Welcome back

We hope you all had a lovely and restful two weeks off for Christmas, it may seem like a distant memory now! Thank you all so much for our lovely presents, we really appreciate your generosity.

We have jumped straight back in to learning this week focusing on our new topic the rainforest!

Already in geography we have used an atlas to identify the rainforests around the world and investigated the equator and the effect it has. We then compared the rainfall and temperature in Britain to the rainforest in Brazil using bar graphs and interpreting data. We looked at the water cycle and completed a science experiment where we created our own cloud (it has been a very busy first week back!).

In English this week we created our own new species of animal discovered in the rainforest. We will document and explain this new species habitat, diet and appearance in David Attenborough style.

In maths we have focused on fractions of amounts using bar models to equally spilt the amounts. We have problem solved what could be in the missing boxes.

Thank you to everyone who has given us a house plant to water and look after over the next few weeks, we appreciate it, please keep them coming.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Year Three team

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