29th May 2020 – Home Learning

We hope you’ve had a restful half term and have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine! We can’t believe the final half term of the year is here. As always, we’re missing you lots and hoping to see you lovely faces soon 🙂

Here is the home learning for the week ahead…


Locate China on a world map/ globe. What continent is it on? What countries does it border? Which sea is it near?

Speak to people you know, use books/ internet to make a fact file about China. Use the files attached to help you. You can present your work as creatively as you’d like to.

Fact Files  Fact File 2


There are many different versions and videos of the story of the Chinese zodiac. Here are a couple.


Debate: do you think the rat deserved to win?

Talk to people in your family and debate the question above. Record your argument as if you were going to present it as a speech persuading other people to agree with you.


Guided reading:

Please follow the link to download the text about the year of the dog and answer the questions below. There are three different texts and answers. Choose the one that’s best for you. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-e-4802-lks2-the-year-of-the-dog-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity



If you enjoyed last weeks angle lessons here are the next two-



If not, remember when we made our right angle eaters? Can you make your own one at home and see how many right angles you can find around your house?

Now if an angle is smaller then a right angle we call this an acute angle. If it is bigger, then we call this an obtuse angle. Can you find any acute and obtuse angles around the house?

Now draw a picture or a series of shapes and label the different size angles in it.


What do all of these words have in common?


Young       double      touch     trouble     country     rough


What sound does the ‘ou’ make?

Rainbow write these words and circle the ‘ou’ in them.

Can you now write these words in to a sentence?



Our new science topic is ‘Forces and Magnets’. This week, as an introduction and a bit of a refresher, we’d like you to watch a selection of clips from the BBC Bitesize website. You don’t have to watch them all – just whatever takes your fancy! There are clips about how forces work in all sorts of different settings, from boats and cars to how they affect astronauts and cyclists.


Once you’re happy with what a ‘force’ is, perhaps you can go on a forces hunt around your house or garden, or whilst on a walk. Look out for forces in action, having an affect on the things around us, including ourselves!

Music from Mrs Sumba

Johannes Brahms

Go to the website below and watch Radzi Chinyanganya’s video about Johannes Brahms.


Why was Brahms considered to be a musical trailblazer?

Now listen to the whole piece in the second video.

Can you spot the changes in tempo? When is it fast? When is it slow? Try moving to the music.

Find 2 objects that you could use like drums- 1 should have a high sound (pitch), 1 should have a low pitch.

Practise playing them- left, right, left, right – create a steady pulse in time with the music. Does the pulse change?


Art from Mrs Pearson- animal magic!

For this week’s Art Challenge I would like you produce some art that is linked to ANIMALS!  Your animal can live on the land, in the sea or the sky. If you prefer, you can make your own mythical animal from your own imagination… or even a fusion of two animals.  It can be a drawing, a painting, it can be made from a kitchen roll tube, a painted stone, made from things you find in the woods or at the beach or anything else that you can think of. I’m sure you will create something ‘magical’, as always!       Ideas to inspire you:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!


Mrs Pearson

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