Friday 12th June

Hello Year Three, we hope you are all well?

We won’t be posting any more baking photos or photos of Odi the dog, as we are all back in school teaching full time! Mrs Atkins and Miss Shaw are teaching pods of 15 in year R and Mrs Pike is teaching a key worker children pod. But we are enjoying hearing about all of your adventures on our phonecalls.

Here is your home learning for this week, we hope you are enjoying your new topic China-

Topic:  The Great Wall of China.

  1. Take a virtual walk along the Great Wall of China.

  1. Can you create poster about The Great Wall of China? You can include any information but these questions may be a helpful starting point and there’s a website that may be useful too.
  • Who built it and when?
  • Why was it built?
  • The size of the wall – height and length?

  1. Great Wall of China lego activity.

Great wall of china lego



Can you help us? Specialist believes it may be a similar species of dragon to the one that has been spotted recently in The USA. Watch the video clips to see for yourselves!


Part 1:

Discuss what you think might have happened at our school. Use the hand template to think of key questions you would need to investigate in order to be able to report on this strange event? Why don’t you draw round your own hand to present your work?


Part 2:

The staff attended a meeting in school this week to find out some more information – we have made some notes for you. Can these help with your investigation? Do the notes answer any of your key questions? What other information about the dragon and the event can you deduce from our notes.


Guided reading: Newspapers

Activity 1: Match the feature of a newspaper to the purpose. You can cut and stick using the attached activity or use this as a guide to present your work how you wish. Can you label a newspaper or find examples of each feature?

Guided reading features of a newspaper

Activity 2: One of the features was ‘facts’. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion? Discuss with people at home / research and record your findings.

Activity 3: Complete the fact or opinion activity. Fact or opinion task 3



Here are the next two oaks academy lessons to complete-

If you fancy a challenge…



Below is a table of all the different graphemes for the long vowel /ee/. Can you add different words containing this phoneme to the correct column?


It’s time for another hunt around your house! This time we want you to take a magnet with you – just an ordinary fridge magnet will do. Make a list of objects which are magnetic (attracted by the magnet) and are not magnetic (are not attracted by the magnet) and put them into a table like this…

Magnetic Not Magnetic



Look for patterns or clues in your observations. What do the magnetic items have in common? As an extra challenge, research what makes something magnetic to see if your observations are correct.


Music from Mrs Sumba

Antonio Vivaldi

Go to the website below and watch Stephanie Childress’ video about Antonio Vivaldi.

Why was Antonio considered a musical trailblazer?

Now close your eyes and listen to the whole piece on the 2nd video.

What pictures come into your head?

Find a creative way to respond to the music. This could be by dancing, drawing, painting or writing a poem. You may have your own idea.


Why not listen to another piece from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons- Spring, Autumn or Summer?


Science from Miss Stapley

**Please note that this activity must be carried out in the presence of an adult to ensure safety**

Safety advice for parents

  • Do the activity on a table which is cleared of any other flammable objects or materials. Use your judgement as a parent to decide whether or not to let your child light the candles on their own.
  • Make sure you’ve blown out any candles after doing the activity. Don’t move a lit candle when doing this activity. Don’t allow your child to touch the wick or candle until it has completely cooled.
  • Don’t leave a lit candle unattended at any time. There’s more extensive safety advice on using candles from the UK Fire Service here:

The activity

  • Make a blown out candle relight as if by magic.
  • Experiment to find out how long a candle will burn in different amounts of air.
  • Learn about the chemistry of how a candle burns.

What you will need

  • At least one tea light or other small candle.
  • Gas-powered cooker lighter (or long handled matches).
  • Glass jars or glasses of various sizes.
  • Stopwatch (maybe the one on your smartphone) or other way of measuring time.

What to do  – for information sheet about the activity.

Going Further Challenge: Learn more facts about fire:  Make a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher for your candles:  Watch a video on how candles are made:  Use a candle to suck water into a glass like Josh does at the end of the film:


RE learning from Miss Honeywell

Following the celebration of Pentecost in our Church calendar, we would like you continue to reflect upon our Mission and how we can ‘use the gifts God gave us to make our world a better place’.

Just as the Holy Spirit had appeared to the Apostles of Jesus and gave them hope while they were in Jerusalem, we would like you to consider how YOU can use the power of the Holy Spirit to support and encourage others.

Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to explore how we can continue God’s work on Earth as His followers?

– Design a logo for a charity that you feel could be made in order to support others. You can be as creative as you like! Can you include symbols of the Holy Spirit?

– Research one of the following organisations: CAFOD, Christian Aid, Missio. What is special about this charity? How do they put the needs of others first?

– Create a new school Mission Statement for St. Peters – what else can we do to help others in our community and the wider world? Which actions do you feel would be most important?

– Paint a picture of Oscar Romero. How did he follow the values set out by our school Mission Statement? Can you include key facts about his work?

– Write a letter to your local priest. Could you suggest any ways in which you could support the Church in raising money for good causes, in the future? E.g. by helping in a bake sale or coffee morning, once it is safe to do so.


Art Challenge from Mrs Pearson

Key Stage Two for your art challenge this week I would like you to do a piece of Artwork linked to a poem or book. This could be a collage picture from Owl and the Pussycat, or a STREETART word from a war poem. You may even design a new front cover for your favourite book. Let your fantastic imaginations go wild! WOW! CHALLENGE: Read the poem or part of the book aloud to your family, using expression.

Ideas to inspire you:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


Have a lovely week and stay safe Happy Hippos and Lovely Lions!

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