? Discuss what the experience was like and what you can both still remember.


  • Make a set of game cards to help you remember each of the sacraments (e.g. Snap, Pairs, Dobble) and how they are similar or different to one another.


  • Are there any special garments or items of clothing that you would wear when taking part in your chosen Sacrament? Design an appropriate outfit – which colours or details would be suitable?


  • Research how your chosen Sacrament is celebrated across different churches and countries. How do the celebrations compare to each other? Is there anything that surprised you?


Music from Mrs Sumba

Think back over the past school year which started in September 2019. What can you remember doing? Make a list of these things.


Now think of a tune you know well.

Using this tune and the list you have written, can you compose a song about this school year? Perhaps you could record yourself singing it.


Science from Miss Stapley

Spaghetti Towers  – to watch the video

The activity:

  • Make a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • Experiment with the construction of your tower to find out which shapes are best for building with.
  • Learn why some shapes are more stable than others when you build a tower. – for the full information on the activity and questions to ask your child(ren)

You will need:

Packet of spaghetti (uncooked) • Packet of marshmallows

What to do:

Challenge a child or children to use marshmallows (whole ones or pieces) to join lengths of spaghetti together to make the tallest tower possible. You could start by building a simple cube and seeing what you need to do to make a taller structure that remains standing.

Going Further challenge:

  • Instead of building a tall tower, you could try to build the strongest bridge from spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • You could limit the amount of spaghetti and number of marshmallows to make the task more difficult.
  • You could give children a budget with which to ‘buy’ spaghetti and marshmallows and make the ‘cost’ of the tower another element they have to consider.
  • Try out this interactive ‘shapes’ lab to see how forces affect different shapes:

Have fun!

Friday 3rd July 2020

Happy Friday everyone, we hope you’re all well. It has been so, so wonderful to see so many of your lovely faces this week. We can’t believe how much we’ve laughed and how much you’ve grown! We are so proud of you all and the soon-to-be Year 4s that you’ve become.

We can’t quite believe it but here is your penultimate Home Learning blog before the summer…


WELL BEING: Mind Yeti. Google Mind yeti and follow the videos.

It’s been a hot week and you’ve had a busy few weeks with all your fantastic home learning. Take some time for you. You can do this alone or with members of your family – even with your friends over face-time or zoom.

The mind yeti videos are all about mindfulness. Many of you may have lots of things going round in your heads, maybe lots of thoughts about school next year and how it will be, who your new teacher will be etc. Maybe things are starting to change again at home with parents returning to work. Maybe you are struggling to get to sleep at night because of the heat – watch the videos and try and do at least 10 minutes of Mind Yeti every day.

Topic:  Chinese cuisine.

Have you ever eaten Chinese food? What’s your favourite?

Research Chinese cuisine (there is a PowerPoint to help you). Record any interesting information you find and then complete the activity below.

Chinese Food

Food Worksheet

Fancy making Chinese food at home? Here’s a link to 10 family friendly recipes to try:


SPAG:    Spelling- Your turn to be the teacher!


The following sentences have spelling errors. They will be found in spellings words we have covered this year. Can you proof read the sentence and correct the mistakes? Be careful as there may be more than one in each sentence.


1, The little girl skiped to school.

  1. The Cheshire cat smild at Alice with a wide grinn.
  2. I was unhapy when my football team lost there match.
  3. Their was just about enogh money in my purse to by the magazine.
  4. My freind doe’snt have a dog.
  5. The breaks on my bike weren’t working so I crashd into the pond.
  6. I wanted to where my spoty dress to the party.
  7. My sister was worryd that shed be late for school.
  8. My teacher thort I was being naughty but I was trying to be helpfull.
  9. Carlessly, I through away my train ticket.




Challenge: What does the root word mean? Can you think of other words that have it as a root word?

Challenge: Take the word believe as your root word. How many other words are in this family? E.g. believable, belief.



What is a consonant? What is a vowel? Can you list them?



Activity 1: Start or finish your dragon newspaper report from last week’s home learning. As said last week, this should have taken you quite a white as it is important to spend some quality time following the steps that we do in school when writing so that you produce the best piece of writing you can.


  1. Plan your writing
  2. Write your first draft
  3. Spend some time editing and improving – monkey ears, read it through with an adult, use a thesaurus to improve word choices, check all your sentences don’t start the same, check spelling and punctuation.
  4. Then publish – be proud of your hard work. There are many blank templates on line to help you present your work correctly. Here is a link to help




First, create a name for your newspaper and a headline for the article.

After that, write your newspaper article – remember to include:

  • Who, where, when and what, how! Go back to your research to find this information.
  • How people reacted and felt – this is a good time to use your speech.
  • What is going to happen next (be creative)
  • Conclude with somewhere that people can go / call / email for help, to give more information, for support.


SUPPORT: Use the example template for a similar news article that you can use a model to support you.





Vary your sentence structure: Can you use a fronted adverbial to show (e.g. Still shaking in fear, Mrs. Pike stated she was just so grateful that the children weren’t in school at the time of the attack.)  Word mat provided to remind you of the options.–fronted-adverbials-ks2-word-mat-list-_ver_6.pdf?__token__=exp=1592815621~acl=%2Fresource%2Ff5%2Fc4%2Ft-l-4647–fronted-adverbials-ks2-word-mat-list-_ver_6.pdf%2A~hmac=60e431cd62337003b83721978d6b06603200626e08fd5407893a343bd8ff2054


Can you use a subordinate clause (Mrs. Atkins, a year 3 class teacher, was shocked by the damage caused.)


Activity 2: POETRY

Look at the following Bitezize videos about different types of poetry.

Choose a style of poetry and write your own poem about dragons (you can write more than one in a different style if you’d like to.)

Use the following to help:

– the dragon poems from guided reading last week

– the dragon word mats from your previous home learning.

– the new dragon vocabulary sheet linked to this weeks guided reading.

REMEMBER: Use high level, creative vocabulary.


Challenges: You don’t have to do all of these but they are features of poetry to consider when planning and writing your own.

Can you make it rhyme? (But it still make sense)

Can you use alliteration?

Can you use similes and metaphors?  (As, as or like – remember the song?

Can you use onomatopoeia?

If you’d prefer more guidance to create your own poems, follow this sequence of Oak Academy lessons…


Guided reading

Use the picture – discuss and record your responses in any way you wish. There is no right or wrong – use inference and your imagination.

DRAGON guided reading

  • What can you see? What do you think is happening/has happened/will happen? What do you wonder?  Complete the See, think wonder resource sheet.
  • Who owns this boat? Where is it from? Where is it going? Who travels on this boat?
  • What can you see beneath the surface of the water?
  • What is the creature called? Describe the creature. Consider its eyes, mouth, legs, tail and other details.
  • What is the creature doing?
  • Why does it have the anchor chain in its mouth?
  • Has the creature been asked to pull the boat in this way? Is it under control or out of control?
  • Where is it taking the boat?
  • Why is it acting in this way?
  • Why are the fish swimming alongside the creature?
  • Who is in the hot air balloons?



Write a 100-word story about this picture. Try to include some of the words on the dragon vocabulary page.




Here are the next three Oak academy lessons to complete.

Challenge one-

Challenge two-

Challenge three-

Challenge four-


Have a go at this End of Unit Assessment to see how much you’ve learned about Forces and Magnets. Ask a grown up or older sibling to mark it for you using the answers page. If there’s an area which you could improve upon, re-read the previous weeks lessons or do extra research on BBC Bitesize

End of Unit Assessment


Art from Mrs Pearson:

Art Challenge For Father Jeremy:

Father Jeremy has got a very special celebration coming up on 26th July this year. He will be celebrating 45 years since his ordination into the priesthood. I think this is a remarkable achievement and should be marked by your incredible artwork. Therefore, your Art challenge for the next fortnight is to produce a piece of art for Father Jeremy. This can take any form you like from street art, a drawing, collage or even some edible art! As well as being a priest, Father Jeremy has a wide range of interests including walking, reading and nature. So let your creative juices flow and come up with something spectacular…. I know you will!
As I have mentioned, this is a two-week challenge and I would ask that, as well as me displaying your art on the Blog, would you please keep hold of it (yes even sculptures you may make), so that I can collect it from you, when we are all back in school and put it in a book and then present in to Father Jeremy.
As always, you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.
Please email your artwork to me:
Thank you
Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson



Music from Mrs Sumba

Over the past few weeks, you have listened to 10 pieces of music composed by Musical Trailblazers. Go to the website below and listen to them again.  

Which was your favourite and why?
Which was your least favourite and why?


Science from Miss Stapley

If your child has an allergy to eggs – please choose another exciting investigation from

Bouncing Eggs – watch the video

  • Make an uncooked egg bounce!
  • ExpeRiment with different liquids to see what effect they have on eggs.
  • Learn how the acid in household liquids like orange juice and vinegar react with eggshells and make them dissolve, leaving the inside of the egg intact. – download worksheet for instructions and questions to ask before and after the investigation.

You will need:

5 eggs • Glasses or jars that an egg can fit inside comfortably • Cling film • Oil • Milk • Water • Vinegar • Orange juice

Going further challenge:

  • You can use the shell-less eggs you make from this experiment to do another activity which will let you shrink and expand the eggs by placing them in different liquids:
  • Watch a video of how to make a coloured bouncy egg, then try making one yourself: